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高中英语北师大版必修5 Unit 15 Learning Lesson 3 Teachers河南省 - 安阳



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高中英语北师大版必修5 Unit 15 Learning Lesson 3 Teachers河南省 - 安阳

 1.Knowledge aim
understand the main idea of the passage and complete the exercise;
 2.Ability aim
learn some reading skills and can express themselves;
3.Emotional aim
practise using "wish" and "should have ..." to express regret.
As the students in Senior Two,they are lack of knowledge of subjunctive mood and some new expressions.
The usage of 'should have done' and 'wish' in subjuntive mood
a video for students to get to know the topic of the text.
活动1【导入】a video for the topic
It plalys a video to describe the relation between the teachers and students .It is used to arouse the emotion of  the students to their teachers.
The students are needed to read the passage in 3 minutes to pick some key words and fill in the blanks.
The students are required to read the text again and carefully in 5 minutes in order to judge which sentence is truth or false.
活动4【活动】Test your memory
let the students listen to the tape and find the missing words in the text and let them pay attention to the words in red.
After the listening,conclude the usage of 'should have done ' and 'wish' on the blackboard.
let the students pracise the usages of two sentence patterns.
活动7【活动】Another period of video to recall their memory
let the students enjoy another peiod of video
Think about what has happened between
your teacher and you. Was there anything
you did or didn’t which makes you still
regret. Please express your regrets by using
"I wish"or" I should have done".
Write a passage about your teacher and how he/she influenced you by using the sentence pattern we have learned.
一、Read the passage and chooose the best one.
1.When Graham came into my class, he was bit “difficult”.Probably “difficult ”means_____
A.not easy     B hard      C.unwilling to cooperate
2.According to Paragraph 1, we know that____
A Graham became a writer.
B. Graham was successful
C. Mr. Jenkins felt proud of Graham.
3,What things make Mr.Jenkins feel sense of success?
A.He has taught something well.
B.He sees his students doing well
C.The government gives more money for science education.
4. From“The government should give more money for science education.”we know that ________
A.The government doesn't give enough money for science education.
B.Mr.Jenkins suggests that the government should give more money for science education.
二、Which of the options(a-d)mean the same as the sentence given?There may be more than one.
1.I regret I didn’t study harder at school.
a) I wish I hadn’t studied harder at school.
b) I wish I had studied harder at school.
c) I wish I studied harder at school.
d) I should have studied harder at school.
2. what a pity I went to that school.
a) I should have gone to that school.
b) I wish I had gone to that school.
c) I wish I hadn’t gone to that school.
d) I shouldn’t have gone to that school.
3. I’d like to be a good student.
a) I wish I had been a good student.
b) I wish I was a good student.
c) I should have been a good student.
d) I wish I wasn’t a good student.
三、Figure out the words according to the given definition
1. concerning with practice         
2. make easy to do or understand
3. visible part of a fire
4. presenting or being presented
5. pressure, condition causing hardship, disquiet, etc.
6. that is worth the time, etc needed
四、Fill in the blanks with phrases from the text based on the given Chinese。
1.I didn’t know on _____________(毕业)that it would be years before I came back again
2.In those tough days I often _____________(想起)what my teacher had said, which guided me through the hardship.
3.A person ____________________(缺乏自信)himself will never achieve much.
4.Panic on the stock market ______(引发)a wave of selling
5.You’ll _______________(赢得)to her heart because you are not the type of man she likes.

  • CCBB
  • Bd,cd,b
  • 1.practical 2.simplify 3.falme 4.presentation 5.stress 6.worthwhile
  • 1.leaving school 2.thought about 3.lacking confidence in
    4.set off 5.have access

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