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第17届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛现场课__Module2 What can you do Unit 2 I can run really fast



视频课题:第17届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛现场课__Module2 What can you do Unit 2 I can run really fast

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外研版七年级Module2 What can you do? Unit 2 I can run really fast


课文标题 Module2 What can you do? Unit 2 I can run really fast  
教材版本 外研社新标准  
授课年级 七年级  
课型 词汇课  
授课人 张瑶  
指导老师 史新颜,林川敏  
Aims Students will be able to
  1. Grasp the following words and expressions also the important points in this lesson: get on well with, do well at school, work hard, enjoy something, be ready to help, be kind to, be good at something, get the best score …
  2. Conclude the quality of being good monitors and good Chinese youth by learning some verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
  3. Improve their thinking ability.
  4. Learn to be confident and get to know everyone can help, everyone can be a kind of monitor.
Step Teacher’s activity Students’activity Purpose
Stage 1 Warming up (5’)
Step1 Show the picture of May Wind and the movement May 4th. Talk about the May Wind in Qingdao. Students get to know sth about today’s topic During the introduction of May Wind, point out the power of young people to students, and arouse their interest in the topic.
Step2 1.   Show an example of running English monitor Students show what they are good at and the monitors they can be. By giving an example of running English monitor, create a situation of the lesson. During the
      warming-up, the teacher will activate students’ existing knowledge about monitors by leading them to give short running speeches.
Stage 2 Reading and thinking (20’)
Step 3 2. Show Lingling, Daming and Tony’s speeches and ask students to get the main idea of the passage 2. Students read the speeches quickly and get the main idea. Help students grasp the main idea of the passage.
Step 4 3. Ask students to find out the powerful word of each speech. 3.Find the most frequent word in the speech to confirm Lingling’s powerful word is “help”.
  1. By concluding Daming’s advantages to confirm the powerful word of
Daming is “sport”.
  1. Tony’s powerful word is “clean”.
By finding out the powerful word of each speech, students can know the way to confirm the key word of a passage. Through the vocabulary learning skill, help students get the understanding and the usage of the phrases and expressions.
Step 5 4. Ask students to pay attention to each part of the speech, then conclude the structure of the running speech. 6. Students look at the first sentence, the body part and the last sentence of each speech, then draw a mind map of the structure of the running speech. By concluding the structure of the running speech, students will know the steps to make a running speech.
Step 6 5. Ask students to help Betty complete her running speech and then do an evaluation: is it a good running speech? 7. Students choose the correct phrases to complete the passage and then talk about if Betty’s speech is a good speech according to the four parts. Students will get the understanding of the expressions and grasp the usage of the phrases. Through the evaluation, they will know how to make a good running speech.
Stage 3 Production (12’)
Step 7 6. Ask students to make their own running speech by using the phrases about the quality and advantages of being a good monitor. 8.    Students  write       down      their       own running   speeches  and  then       do    the evaluation. Students will know how to be a good monitor and know the quality of being a good monitor by combining all the phrases and expressions. Through evaluation, students can improve their thinking
Stage 4 Homework(1’)    
Homework 7. Ask students share their speeches and draw a mind map. 9. Students share their speeches with other classmates; students draw a mind map about the quality of being a better self and better Chinese youth by searching for more verbs and adjectives. Consolidate what they have learned today. Running for monitors will help students know more about their responsibility.
Stage 5 Summary(2’)    
Summary 8. Summarize the important quality of being a better Chinese youth: “Help” is very important. We want to help, and we can help.   Students will know they can be the best Chinese youth if they have the responsibility and work hard.
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