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在线播放:2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module10Unit1 Where are you going海南


2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module10Unit1 Where are you going海南



视频课题:2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module10Unit1 Where are you going海南

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module10Unit1 Where are you going海南

Teaching Plan

Teacher 陈仕军 Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going?
Province 海南Hainan Type of Class Listening and Speaking
Teaching objectives I. Language competence
Grasp the meaning and function of  the pattern of  “be going to”,  get the information by listening and talk about the topic “Trip List”, the main sentences in this lesson are:
Where are you going? – I am going to …
When are you going? – I am going tomorrow.
What are you going to take? – I am going to take …
II. Mental health education and living ability
1. Eliminate the nervousness.
2. Make a list before doing something important.
III. Thinking ability
Logical thinking
IV. Learning ability
Independent, cooperative, exploring learning ability
Key teaching points Objective I and III
Important points How to make a list
Teaching approach situational teaching, communicative teaching, task-based teaching
Teaching  procedure
Pre-listening Greetings: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! I am happy to have a class with you.
Lead in: About my trip in Nanjing after class
     Express how I like Nanjing. It’s my first time to be here. I am going somewhere after class. I am new here. I want to visit some places. But I don’t know what place to visit, when to go, what to take.
Ask students for help: Making suggestions or recommendations.
Students may recommend some places. For example: Zijin Mountain.
OK. I am going to Zijin Mountain. (Where)
When is the best time to go? (when)
Who wants to be my guide. (Who)
What am I going to take? (What to take)


1. To let students learn to help others.
2.To make students clear: Making a list helps remember something.
About Daming’s trip
Step1. Listen and choose. 1. Who is going to have a trip?
2. How does hefeel about his trip?
Step2 Listen and answer. Who is going to help Daming?
What does his grandma tell him to do?
Step3. Listen and finish Daming’s list. 1. Daming’s list before his trip


2. Unfold the mind map about Daming’s trip list. Present Daming’s list before his trip.
Step 4. Listen and repeat.
Pay attention to the intonation.
Put emphasis on: the airport.
Step 5. Retell Retell Daming’s trip list, according to the mind map on the board.
Purpose: Make use of the mind map to make a list or a plan.
Post–listening Group work
Activity: Summer Camp
   We are going to Sanya West Island for a summer camp.
Let’s work in groups.
Discuss what to take, when to go, who to go with, how to go.
Activity Purpose:
1. Learn to make a list of things to do.
2. Many hands make light work. (Teamwork)
3. Cultural communication between Hainan and Jiangsu.
Homework 1. Listen and repeat.
2. Make a list of things to do.
Children’s Day is coming. Where are you going?

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