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外研版必修三unit3 The new age of invention平度



视频课题:外研版必修三unit3 The new age of invention平度

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外研版必修三unit3 The new age of invention平度

课题: the new age of invention
年级: 高一

教师活动 学生活动 设计目的 所用时间
Lead-in Display two pictures on the screen, and let the students talk about the differences. Students talk about how the way we live has changed and the reasons behind these changes. Try to interact with the students and introduce the topic 2 minutes
文章整体 活动
Ask the students to read the interview and find out the inventions mention in the passage. Students read the passage quickly and underline the inventions. The students can get a general understanding of the passage .  
4 minutes
Lead the students to think. Try to figure out: What ages do these inventions belong to? Why does the interviewee mention ”the wheel,the car”? The student can   know the structure of the interview.  
2 minutes
3-4段 活动三 So many inventions are mentioned, how can they help us understand the title?
Let the students read para3-4
Students read para3-4 and answer:1.Why are the inventions so important?
2. Is the great age of invention over?
After reading and answer the questions, students can know the great age of invention isn’t over in Richard’s opinion.  
3 minutes
活动四 Do you agree with Dr. Richard’s opinion?
So many inventions and technologies are mentioned in this part, which can be confusing. Ask the students to draw a mind map to help them understand better.
Students read para5-8 and answer:.  What is the characteristic of these inventions? And the students try to draw a mind map.
Students can know they are tech-based and the relations between them.  
4 minutes
The teacher lead the students to show and explain their mind maps.  Students share or enjoy the mind maps. Students can know different versions of mind maps.  
2 minutes
活动六 Display of the teacher’s mind maps and the teacher lead the students to understand the sentence”we should soon be seeing further developments” and learn some useful phrases and sentence patterns Try to understand the teacher’s version of mind maps. Learn the usage of “in terms of, it is possible to.., it is capable of.., advances in.. mean...” Students can learn some useful expressions to describe and invention.   
3 minutes
Do you think these inventions change your life? So we are really in a new age of invention. What’s the secret behind these inventions? Students express their ideas about the changes brought by these inventions. Let the students  better understand the title.  
2 minutes
活动八 Lead the students to find out the inspiration for inventions. Students read para9-14 Students can learn the spirit of invention.  
2 minutes
活动九 Why does the interviewee use”only... big international”? And the teacher show the examples: Shenzhou12 mission and the invention of CO-VID19 vaccine Students express their ideas about the question Student can know cooperation and teamwork matters.  
2 minutes
活动十 In Richard’s opinion: What inspires us to invent things? The teacher uses some pictures to help the students understand the reasons. The students understand the sentence:”This was no doubt the energy vehicles.” The students can understand the difficult sentences.  
2 minutes
活动十一 What’s Dr.Richard attitude towards the time machine?
The students express their understanding of Richard’s attitude and “Never say never” The students can learn some inspiration for invention from the saying “Never say never.”  
2 minutes
conclusion The conclusion of the interview. The students try to conclude the passage with the help of the pyramid picture. The students can get an overall understanding of the passage.  
3 minute
Dr.Richard is a writer and inventor, if you were the interviewer, what other questions would you ask Dr Richard Fairhurst? The students brainstorm as many questions as possible. The students mind can be opened.  
2 minutes
Besides these, what else inspires people to invent things? Students talk about other inspirations. Students can learn more inspirations for inventions.  
2 minute
Write and share
Lead the students to invent something to solve their own problems. Students write and share their inventions, using the expressions learned in this class. The student can put what they’ve learned into use.  
5 minutes
Present the homework
1.Polish your writing about your inventions. 
2. Work in pairs and act out the interview in your textbook.
Develop their writing skills.  

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“invention”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“外研版必修三unit3 The new age of invention平度”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“外研版必修三unit3 The new age of invention平度”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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