视频标签:On your bike
视频课题:福建省中学英语课堂实录比赛(北师大版)Module3 Unit9 Wheels Lesson 1 On your bike—Return of the white bikes
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福建省中学英语课堂实录比赛(北师大版)Module3 Unit9 Wheels Lesson 1 On your bike—Return of the white bikes
组 别 __ _高中英语_____
设计主题:Module3 Unit9 Wheels Lesson 1 On your bike
——Return of the white bikes!________
教学设计内容 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
设计主题 |
北师大版 Module3 Unit9 Wheels Lesson 1 On your bike —Return of the white bikes! |
1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
本节课课型为读写课。本课是模块三第9单元第一课,文章主要介绍了阿姆斯特丹“白色”自行车产生、消失、回归的发展历程,文章结构清楚,事件发展脉络清晰,语言朴实自然且实用。20世纪60年代,为了减少汽车对环境的污染、节约能源、提供更多免费的公共交通设施,阿姆斯特丹一些骑自行车爱好者发起倡议,推行并实施了“白色”自行车计划。虽然自行车窃贼偷走了为大众免费提供的“白色”自行车,阿姆斯特丹人并没有因此气馁,他们借助高科技,想出了解决自行车偷窃问题的办法,并最终成为今天的“自行车之城”。 课文旨在通过阿姆斯特丹城市“白色”自行车的发展历程为例,引发学生思考:中国的共享单车的出现及流行的原因,目前面临的问题,并鼓励学生思考并提出可以解决这些问题的方法。根据文章的脉络结构,画出阿姆斯特丹的“白色”自行车以及中国单车共享单车的思维导图,最后进行仿写活动。 |
2.教学背景分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
通过学习和讨论阿姆斯特丹“白色”自行车的发展历程,对比同学们已经很熟悉的共享单车在中国的出现,流行及面对的问题这个话题可以在学生中引起很大的共鸣。 授课对象为高一理科平行班,学生英语水平相对较整齐,经过高一前期英语课堂大部分学生能在老师的鼓励下较自信地用英语表达自己的观点、完成课堂活动,并具有一定的批判性思维。 |
3.教学目标分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
At the end of this period, students will be able to improve themselves in the following three dimensions. 1. Knowledge objectives (1) Ss will learn to match the headings with the paragraphs by focusing on the key words in paragraphs. (2) Ss will learn about the history of "white" bicycle ,including its appearance, disappearance and return in Amsterdam, and analyze the logical relationship between the events in the process. 2. Skill objectives (1) Ss will practice scanning for specific information by answering questions. (2) Ss will summarize the text with the help of the mind map. (3) Ss will compare the “white” bikes in Amsterdam with the shared bikes in China, and practise the imitative writing. 3. Emotion objectives (1) Ss will improve their green and low-carbon travel awareness of environmental protection. (2) Ss will further form the logical thinking of finding problems, analyzing problems, and solving problems in group cooperation. |
4.教学重点、难点分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教学重点: (1) Students will be guided to read the passage and get familiar with the appearance, disappearance and return of "white" bicycle in Amsterdam. (2) After reading, students will work in a group to discuss the appearance,problems, solutions and benefits of shared bikes in China, and begin their imitative writing. 教学难点: (1) Students may find it difficult to summarize the passage through the mind-map. (2)Discussing and producing the imitative writing of the shared bikes in China is also a challenging task. |
5.教学过程设计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
StepⅠ Warming-up (5minutes) 1. Students watch a video --Bicycles fall in love with Xiamen, and think about the question: What impresses you most? 2. Free talk. Teacher shows some pictures of different brands and different colors of shared bikes, asking question: How many of you have ever tried the shared bikes? Then, teacher introduces the “city of bicycle”-Amsterdam. 【Intention】Starting the lesson with a video about the bikes in Xiamen will arouse students’ interest in today’s topic. Then teacher uses numbers to introduce the background knowledge of Amsterdam. Step ⅡReading (12minutes) 1. Read for outline (1) Students are required to match the paragraphs with the following headings. Para.1 The white bikes return 30 years later Para.2 Benefits of the white bikes Para.3 “the City of Bicycles” Para.4 “ White bikes ” began in 1960s (2) Find out the three process of the “white” bikes in Amsterdam Appearance of white bikes
_________of white bikes
_________of white bikes 【Intention】With this task, students practise skimming for the outline. Have a clear purpose, they may read effectively. 2. Read for details 1)Read Para.1-2, answer the following questions: --Why is Amsterdam a good city for bikes? --What was their hope to use the white bikes in the 1960s? --Why did it disappear? Sentence patterns: (1).中国是一个很适合骑自行车的国家,因为道路平坦.并且,有很多地方可以停车。 * China is ___________________________________because it is ________. What's more,___________________________________ for bicycle parking. (2).政府希望这有助于节约能源,减少污染,并提供免费的公共交通工具。 * They this can help to . 2)Read Para.3, answer the question: --How did it return?(How did they solve the problem of being stolen?) Sentence pattern: (3)共享单车被安装电脑芯片来记录他们的每一次移动。 * Shared bikes are installed________________ to record _________________. 3) Read Para.4, find out the benefits of white bikes. Sentence pattern: (4)多亏自行车的便利,在城市交通不那么拥堵了。 * Thanks to the _________________________, there is ________________in cities. 【Intention】In this step, there are three tasks, each of which is designed to help students learn to read for details. Task 1 draws students’ attention to the appearance of the white bikes, which contains two reasons, one for the environmental condition, the other is for cycling fans’ hope, as well as the disappearance. Task 2 is aimed at finding the ways that help the bikes return. Task 3 focuses on the benefits of white bikes. At the same time, there is sentence pattern practice after each task, which is designed to help students to consolidate some useful phrases which can be useful for later imitative writing. Step3. Ⅲ Post- reading (25minutes) 1. ![]() 2. According to the mind-map of Amsterdam, compare the process and with the situation of shared bikes in China. ![]() 【Intention】Make a summary by completing the mind-map help students to make a comparison with the shared bikes in China. This step can also make a preparation for the following imitative writing,and help cultivate students’ critical thinking . 3. Imitative writing (Group cooperation) Part. 1: Why did shared bikes appear in China? (appearance) Part. 2: What problems are the shared bikes faced with? (problems) Part. 3: What measures can be taken to solve the problems? (solutions) Part. 4: What benefits do the shared bikes have? (benefits) 4. Presentation 【Intention】This task is totally an output activity after so many input activities. Students are encouraged to use what they have learnt to finish this task in group cooperation.Each of them should be responsible for one part, in the end, they need to combine their work into one piece of writing by using conjunctions and make a presentation. Step Ⅳ Summary (2minutes) Teacher makes a summary about this lesson and students’ performance and shares the famous saying:To share bikes is to share civilization. 【Intention】Making a summary helps students to consolidate what they have learnt in ths period. Using the famous saying can arouse their green and low-carbon travel awareness of environmental protection. StepⅤ Assignment (1minutes) 1.Compulsory:Complete and polish the imitative writing of shared bikes in China. 2. Selective: Surf the internet for further solutions to the problems of shared bikes,finding at least 3 solutions. 【Intention】Perfecting the imitative writing can practise what they have learnt again and further form the logical thinking of finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems. |
6.教学评价设计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
评价内容: Individual Performance Checklist (Self-assessment) Reviewer______________
Group Performance Checklist (Self-assessment) Reviewer______________
评价方法:主要以学生的自评,小组自评和小组互评为主,教师点评为主。通过课堂评价表的设置,让学生了解评价的内容,有助于学生反思和调控自己的学习过程,不断提高学习的自主性。 |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com