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外研社必修四module4 Great scientists Writing重庆

视频标签:Great scient


视频课题:外研社必修四module4 Great scientists Writing重庆

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研社必修四module4 Great scientists Writing重庆两江育才中学校Qian Xuesen1

Writing a biography
Teaching objectives:
1. Students are able to master the structure of a biography and use useful phrases and sentences to write a biography.
2. Students are able to cooperate with others and learn from classmates.
3. Students are able to show their respect to the great man and learn from them.
Teaching procedures:
 Step 1 Greeting
 Step 2 Lead-in
 Step 3 Reading for writing
 Step 4 Brainstorming Jobs’ life
 Step 5 Write the first draft
 Step 6 Revising and editing
    Activity 1  self-correction
    Activity 2  peer-editing
    Activity 3  teacher’s feedback
 Step 7 show our respect to Jobs and learn from him
 Step 8 Homework
  Rewrite your composition.
 Step 9 self-reflection
The Biography of Qian Xuesen
Qian Xuesen, a famous Chinese scientist both at home and abroad, was born in Shanghai in December, 1911. He passed away on October 31, 2009, when he was 98 years old.
    He graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934. In 1935, he went first to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he got two doctor’s degrees.
Though faced with many difficulties, he returned to China in 1955. Then, he devoted himself to China’s aerospace industry and made great achievements.
He will be always remembered by all Chinese people as the “father of China’s space program”.
Task 1  Match the main idea with each paragraph.
Para1.         big events in his life 
Para2.         people’ evaluation(评价)
Para3.         brief introduction    
Task 2  Find out useful phrases and sentences
Useful phrases: ____________________________________________
Useful sentences:___________________________________________
Chart 1


Chart 3

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