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北师大版高一必修三Unit 9 Wheels Lesson 1 On Your Bike安徽省 - 滁州

视频标签:Your Bike


视频课题:北师大版高一必修三Unit 9 Wheels Lesson 1 On Your Bike安徽省 - 滁州

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北师大版高一必修三Unit 9 Wheels Lesson 1 On Your Bike安徽省 - 滁州课堂学案

Module 3  Unit 9 Wheels
Lesson 1  On Your Bike
Period one: Reading   Worksheet
Reading tasks:
Task 1:Skimming to check your guess
Read the text in 2 minutes and tell the correct meaning of the title.
Return of the white bikes means___________
A. Returning a borrowed white bike
B. Reappearing of the white bikes
C. Getting white bikes back from thieves
Task 2:Skimming for key sentences
Match each paragraph with its main idea.
Para 1             White bikes 30 years later
Para 2              White bikes in the 1960s
Para 3             Effects of the white bikes
Para 4        Why Amsterdam is called the “City of Bicycles”?
Task 3:Scanning for specific information
      Underline the information you need in your textbook
Read each paragraph carefully and find the information.
Para 1  _______________________________


Para 2 ________________________________
When In the 1960s
Where In Amsterdam
Who ____________________________
What Painted _____________________________and placed _____________________________________________.
Why Hoped that this could help to _______________________,____________
_____and ________________________________.
Result ________________________________________________________
Para 3 _______________________________
Changes of the new "white bike"
Color An unusual design with __________________
Anti-theft (防盗) With ________________________ to record its every move, the new "white bikes" are parked at ____________________________________.
How to use ____________________________________ to take a bicycle.
____________________________________ to return it.
                   1.Amsterdam   ____________________________________________
Para 4
                   2. People around the world  ___________________________________
1) Read the text fluently.
2) Complete all the reading tasks in this handout.
3) Write a passage(90~100 words) about the public bikes in Chuzhou.
  Describe the public bikes, explain why to use them and how to use them, then call on more Chuzhou citizens to use them. (Use what you've learnt in this lesson as much as possible.)

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