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在线播放:2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear湖南


2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear湖南

视频标签:基本功大赛,see or hear


视频课题:2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear湖南

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频附课件Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear湖南

Module 7 She couldn’t see or hear.
湖南省长沙市雨花区砂子塘小学 龚百凌
·           to grasp the new words “blind, deaf, role model”.
·           to develop reading skills of collecting information from a passage and speaking skills of introducing a person according to key information.
·           to know Helen Keller better and understand her extraordinary life and encourage the Ss never give up.
Recycled Language: language from the module.
Materials: word cards; ppt; a book; headphones;
Language competences: The students will be able to get information by reading passages about people, and also introduce a person according to key information.
·           T uses sign language to greet the Ss.
·           Share hobbies; recommend a book “Three days to see”. T reads the sentence “Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow.” to the Ss, guides them to feel the meaning of the words “sunshine” and “shadow”.
Teaching Steps
1. Talk about Helen Keller.
·           Answer the question “What do you know about Helen Keller?”
·           Make a brief introduction of Helen Keller according to the key information.
2. Discuss and experience Helen’s hard life as a blind and deaf child.
·           Talk about the hard life of Helen Keller when she was young.
·           Watch a video and then talk about Helen’s feeling.
·           Ask a volunteer to experience as a blind and deaf person.
3. Discuss the sunshine in Helen’s life.
·           Read paragraph 2 & 3, answer the following 2 questions: Who helped Helen? What did Helen do?
·           Quick response of great things Helen did according to pictures and key phrases.
4. Retell Helen’s special and wonderful life.
·           Watch a video about Helen’s whole life.
·           Retell her life experience according to the key phrases on the blackboard.
Extensive activity
·           Discuss the shadow and sunshine in Helen’s life in groups, then finish the form.
·           Ss analyze the shadow and sunshine in Helen’s life and introduce Helen Keller’s special life.
Ending the lesson
·           T makes a brief conclusion and invites the Ss to read the sentence “Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow.” together. Encourage the Ss never give up.
·           Write a passage about Helen Keller or the Ss’role models, and introduce them to friends.
2012.9 荣获长沙市小学英语教师片段教学竞赛一等奖;
2013.10 荣获长沙市小学英语教师口语技能大赛一等奖;
2015.12 执教“Look at the elephant.”荣获教育部“一师一优课,一课一名师”部级优课;
2016.12 荣获长沙市首届师生素养大赛一等奖;
2014.3 论文《浅析个体差异对二语习得的影响》荣获国家级二等奖;
2013.1 ~2015.6 参与课题《新课标形势下小学网络作业形式探究》荣获国家级一等奖;
2010.1~2013.6 参与课题《构建寄宿制小学大课堂的实践与研究》荣获长沙市一等奖;
2015.9~2016.9 担任为期一年的“国培计划”(2015)“送培到县”示范性培训项目小学英语学科专家。


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