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在线播放:小学英语译林课标版四年级上册Unit 7 How much-南京


小学英语译林课标版四年级上册Unit 7 How much-南京

视频标签:How much


视频课题:小学英语译林课标版四年级上册Unit 7 How much-南京

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:小学英语译林课标版四年级上册Unit 7 How much-南京市江浦实验小学

1通过Magic eyes游戏,让学生在生活中灵活运用数字。
2通过头脑风暴游戏,让学生复习巩固所学服饰类单词及颜色,会唱歌曲the clothes shop。
3通过sound time的学习,了解字母V在单词中的读音,并能归纳已学含有|V|发音的单词。
4通过checkout time 的学习,让学生用How much 句型谈论价格。
5通过跳蚤市场这一任务布置,让学生熟练将Can I help you?How much ……?等购物语言运用于真实情境中。
作为刚步入四年级的学生来说,已有一定的英语基础,让学生保持学习英语的兴趣尤为关键和重要。因此,教师在课堂中要注意运用ticking time发挥学生主动学习和自我评价的能力。教师可以在上课一开始就将课时目标以学生能听懂、看懂的语言呈现给学生,每过一个阶段,学生完成一个学习目标,就进行一次自我评价。通过这样的方式,让学生感受到自己才是学习的主人,通过自己的努力,在每一堂课上都可以取得进步。
1通过跳蚤市场这一任务布置,让学生熟练将Can I help you?How much ……?等购物语言运用于真实情境中。
3通过跳蚤市场这一任务的开展,帮助学生运用句型Can I help you?How much……?等购物句型及应答。在活动中感受学习语言的快乐!
T:Today I’m your new English teacher, you know my name is Ma Enting. But I don’t know your names. So I’ll call your numbers. First show us your numbers and say it one by one. OK?教师要引导学生跟着一起说数字
T:I also have some numbers. Let’s go on counting.
T:Oh, yeah. You can count the number from 1-50.
活动2【活动】 Play a game : Magic eyes 
T:Boys and girls, you can count the numbers very well. I think you're good at English. So I'll play some games with you. Do you like games?
T:Here we go. First, Let's play game 1-Magic eyes.
  Find out the numbers in each pictures as quickly as you can.
T:You can find out the numbers in these pictures. And in our life. There're numbers everywhere. For example. I'm 32 years old. Look, I have a toy. it's 23 yuan. Can you say something with the numbers?(Discuss in four).
S1:I have ten fingers.
S2:My number is 11.
S3:I'm the years old.
S4:I have two eyes.
Ticking time
T:I can use the numbers in our daily life. So I can get three stars. How many stars can you get?
活动3【讲授】Sound time
1 PPT出示Sound部分图片(Talk about the picture with the students)
T:Boys and girls. Look at this picture. How many men can you see?
   Let's count.
Ss:One …… five.
T:We can see five men. What else can you see?
S1:I can see the sun.
S2:I can see a house.
T:Boys and girls. Look at the men. They're in the river. Look at the house. Some of the men live near the house. Look at the sun. it's very hot in summer. The men love to swim in summer.
T:Can you use these four words to make a sentence?(Discuss in four)
Five men live near the river. They love to swim in summer.
Listen and check.
Say together.
Listen and repeat.
2 T:What is the letter “V” pronounced?
PPT出示Sound 和time中五个单词
Listen and repeat
Try to read four new words in groups. (violin,volleyball,vest,vase)
3 举例说出含有字母“V”,发音为/V/的单词
4 Ticking time
T:Do you know the sound of letter“V”,How many stars can you get?
活动4【活动】Song time
1 T:You did very good job in Game 1. Let's play game 2. OK?
  Say the clothes as quickly as you can. (PPT快速出示衣服图片)
2 PPT出示song time部分图片
T:The colourful clothes are in the clothes shop. The man is in the clothes shop, too.
T:What are the clothes?
S1:They are blue T-shirt, blue skirt, red socks and yellow shoes.
T:The man is singing happily. What's he singing? Let's listen
教学并带读:cheap, try them on, buy them all.
Try to be the salesman(Read the song first)
Sing together after the tape.
4 Ticking time.
I can sing the song. What about you? How many stars canyou get?
活动5【练习】Checkout time
1 Play a games:Clever ears
T:The clothes are very cheap. How about these things. Disucss in pairs.(板书句型)
T:Are they right?Let’s listen and choose, use your clever ears。
2 Ticking time.
I can talk about the prices very well. Can you?
活动6【活动】Task:Flea market
T1:Boys and girls. Do you like these games?
T:You did very well in these games. You know the numbers. You know how to sell things and buy things. So we are going to have a flea market.
You can sell the things or buy the things you like. Four students a group, two of you should be the salesman in your group, the other two students buy the things, then exchange.(PPT给出脚本和选用句型)
T:Can I help you?
S1:I'd lie these shees.
T:Anything else?
S1:I'd lie the go-go,too。
T:What about the book?
T:Here you are.
T:How much are they?
T:30 yuan.
S1:Here you are.
S1:How much are they?
T:30 yuan.
S1:Here you are.
T:Thank you.
活动7【作业】Home work
1、Make a new song.
2、Finish the exercise after chass.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“How much”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“小学英语译林课标版四年级上册Unit 7 How much-南京”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“小学英语译林课标版四年级上册Unit 7 How much-南京”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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