
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例视频unit5 do you want to watch a game show【云南】
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例视频unit5 do you want to watch a game show【07】
7.云南省昆明市昆明滇池中学 姓名 黄瑾 教学材料
课文标题: Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show ? Section B (2a-2e)
单元名称: Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?
教材版本: 人教版新目标 Go for it !
授课年级: 八年级
整体设计思路 八年级上学期第五单元的阅读语篇围绕 cartoons 这一电影类型展 开,主要谈论了米老鼠这个迪士尼卡通形象在美国的地位,特别是米老 鼠的诞生和成名以及人们喜欢他的原因。教学应该把握 Mickey 这个主 线。从诞生,受欢迎以及取得成就三方面进行解读,进而升华出不畏困 难,永不放弃的情感目标。
我对课本设置的联系进行了一些整合。比如 2e 部分的造句,有几 个词组相对来说从课本直接过渡到造句对于学生来说难度比较大一些, 所以我将 2e 的造句练习改为通过用 2e 中出现的短语描述大家所熟知的 卡通形象孙悟空,进行了迁移和综合运用。
而在家庭作业的设置中则在 2e 的基础上提高了难度,变成了书面 表达,更增大的对语言综合运用能力的要求。
教学目标 By the end of the class, students are expected to
1. learn to get correct information of Mickey through scanning and skimming the passage.
2. master and use some important words by describing Mickey and another symbol of Chinese cartoon .
3. develop a positive attitude when meeting something unlucky by analyzing Mickey’s spirit.
教学重难点 Teaching key points
1. How to help students practice the reading skills to get the information of Mickey.
2. How to help students describe Mickey with the target words. Teaching difficulty
1.Help students describe a symbol of Chinese character with the key phrases
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Step One Lead-in (3mins) 1. Greet and self-introduction.
2. Divide the groups
3. The teacher share four pieces of famous cartoon with students to have a guessing game.
4. Lead in key words 1. Get to know their new teacher.
2. Listen to four pieces of music and guess out the name of the cartoon.
3. Discuss the questions of 2a with students. 1.To know each other. 2.To arouse
students interests to cartoons.
3.To design a
scene of emoti on for cartoon.
Step 2 Pre - reading
(1min) Look at the picture of the Mickey on textbook. Predict what the article is about. Predict what the article is about. A Picture of Mickey on textbook Page 37
Step 3 Skimming (5mins) Read the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph. Get to know the main idea of each paragraph by skimming To help students know the main idea of each
Step 4 Scanning
(3mins) The Teacher asks students to read Para1 and make a Mickey’s ID Card Students use the scanning skill to fill in the blank.
(pair work) To get the specific information of Mickey’s birth.
Step5 Scanning (5mins) The teacher leads students to read the passage and complete the time line. Students get the information of Mickey’s development by scanning and writing To help students get specific information of Mickey’s
Step 6 Scanning (5mins) 1. The teacher asks students to read Para2 and answer the questions
2. Introduce history background of the 1930s Students look for the answer to know why Mickey is popular until now. To help students explain the cause of Mickey’s
Step7 1.The teacher asks students to
read Para3 and answer the Students look for the
answer to know id To help
(2mins) questions Mickey is popular today. Get the detail information of
Step 6 Teacher lead students to Students works in To help
describe Mickey by making an group to have an students
Retelling interview. interview to describe learn to
(3minutes) Mickey describe
Step 7 Post reading
(1min) Help students to analyze the spirit of Mickey Students learn to describe the spirit of Mickey To describe the main
character’ s spirit
Step 8 The teacher help students Students works in To transform
Learn to describe Monkey groups to describe to describe a
King Monkey King Chinese
Post reading cartoon
(6mins) character
with the
target phrases
Step9 Summarize the good traits Learn from Mickey To encourage
that we should learn from students to
Summary Mickey and Monkey King. learn the spirit
(mins) of cartoon.
板书设计 Unit5
(2a-2b) Do you want to watch a game show ? Section B who
why how
本节课思维导 图
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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