
视频标签:go somewhere
视频课题:外研九上M2Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins天津市第一0二中学
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外研九上M2Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins天津市第一0二中学
1. Listen to people talking about public holidays and talk about holiday plans and Chinese festivals.
2. Learn adverbial clauses with after, as soon as, before, since, until, when, while.
3. To know the differences between Western and Chinese festivals and cultivate students’ national pride. At the same time, let the students have the ability to carry forward the traditional culture.
九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础知识和听说能力,且乐于表达自己。本班的学生在课堂中表现比较活跃,并且有了一定的英语基础和合作探究能力,他们乐于在小组讨论中表达自己的思想并能够通过讨论学有所得。本节课将以图片、flash动画等形式,结合Smart Notebook课件和交互式电子触摸屏的屏幕遮盖、聚光灯、图片拖拽和放大的功能,采用听、说、读有机结合的方式,采用小组合作的方式。在课堂教学中,将学生分为八组完成学习任务,激发学生兴趣,鼓励学生表达自己。不仅有师生之间的互动,也有生生间的互动,以支持学生完成学习任务。
1. To learn about the National Day in China and the US and how people celebrate it.
2. To be able to read the dates correctly and talk about some Chinese and western festivals.
3. Learn adverbial clauses with after, as soon as, before, since, until, when, while.
活动1【导入】1. 创设情境,激趣导入:
为学生展示抗战胜利日(V-Day Parade)在天安门广场举行阅兵的图片,为了庆祝世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年(70th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression),在此期间人们有三天的假期(three-day holiday ),从而引出本课公共假期的概念,导入本课主题。
活动2【讲授】2. 听前准备,扫清障碍:
(1)展示本课关键生词和图片(e.g. found, flag, until, off, all kinds of, season, band, since then…),引导学生将图片和单词联系起来并造句从而帮助学生记忆。
(2) Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. Which public holiday are people celebrating?
2. When is this holiday in China?
(3) Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences with the dates of the following holidays in China, the UK and the US.
活动3【活动】3. 听中指导,培养技能:
(1) Listen to the dialogue and answer what and when the public holiday is (complete the table).
听课文,填写文中分别提到的是各个国家的那个节日,且这个节日是在什么时候。学生分组进行活动,将零散的答案连成句子作答。 (2) Watch the video and complete the table.
活动4【活动】4. 听后训练,语言输出:
The students are going to have a group work. Before class, they have already searched the information about the festival. They will have five minutes to discuss some Western and Chinese festivals ( e.g. Spring Festival, Christmas, Lantern Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Thanksgiving, Dragon-boat Festival) in groups, such as the tradition, what people usually do and eat during the festival. After that, each group would have representatives to present the festival in front of the whole class.
活动5【讲授】5. 情感渗透,总结提升:
我国的传统节日——端午节已经被韩国抢占申请为世界文化遗产。 所以保护我国的传统文化并将其传承(inherit)下去是我们义不容辞的责任。
活动6【作业】6. 布置作业,及时巩固:
Writing a passage about a Chinese public holiday. Try to use the time adverbial clauses with when , while, before, after, until , as soon as.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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