
视频标签:Body languag
视频课题:高中英语人教版必修4 Unit 4 Body language Using Language听说课_浙江
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高中英语人教版必修4 Unit 4 Body language Using Language听说课_浙江省湖州中学
M4U4 Body language教学设计
本单元的话题是“肢体语言”, 教学内容是Using Language听说部分。本课以肢体语言为导入话题,由听力材料To drive or not to drive展开,通过讨论,复述,提问,合作表演等多种形式,结合高考读后续写新题型,引导学生抓住故事主线,操练词汇句型,开展思维训练,提炼答题技巧,培养学生综合运用语言能力,提高学生英语学科核心素养,促进终身学习。
本课以主人公happy → surprised → angry心理变化为主要线索,结合情节开展必要的三要素(what, why, how),巧妙的结合听、说、写,体现以学生为学习主体,优化合作学习,丰富课堂活动,最后以对话形式结合肢体语言,自然流畅的进行语言交际,让学生体会到非语言手段在交流中的重要性。 教学目标具体如下: 1. 语言能力:
能理解、内化、运用以下单词:delighted, amazed, astonished, avoid, regretful,
cheerful, cyclist等
能理解、内化、运用以下词组: for the first time, in every direction,
attention to, in front of,knock over等
2. 文化品格:
培养学生对肢体语言的了解,提高安全意识,规则意识,和跨文化交流意识。 3. 思维品质:
独立思考与交流合作相结合,培养学生思维的逻辑性和创造性。 4. 学习能力:
我校本届高二学生的英语学习状况良好,但也存在一些问题: 学生的语言运用能力不足,对于读后续写题型不太了解,书面表达存在一些不规范现象。因此教师要将一些操练渗透到课堂教学实施的诸多环节,不断优化教学行为,同时保护并发挥学生的主动性、积极性。培养学生学会探究,提高解题技能,扩展国际视野,获得人文素养和人际交际能力,为终身继续学习奠定基础。
Step 1 Warming up (5’)
Show a short video about facial expressions, ask students what they are. Ss: enjoyment smile, contempt, anger, pain, surprise, impatience…
Show 3pictures about standard expressions and show 3 situations accordingly. (happiness, surprise, anger )
Ask more expressions to show these feelings. [设计意图]:
Step 2 Listening and polishing(10’)
Listen to the story and ask Ss to fill the table about basic elements about a story.
Where: Who: What:
Fill in the blanks and think about WHY did Lin Pu’s feeling change?
Lin Pu is ______, but very _______. He just got his driver’s ________last week and yesterday bought his _____________’s old car. Today, he is driving in the city_______________. Taxis are going _______________. People are crossing the street without _________________ the cars, and the people riding bikes _____ look before they turn. Language polishing:
Lin Pu is excited, but very nervous. He just got his driver’s license last week.
________ but also _________, Lin Pu just got his driver’s license last week.
To his great ___________(excited), Lin Pu just got his driver’s license last week.
__________, he is so nervous that he almost loses his ____________(patient) while driving because there are so many people ___________(cross) the street. [设计意图]:
引导学生抓住故事开展的三要素where, who, what,提高学生对听力材料的整体把握。TASK1对人物情感变化进一步提问为什么(why),引导学生进一步思考,在锻炼学生听取细节信息的同时增加对听力材料的深入思考,提高思维含量。对原材料的语言润色,不仅凸显形容词作状语,同时操练了用所给单词的正确形式填空,注重基础,对接下来的高质量的语言输出奠定基础。
Step 3 Listening and speaking
用时:10 分钟 TASK 2 Pair-work
Listen and then retell WHAT happened using all the 6 clues.
Just at that moment, something terrible happens. __________________________________
in front of knock over traffic light avoid apples astonished
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Only by ________(turn) to the right _______ he avoid hitting the car. Show the teacher’s version, and highlight the key points.
Just at that moment, something terrible happens. The traffic light turns red suddenly and the car in front of him stops abruptly. Lin Pu quickly turns to the right to avoid hitting the car. But unfortunately, he hits a bicycle and knocks over a basket full of apples. Astonished, Lin Pu gets off the car to check out the injured cyclist. [设计意图]
Step 4 Acting and Writing(15’) TASK 3: Group work.
Listen to the dialogue, take notes down and then act. Don’t forget to use body language to help you express yourself better.
Narrator:Then he sees a policeman, walking toward him. C: … P: … L: …
Think HOW to turn the dialogue into the ending of the story.
Then he sees a policeman, walking toward him.__________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Make and answer questions:
W_____ is the reaction of the policeman?
W_____ is Lin Pu responsible for the accident? H_____ does he feel about the result?
Then he sees a policeman, walking toward him. After knowing the detail of the accident, the policeman said it is Lin Pu’ fault and he should be responsible for the
stay in your _____
pay a ______
_____ traffic rule
try not to ___the car not ____to driving Oh, ______! pay ______ apples ___ least pick _____ apples
accident. Therefore, he demands a fine from Lin Pu. Although Lin Pu explains a lot , the policeman insists he should pay a fine because he didn’t stay in his lane. As a result, he should take the responsibility for breaking the traffic rule. Frustrated but also regretful, Lin Pu learns an important lesson: to drive or not to drive, that is not a question. Only if you pay attention to the traffic rules and always be careful while driving can you become an excellent driver .
Step 5 Assignment
To Obey Or Not To Obey
Lin Lei is an alcohol lover and a careless driver. One day,_________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
通过一幅交通安全漫画展示一个小故事。通过故事发展要素what, why, how, 引导学生推测故事发展,人物动作,心情变化,运用本节课所学知识,引导学生自主完成故事创作。总结读后续写的答题技巧,课后有效操练,达到学以致用。在提高学生语言运用能力的同时,提高学生交通安全意识和规则意识,升华情感态度。
五、 评价设计 1、评价内容
评价学案和作文的完成情况 2、评价方法
课内评价:给练习中出现的错误或不足进行评价,给好词好句进行鼓励,给予学生信心。 课外评价:对作文进行面批,修改和润色。挑选好的作文给予奖励,作为示范作文进行张贴。
M4U4 Body language
Worksheet for Listening, speaking &writing
Tang Yaqian from Huzhou High School
1.Listen and fill in the blanks.
Lin Pu is ________, but very ___________. He just got his driver’s ___________last week and yesterday bought his _____________’s old car. Today, he is driving in the city ________________. Taxis are going _______________. People are crossing the street without _________________ the cars, and the people riding bikes __________ look before they turn.
Lin Pu is excited, but very nervous. He just got his driver’s license last week.
________ but also _________, Lin Pu just got his driver’s license last week.
To his great ___________(excited), Lin Pu just got his driver’s license last week. __________, he is so nervous that he almost loses his ___________(patient) while driving because there are so many people ___________(cross) the street.
2. Pair-work. Retell WHAT happened using all the 6 clues to develop the story.
traffic light in front of
avoid knock over
apples astonished
Just at that moment, something terrible happens.________________________________
3.Group work. Listen to the dialogue, take notes down and then act. Don’t forget to use body language to help you express yourself better.
Narrator:Then he sees a policeman, walking toward him.
pay ______apples
___ least
pick _____apples
try not to ___the car
not ____to driving
Oh, ______!
stay in your _____
pay a ______
_____ traffic rule
Cyclist: … P L C
Policeman: …
Lin Pu: …
Think HOW to turn the dialogue into the ending of the story.
Make and answer questions:
W_____ is the reaction of the policeman?(group1)
W_____ is Lin Pu responsible for the accident?(group2 )
H_____ does he feel about the result?(group3)
Then he sees a policeman, walking toward him.__________________________
5. Assignment. Write a story and polish it in a group.
To Obey Or Not To Obey
Lin Lei is an alcohol lover and a careless driver. One day,___________________
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
-----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Body languag”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“高中英语人教版必修4 Unit 4 Body language Using Language听说课_浙江”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“高中英语人教版必修4 Unit 4 Body language Using Language听说课_浙江”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 ----- |