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高中英语人教版必修2 Unit 3 Computers Using Language Speaking writing广东省优课



视频课题:高中英语人教版必修2 Unit 3 Computers Using Language Speaking writing广东省优课

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高中英语人教版必修2 Unit 3 Computers Using Language Speaking writing广东省优课

Book 2 
 Unit 3  Computers  
          Using Language  :Speaking & writing  
     My Magic Android 
I. 教学内容分析和教学目的 
本单元的中心话题是“计算机”,介绍了计算机发展的历史、演变过程和广泛的运用,Using language在读、说、写活动中,让学生进一步了解认识计算机在智能机器人方面的运用。 
In this class, students are supposed to: 
1) Be more creative to discuss a magic android and describe its appearance, ability and character. 
2) Learn how to write an outline of a descriptive passage. 
3) Complete the first draft of a descriptive passage to introduce a magic android.   
II.教学重点和难点 1.教学重点 
(1)通过本节课的学习,使学生进一步了解计算机在智能机器人方面的运用 (2)鼓励学生用英语参与机器人设计构想的讨论,表达自己的观点,分享观点。 (3)引导学生学习描写性写作,学会运用Descriptive Paragraph Outline来完成介智能
(1) 指导学生按类别归纳整理词汇,让学生学会有效地记忆并使用有关智能机器人特点
(2) 引导学生学会运用Descriptive Paragraph Outline,并能把握描写性写作文章的整体
Ⅲ. 教学步骤 
Step  1 . Lead in  
Activity 1: Guessing game (You Describe , I guess)  
Step 2. Revision  
设计意图:复习旧知,按类别归纳整理描述机器人的词汇 Activity 2:制作机器人足球运动员Tony的档案 
Activity 3:Summarize words & expressions to describe an android : Character : 
brave, reliable, determined ,thoughtful, considerate, smart,lovely,helpful, active ,faithful ,determined, trust-worthy, responsible,strong-minded, hard-working ,sweet-tempered, friendly, warm-hearted ,easy-going.... 
 solve mathematical problems ,look for information,help with homework  
clean the house,mop the floor,cook the meal ,deal with telephone calls ,  play the guitar ,recite Tang poems, dance, translate English into Chinese,  sing karaoke ,explore the space.... 
Step 3. Presentation 
设计意图:呈现新知, 运用思维导图,描写性文章Descriptive Paragraph Outline 激发思维,开拓话题。 Activity 4: Draw a Mind-map  
  Size As big as a human   
Job Work as a striker 
Character  Competitive, Co-operative 

Activity 5:  Write an outline of a descriptive passage  
Dear Shiyuan: 
I‘d like to introduce to you an magic android ,whose name is Betty and is about 1.4 in height . Betty is designed to look like Baymax in Big Hero 6, which is a helpful nursing android and a sweet-tempered companion with many gifts.   
   With the help of Artificial Intelligence , Betty can serve as a thoughtful helper in taking care of your grandma . It can do all the housework such as cleaning the house, mopping the floor,cooking the dinner and reminding your grandma to take medicine on time. Besides, Betty is a sweet-tempered companion of many gifts,who is good at playing the guitar and dancing. In addition, it can tell stories and recite Tang poems.    Personally, I believe your  grandma will live a happier life with the help of Betty. Are you satisfied with this android? Look forward to your reply.    
Step 4. Consolidation & Improvement  
Activity 6: Design your magic android in groups 
1) Allan's grandpa has retired and  often feels  lonely so Allan wants to buy an android who can  help him.  
2)  Peter wants to buy an android for his mother who is too tired to do housework after work .  
3) Kate has a naughty niece , who comes to her house very often . she hopes to have an android to help her. 
4) Mary is a middle school student who has some difficulty in her study . She wishes to have an android to help her  5) ..... 6) ..... 
活动要求 : Be cooperative and responsible  
成员分工为:创意策划组织者, 记录者,绘画者,呈现者  Attention:  
Think about the following questions before writing : 1) For what purpose do you want to create the android? 
2) Which dominant abilities & characters of the android do you want to convey in your description ?  
You can present your android in this way :  
   I ‘d like to introduce to you an magic android ,whose name is _____ and __________ . ______ is designed to look like _______, who____ _______ .  With the help of________ , _____ can serve as__________  because / as _______________ . It can not only __________ but also____________  such as ______________.  Besides,  _____ is  _____________,who is good at________ and ________as well. In addition, it can ________ and _____________. 
Personally, I believe ________________ with the help of _________. Are you satisfied with this android?  
Step 5 :Homework : 
1. Complete the first draft of the passage and revise in pairs  
2. Get more information about the latest androids from the internet 

Writing : My Magic Android
Teaching goals:
In this class, you are supposed to:
1) Be more creative to discuss your magic android and describe its appearance, ability and character.
2) Learn how to write an outline of a descriptive passage.
3) Complete the first draft of a descriptive passage to introduce your magic android. 
Activity 1: Guessing game  How to describe an android

Appearance   Size As big as a human
Job Work as a striker Character Competitive, Co-operative
Andy---The Android's File
Words & expressions to describe an android :
Character :
brave, reliable, determined ,thoughtful, considerate, smart,lovely,helpful, active ,faithful ,determined, trust-worthy, responsible,strong-minded, hard-working ,sweet-tempered, friendly, warm-hearted ,easy-going....
 solve mathematical problems ,look for information,help with homework
clean the house,mop the floor,cook the meal ,deal with telephone calls ,
 play the guitar ,recite Tang poems, dance, translate English into Chinese,
sing karaoke ,explore the space....
Activity 2: Draw a Mind-map  
Activity 3:  Write an outline of a descriptive passage
Dear Shiyuan:
I‘d like to introduce to you an magic android ,whose name is Betty and is about 1.4 in height . Betty is designed to look like Baymax in Big Hero 6, which is a helpful nursing android and a sweet-tempered companion with many gifts. 
   With the help of Artificial Intelligence , Betty can serve as a thoughtful helper in taking care of your grandma . It can do all the housework such as cleaning the house, mopping the floor,cooking the dinner and reminding your grandma to take medicine on time. Besides, Betty is a sweet-tempered companion of many gifts,who is good at playing the guitar and dancing. In addition, it can tell stories and recite Tang poems.
   Personally, I believe your  grandma will live a happier life with the help of Betty. Are you satisfied with this android? Look forward to your reply.  
Activity 4: Design your magic android in groups
1) Allan's grandpa has retired and  often feels  lonely so Allan wants to buy an android who can  help him.
2)  Peter wants to buy an android for his mother who is too tired to do housework after work .
3) Kate has a naughty niece , who comes to her house very often . she hopes to have an android to help her.
4) Mary is a middle school student who has some difficulty in her study . She wishes to have an android to help her
5) .....
6) .....
Think about the following questions before writing :
1) For what purpose do you want to create the android?
2) Which dominant abilities & characters of the android do you want to convey in your description ?
You can present your android in this way :
   I ‘d like to introduce to you an magic android ,whose name is _____ and __________ . ______ is designed to look like _______, who____ _______ .
 With the help of________ , _____ can serve as__________  because / as _______________ . It can not only __________ but also____________  such as ______________.  Besides,  _____ is  _____________,who is good at________ and ________as well. In addition, it can ________ and _____________.
Personally, I believe ________________ with the help of _________. Are you satisfied with this android?
Homework :
1.     Complete the first draft of the passage and revise in pairs
2.     Get more information about the latest androids from the internet

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