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Warming up Presentation Practice Exercise Quiz Homework: |
Greetings: 1. Hello ! How are you? I’m ok! 2.Asking students: Count from 1-12 Add to 10 3. Tell the students we will have a trip around the magic city. 4. brain storm To show the pictures of food and ask them speak out as quick as they could. 1、enter the first gate a. to watch the flash of banana. And help the students to learn the new sentences and practice by the words of fruits. b. ask and answer: asking students to guess what fruit do I like? 2. enter the second gate a. Asking students to watch the picture and guess what’s behind the cloud? To learn the new word: mango b. Help the students to chant together. c. to help the students to do the exercises. 3. Enter the third gate a. to watch the picture and help the students to find out the bread in the forest. b. to help the students to learn the new word bread c. to help students to discriminate countable noun and uncountable noun. 4.enter the last gate a. to ask the students to circle the right words . b. to help the little boy to prepare the healthy breakfast. Back to the real life a. Help students to watch the dialogue and answer the questions. b. to help them to read the new dialogue sentence by sentence. And then to number the sentences. c. Help them to make up new dialogue by themselves. Asking group leaders to count the cards they got. 1. to ask your parents what food do they like? 2. prepare the healthy breakfast for your parents. |
1. Hi ! I’m fine. thank you. And you? 2.count from 1-12 Add to 10 3. Watch the pictures and prepare the trip. 4.Watch the pictures of food and speak out the English names. To watch the flash and guess what they are singing. To practice the new sentences I like… I don’t like… To guess what does teacher like? To guess what’s behind the cloud. ![]() ![]() To do the exercises to get the key. ![]() To know the words and to know how to use them in the certain way. To circle the right words to get the key. To do the exercises ![]() Watching the dialogue. To read it one by one. Listen and number the sentences. Make a survey. To make up new dialogues. To count the cards and practice the sentence: Show me… |
热身环节主要以复习之前一个单元所学数字为主,通过点数数字,和数字相加得十的练习使学生很快进入英语学习的语境,并且为后面点数水果数量做了铺垫。 头脑风暴练习以复习上学期所学食物水果为目的,以获得开启神秘大门钥匙为前提,使学生的复习热情空前高涨,兴趣度大大提升。 本环节以著名影片中小黄人的演唱视频引入本课关键词句I like和I don’t like的学习,使学生在愉快的氛围中自然习得语言,并加以应用。(apple banana两词为三年级上册单词,在此当做熟词处理) 通过猜老师喜爱的水果来获取开启第二扇门的钥匙,同时也植入do you like…?句型的练习,使知识达到综合应用的目的。 芒果在魔幻城,以违背常规的飞在天上的形式出现,出乎了学生的意料,却激起了他们的好奇心,同时配以字母o的发音练习,让学生对元音字母的理解和掌握更近了一步。 第三扇大门打开的是魔法森林,以神奇墨水的形式让学生找出藏在树上的面包,同样让学生意想不到。在辨音学习之后加入可数名词和不可数名词的区分练习,让不可数名词的概念根植于学生的心底。 第四扇门是本课书的巩固练习环节,能够拼出单词考验学生对本课新知是否掌握的有效方法。并且请学生为小同学Ben设计营养早餐,将德育教育渗透于教学环节之中,育学生于无形。 魔幻城毕竟是虚幻的,不真实的,我们一起回归现实生活,向学生介绍我们生活中看到水果和食物的地方,给学生树立正向的思维,请同学观看课文并加以适当的课文练习。 点数归纳获得的卡片,也是实际操练句型show me…的好机会。 教师示范show me the big letter A.学生出示手中相应字母卡片,并翻转卡片,读出单词并说出是否喜欢。然后以小组为单位进行卡片统计,粘贴,并进行小组讨论,同时可以延伸I like…and…. I don’t like…and…句型练习。 |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com