
视频标签:It’s raining
视频课题:七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining! Section B 2a—2c长春
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining! Section B 2a—2c长春市第八十七中学东校
1. 知识目标:
1) 能掌握以下单词:visit, Canada, summer, vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country, skate
2) 能掌握以下句型:
① —How's it going?
② Are you studying hard or having fun?
③ I'm having a great time visiting my aunt.
1. 教学重点:明信片的书写
2. 教学难点:现在进行时的运用
4.1Section B 2a—2c
活动1【讲授】Section B 2a—2c
Enjoy the class song “Proud of you”
Show 6 different pictures and let students talk about the weather and what these people are doing in each picture. The last 3 pictures are the ones in 2a, so they provide a transition to the new lesson.
Step3.New Presentation(20分钟)
Show the students a post that is from my friend and tell them I have 2 more to share with them.
1. Show the first postcard
Students can easily guess it is from Canada. Then show some information about Canada and let the students guess. Then look at the content of this post card.
(1) Listen and answer the questions:
Where is Jane?
What’s the weather like?
(2) Read the postcard, discuss with your group and make a list of what Su Lin is doing. Ask the students to tell the difference.
(3) Retell the postcard by using the list.
2. Show the second postcard
(1) Skim the postcard and answer the questions:
Who is this postcard for?
Who is this postcard from?
Where is Dave?
(2) Read the postcard again, discuss with your group and fill in the blanks.
Dave wants to know about Jane’s________________.
and the _________ in her country.
The weather in the mountains is _________ and _________.
Dave thinks the weather is ________________________.
Dave is writing to Jane because ___________________________.
(3) Read the postcard together.
3. Let the students summarize how to write a postcard.
Write a postcard to a friend according to the picture that each group gets. Tell friends about their vacation and what they are doing. They will be given some useful information to write the postcard.
Where are you?
What’s the weather like?
What are you doing right now?
What are your friends or family doing?
Are you having a good time?
Then the teacher will show each group’s postcard to the class and the rest 5 groups will help to correct it.
Step5.Summary (1分钟)
Step6.Homework (1分钟)
1. Finish 3a on P42.
2. Finish the exercise on study-guiding plan.
优点:1 以优美 放松的音乐进入课堂 2 板书设计合理 3 教师能合理组织学生自主学习、合作探究,对学生的即时评价具有发展性和激励性 4 教师能有效改变课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背和机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手的学习方式。 5 在写作部分展示和同学共同批改。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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