视频标签:Dragon,Boat Festiva
视频课题:福建省中学英语课堂实录比赛(北师大版)Unit3 Lesson1The Dragon Boat Festival
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福建省中学英语课堂实录比赛(北师大版)Unit3 Lesson1The Dragon Boat Festival
组 别 高中
设计主题:Unit3 Lesson1The Dragon Boat Festival
教学设计内容 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
设计主题 |
例如: 北师大版Book 1 Unit 3 Festival中的 Language focus部分里的C篇 (关于端午节的介绍) |
1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英语新课程标准要求高中学生的写作须达到“能写出语义连贯且结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度”。我们都知道培养写作能力是一项系统工程,写作训练需要细水长流,逐渐加强,才能“水到渠成”。教师要对写作训练的系统性、多样性、梯度性有足够的认识,高一、二时应该进行基础技能训练,确不可拔苗助长,急于求成。那种直接给学生读一篇文章就要学生用英语评析文章中的事件或人物的做法是不现实的,因为学生缺乏必备的词汇积累,是无法用英语表达出来的。本课例作者积极探讨能够最大限度调动学生主观能动性的任务型写作教学模式,关注基础,留意过程,寻求一种更切合实际的写作训练和评改策略。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2.教学背景分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教学内容分析: 这篇文章在Language focus中,是一篇介绍端午节的基本情况的短文,内容包括庆祝日期、起源的时间和庆祝方式、食物。Language focus主要关注语言的输入。 近几年来,全国卷的书面表达都是以应用文的形式出现。该堂课的写作任务也是请学生写一封邀请信,请外教来观看端午节赛龙舟比赛。在列要点的环节,学生就会遇到不知道怎么表达端午节相关内容,这时让学生读课本里的这小篇关于端午节的文章,能帮助学生解决这个问题。接下来,学生在开始写作时,会不知道如何写邀请信,不知道如何合理的拓展,这时,给学生读两篇优秀范文,帮他们获得启发。最后写出初稿后,投影让学生点评,取长补短。回家的作业就是学习别的同学的长处后再润色自己的文章。 近几年来,在英语教学上一直强调注重语篇教学,但是在注重语篇教学的同时切不可忽视单词、句型的教学,因为不管是阅读还是写作,都离不开这些基础。将通过文本学到的词汇、句型应用在书面表达中,有助于加深学生对它们的掌握。具体教学过程中,将写作时需要用到的词汇、句型先以翻译的形式出现。学生会翻译了,在之后的写作中,他们就能更自如地使用这些词汇、句型了。这样分步分解难度,会有利于学生内化知识、有利于学生提高学习自信心。 学生情况分析: 本班学生是刚从初中选拔上来的优秀学生,虽然还没有接触过高中教材,但是学习习惯好,接受能力强,基础扎实,在老师的引导下应该能现学现用。不过,在写邀请信时,按要求进行适当的拓展可能会难住学生。 |
3.教学目标分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(一)知识目标 词汇:四会fall on, the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year, the Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat race, special, sticky, inform, at your earliest convenience, look forwards to 句型;定语从句 (二)能力目标 读:能获取各段大意、文章大意;归纳出邀请信的结构;感受到邀请信的语气、措辞;查找出指定细节 写:将阅读中学到的词汇和邀请信的结构、措辞融入写作任务的完成中。 析:同伴互相评价习作,取他人之长。 (三)情感目标 1.向外国人介绍端午节,达到文化交流目的 2.同伴互相交流,相互促进,共同进步 |
4.教学重点、难点分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教学重点: 现学现用文章中学到的词汇、邀请信结构、邀请信措辞完成写作任务 教学难点: 1.如何根据写作任务要求列要点 2. 如何完成写作任务中要求的适当拓展 3. 如何指导学生互评习作 |
5.教学过程设计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. Pre-writing Step 1. To create an information gap by asking students to finish a writing task. (设计意图:创设信息差,激发学生学习动力) 假定你是李华, 你的班级决定组织同学5月30日端午节一起骑自行车去西湖观看龙比赛。请你给外教史密斯先生写封邮件,请他上午8:00在学校门口集合,一同前往感受中国传统文化。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.适当增加情节,以使行文连贯 Task: List the important points (2') (设计意图:指导学生在写作前根据写作任务要求列要点) 一、审题 1. 本文为_____________, 体裁属于_______________ 2. 时态以______________和________________为主 3. 人称为第_____________人称 二、拟点(用汉语列出本文的写作要点) 1. 2. . . 三、用英语拓展要点:记下拓展要点使想到可使用的高级词汇、句型、丰富句式(非谓语、从句) Step 2. Have the students read the passage 1 to get words and phrases related to Dragon Boat Festival. (设计意图:填补信息差,为写作积累词汇、句型。将写作时需要用到的词汇、句型先以翻译的形式出现。学生会翻译了,在之后的写作中,他们就能更自如地使用这些词汇、句型了。这样分步分解难度,会有利于学生内化知识、有利于学生提高学习自信心。) Passage 1 The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year. As it is in early summer, it marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year. The tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival started more than 20,000 years ago. In the old days, dragon boat races were organized only by Chinese people. However, in recent years, people from other cultures have also taken part in the races and enjoyed the fun. There is special food for the festival. It is called zongzi, which is sticky rice in fresh bamboo leaves. Task1: Read passage 1 and fill in the table with the information you read from the passage.(2') (设计意图:通过阅读获取端午节的相关信息,主要是这些他们已经很熟悉的与端午节相关信息的英文的表达方式) ![]() Task2: Translation.(5') (设计意图:通过翻译操练学生在文本中获得的可用于稍后写作任务中的短语、句型) 他的生日适逢星期天。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 中秋节是在农历8月15日。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 你在端午节会进行什么特殊的活动? _______________________________________________________________________________ 端午节是中国的传统节日,今年恰逢5月30日。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 为了庆祝这一重大节日,我们班打算骑自行车去西湖观看龙舟赛。 _______________________________________________________________________________ Step 3. Have the students read passage 2 to get the basic rule of writing an invitation letter. (设计意图:进一步填补信息差,注意写邀请信时采用恰当的语气。) Passage 2 Dear John, Knowing that you are interested in tea culture, I would like to sincerely invite you to the 9th China Ningbo International Tea Festival, which last from May 3rd,2018 to May 6th, 2018. During the International Tea Culture Tea Culture Festival, you could participate in many activities, including tasting various kinds of tea, and learn the complete process of drinking tea, which will help you get a deep understanding of tea. Drinking tea is beneficial. It can make you energetic at work or school, clear the body of excessive fat and help prevent many diseases. Presented in front you such a wonderful chance to get close to tea culture, can you hold back your urge to take part in it? Please write to me at your earliest convenience to tell me whether you would like to come so that I can make preparations for your accommodation in advance. I am looking forward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua Task 1: Get the main idea of each paragraph.(5') (设计意图:了解邀请信的结构) Task 2: Get the basic rule of an invitation letter-- ___________.(1') (设计意图:了解邀请信的措辞、语气) Task 3: Translation.(5') (设计意图:通过翻译操练学生在文本中获得的可用于稍后写作任务中的词汇) 他们会将他们的任何进展告诉我。 __________________________________________________________________________ 他告诉我他的梦想实现了。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 得知您对中国传统文化感兴趣,我们诚邀您和我们一起观看龙舟赛。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 如果有空,请尽快给我回信,期盼您的到来。 ___________________________________________________________________________ II. While-writing (15') (设计意图:让学生把从刚刚读过的两篇文章中学到与完成课堂开头提出的写作任务相关的词汇运用在实际写作任务中,在用中学。) III.Revising and grading (设计意图:通过师生共同评价作文让学生了解自己要写好一篇习作的努力方向) Step 1. 老师确定本次评价重点 * 要点是否涵盖 * 连贯词的使用 * 语气是否恰当 * 词汇是否丰富、句型是否多变 * 评定形式:等级式A、B、C、D 主要要点未涵盖D; 主要要点涵盖C; 主要要点涵盖、连贯词使用、语气恰当B; 主要要点涵盖、连贯词使用、语气恰当、词汇丰富、句型多变A。 Step 2 实物投影,展示部分学生完成的作文。 * 学生评定 * 教师评定 IV. Assignment 作文深加工:学习其他学生作文的长处,润色自己的初稿。 (设计意图:通过学习他人的长处提升自己的文章) Sample 1 Dear Mr. Smith, I’m writing on behalf of my class to invite you to experience the Dragon Boat Festival with us as it is drawing near. I've learnt that you have long been fascinated by profound Chinese culture which inspires us that dragon boat game will definitely suits your taste. Additionally, biking to the West Lake is bound to add great enjoyment, only in which case can we experience all the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival along the whole way. As for the evening, a party is to be thrown in our school, where inviting food, such as the well-known food, zongzi, can be shared as well as some ancient stories attached to the festival. I’d appreciate it if you can confirm whether you are available on that day and write back to me at your earliest convenience. Should you have an questions, feel free to contact me. We are looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua Sample 2 Dear Mr. Smith, As the Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner, our classmates decided to watch the dragon boat race held in the West Lake by bike. It’s our pleasure to invite you to enjoy it together. This year, the Dragon Boat Festival falls on May 30th, on which day people have many activities to memorize a poet named Qu Yuan. He loved his country so deep that he chose to die for his country. The people nearby were moved by his action, so they created the Dragon Boat race and made it a rule that everyone must eat zongzi this day. The traditions are passed on as time goes by. Nowadays, the race can not only remind people of the great poet, but also give people from all around the world a chance to explore the beauty of the Chinese traditional culture. That’s why we hope you can come. If you want to join us, please arrive at the school gate at 8:00 on that day morning with your bike. Should you have any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Yours, Li Hua |
6.教学评价设计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
一、评价内容: 评价内容可以从语言技能、情感态度以及文化意识等方面进行考虑。 1.语言技能:通过对介绍端午节的文章和一封邀请信的学习,学生能否提高快读和细读完成获取细节和概括各段大意的能力,掌握“读”的能力。 2.情感态度:通过对学习写作邀请信,注意与他人交际时要采用合适的态度、措辞。 1. 学习策略:是否有交流合作意识, 能否活用所学语言,是否具备发散思维 4.综合能力:是否会反思,有无团结协作意识与自主探究能力 二、评价方法:
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com