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在线播放:2017十一届全国小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频(附课件)人教精通版五年级Unit 3 We are going to travel--A tour plan天津


2017十一届全国小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频(附课件)人教精通版五年级Unit 3 We are going to travel--A tour plan天津

视频标签:基本功大赛,A tour plan


视频课题:2017十一届全国小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频(附课件)人教精通版五年级Unit 3 We are going to travel--A tour plan天津

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017十一届全国小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频(附课件)人教精通版五年级Unit 3 We are going to travel--A tour plan天津


课文标题 A Tour Plan
单元名称 Unit 3 We are going to travel.
教材版本 人教(精通)英语
授课年级 五年级
本节课的话题是A Tour Plan。这一话题与五年级学生的生活比较贴近,是学生比较喜欢的话题之一。课程伊始,教师通过自我介绍的形式,自然引出本课的目标语言之一:the Great Wall。由此展开本课对话内容:Lily一家要参观长城。本节课中涉及北京的几个著名景点比较拗口。针对于此,教师通过明信片的奖励方式、歌谣的呈现、小视频的播放,使学生初步感知,并尝试抓住部分较简单的景点名称,进行交流。在教学过程中,教师采用一听聚焦地点,二听聚焦时间的方式,一方面帮助学生巩固这几个景点;另一方面,可以有效为学生搭建本课的真实交流的框架,为后面活动的开展奠定基础。这样,学生围绕旅行计划制定需考虑的时间、地点及原因这条清晰的主线,进行复述、陈述以及制定合理的旅行计划。
1. 能够借助图片,正确地听、说、认读以下主要景点名称:the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City等。 
2. 能够在真实的语境中,正确地听、说、认读表示询问及回答旅行计划相关的句型:When are we going to visit …?  Where are we going? We are going to visit …等,并能熟练运用这些词句进行交流、询问或表达自己的旅行计划。
3. 能够运用所学知识,结合思维导图,表述旅行计划。
4. 能够结合地理常识,了解景点位置;通过合作、交流,制定合理的旅行计划,具备生活常识。
5. 能够进一步了解祖国的大好河山,感受祖国的历史文化,感知旅行对人们生活的意义。
1. 能够借助图片,正确地听、说、认读以下主要景点名称:the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City等。 
2. 能够在真实的语境中,正确地听、说、认读表示询问及回答旅行计划相关的句型:When are we going to visit …?  Where are we going?  We are going to visit …等,并熟练运用这些词句进行交流、询问或表达自己的旅行计划。
1. 通过思维导图,能够运用目标语言制定并介绍旅行计划。
2. 结合地理常识,了解景点位置;通过合作、交流制定合理的旅行计划。
Step One: Warm-up
1.      Greeting.
T: Hello, everyone. Nice to see you again.
T: Today I bring you some gifts. Look! Beautiful post cards. They are about the famous places in Beijing.
T: They are important in China’s history. Do you think so?
T: Do you still remember the chant we listened just now? Now, let’s listen again.
2.      Teacher’s self-introduction.
T: Today, I’m not your English teacher. I’ll be a tour guide. We’ll take a trip around Beijing.
T: Look! Beijing is in the north of China.
T: It’s the Great wall in Beijing. It’s wonderful, right?
(设计意图:本环节中,教师利用打招呼拉近了与学生之间的距离。同时,由老师自己诠释tour guide, 让学生自然感知该词的意思,为后面的对话奠定基础。)
Step Two: Presentation
1.      Show Lily’s family
T: Lily’s family are going to Beijing. They will visit the Great Wall.
 (设计意图:通过will和be going to的简单区分,实现以旧带新,自然呈现本科的功能句型:We are going to ….)
2.      Listen and say:
T: They are going to visit the Great Wall. And they are in Beijing now.
How long are they going to stay in Beijing? Listen.
3.      Listen and tick
T: They are going to stay in Beijing for three days. And now they are making a three-day tour plan. Where are they going?
T: Would you like to guess? Maybe they are going to …
T: Maybe they are going to …
T: Where are they going? Let’s do task 1. Listen and tick.
T: Who can tell me? Where are they going?
T: Look! So many places they are going to visit. Follow me: the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven.
4.      Listen and find out the time
T: Do you still remember how long they are going to stay in Beijing?
T: So think it over: When are they going to visit the places? Listen carefully.
T: Yes, they are going to visit the places today, tomorrow and “then”. Here,
“then” may be the day after tomorrow. So children, where are they going today?
(设计意图: 在本环节中,教师利用三听步骤进行处理。一听大体掌握时间段:持续几天;二听重点突出地点:要去哪些地方;三听进一步体现具体时间:什么时间去哪参观。这样自然形成主线。学生可以根据主线尝试描述。)
Step Three: Practice
1.      Talk about the plan
T: Children, where are they going today?
T: Boys, you are the tour guide, can you tell Lily and her parents?
T: Who will be the tour guide?
(设计意图: 在此环节中,老师通过引导,使学生可以根据板书,PPT关键信息提示以及知识的掌握,进行对旅行计划的简单陈述。)
2.      Role play
T: Now, children. They are going to visit Beijing. And they are making a tour plan. T: Now, Group 1, you are Lily. Group 2, you are the tour guide. Group 3, you are dad, Group four, you are mum. OK?
(设计意图: 通过问题链的展开,进行课文的朗读,进一步梳理对话。)
Step Four: Language Use
Make a two-day tour plan to Nanjing.
T: There are so many teachers from other cities. We are going to stay in Nanjing for two days. Where are we going? Look, it’s a tour plan from one of them.
T: Would you make a tour plan for others teachers? Where? Why?
Step Five: Homework
Make a two-day tour plan of Tianjin.
   T: Get on the Internet and search the famous places in Tianjin. Try to make a two-day tour plan of Tianjin. OK?
A Tour Plan
We are going to visit the Great Wall.
When today tomorrow
Where the Great Wall the Ming Tombs the Summer Palace the Forbidden City the Temple of Heaven
Why wonderful not far from near amazing beautiful
指导教师 张宏丽 天津市教研室
         吴作军 天津市北辰区教研室


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