
视频标签:Earthquake,a newspaper
视频课题:人教版必修一Unit 4 Earthquake How to write a newspaper story重庆市英语优质课
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Unit 4 Earthquake How to write a newspaper story重庆市江津第二中学校
Book1 Unit4 Writing
How to write a newspaper story
Learning Aims:
1. Learn the outline of a newspaper story.
2. Try to write a draft of the sports meeting.
I. Learn to organize
Task1 Listen and conclude the outline
A. Listen and fill
Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Disaster-Hit area
I.In order to ① money to help tens of thousands of children in disaster-hit areas in China, a team of ② known as Bikers for Disaster-Hit area will ③ their bikes 1,888 km from ④ , Yunan Province, to Lhasa, Tibet from ⑤ 5 to 28.
II.The team has a big ⑥ in Beijing on June 3 to talk about their plan. The cyclists come from China, the US, Europe and other places. Both men and women will ride. Their ages are from 25 to 65. Before their trip this summer, the group hopes to ⑦ 1 million yuan to ⑧ to the schools which ⑨ the children in those natural disaster-hit areas.
III. People in the society think highly of such activity.
Num. |
The missing words |
Outline of a newspaper story |
Paragraphs |
① |
② |
③ |
④ |
⑤ |
⑧⑨ |
B. Conclude the outline of a newspaper story(总结新闻故事写作结构)
II. Prepare to write
Task 2 Brainstorm the information about the sports meeting.
Headline |
Cyclist Ready to Go on the Road for Disaster-Hit area |
(Sports Meeting)
Your Headline:____________________ |
Why |
raise money |
Who |
cyclists |
How |
ride |
Where |
Lijiang |
When |
July |
What |
meeting; collect; give; help |
Tips: refer to the given words |
Reference words
:enrich one’s school life 开幕式:
the opening ceremony
march in performance; 舞台秀
:stage show; 比赛项目数量
: 10 events;
class 4 rank (排名)No.8 ; think highly of / benefit a lot from
Task3 Try to write a draft of the newspaper story on the answer sheet in about 80 words.
1: The third person 2. The past tense
3. 5Ws 4. No personal judgment
5. Handwriting
III. Make an assessment
Task4: A. Exchange your draft with other groups and help correct the mistakes if any and make some comments
Tips: Excellent (8-10“YES”) Good (6-8“YES”) Average (3-6“ Yes”)
Yes(√) |
No(√) |
Structure |
Does it have a headline? |
Does it include “why” “when” “how” “where” “who” and “what”? |
Does it have a summary sentence? |
Language |
Does it use the past tense? |
Does it use the third person? |
Any advanced vocabularies? |
Any advanced sentence patterns? |
No spelling mistakes. |
No grammar mistakes. |
Handwriting |
Is the handwriting beautiful? |
Teacher’s assessment.(和老师一起评论小组作文)
IV. Summary and homework
Book 1(人教版) Unit 4 Earthquake How to write a newspaper story
授 课 类 型
写 作
1. 情景创设: 让学生帮助老师制作一份“江津日报”,而版面内容为刚结束的学校运动会,该版面图片已完成,但需要同学们写稿子,那么向学生指出学习目标和任务,本课的任务就是学写一个新闻故事然后完成报纸版面。并指出课堂上同学们要小组合作,回答问题配合老师,最后获胜小组的稿子将能被选中出版。
2. 具体操作:本课将阅读和写作结合,通过让学生听一篇新闻报道填关键词引出一个当地的新闻故事范文,而抠出的关键词则是写作提纲的组成部分。通过对范文的剖析,让学生分析并在老师的引导下找出写作提纲。然后引入写作话题---学校运动会,让小组根据提纲讨论话题内容,为后面的写作做准备。在小组合力写出初稿后,与临近小组交换稿子,根据老师所展示的评价标准对同伴的稿子进行点评,最后教师抽取一篇或者几篇学生评价后的稿子进行点评,让学生在生生评价及师生评价中强化写作技巧。
Guide the Ss to grasp the outline of a newspaper story and write one about the sports meeting. ◆语言技能(提高学生的写作技能) Improve Ss’ writing ability.
Develop Ss’ awareness of cooperating with partners and overcoming the difficulties in writing. ◆学习策略(培养学生的调控策略和交际策略)
Help Ss develop their control strategy and communicative strategy.
◆文化意识(通过对本地新闻的探索,形成热爱校园,热爱学校活动的意识) Help Ss understand newspaper stories writing and have an affection for their school.
教学重点 Students can analyze the ways to write a newspaper story and make assessments of the drafts. 分析写新闻的提纲,学会对同伴的作文进行评价。
教学难点 1. How to make the Ss collect information and write their first draft. 2. How to have the students make an assessment for others’ compositions. 教学方法
Task-based method and communicative method.
Brief Linking Words (主要衔接语言)
Purpose (设计目的)
Lead- in (导入)
Step1. Greeting(问候) T: Good morning! Welcome to my class!
Ss: Good morning! Greet the students warmly. (问候学生)
Step2. Lead-in (导入)
T: Do you still remember the big event in our school last week? Ss: Yes! It was the sports meeting! T: Yes. And I want to publish a piece of newspaper, but something is missing.(展示报纸) I’d like you to help me to finish it. Will you? Ss: Yes!
T: So in this class, we are going to learn to write a newspaper story.(此处展现教学目标)And you should cooperate with each other in groups…(展示小组评价措施及激励机制)
1. Show the uncompleted newspaper. (展示不完整的报纸) 2. Show the aims for the class.
(展示学习目标) 3. Show the class rules.
It is designed to introduce the students into the topic and
make students
aware of the task for the lesson. 引入本课主题,吸引学生注意力,明确本课任务。
(写前) Pre- writing
Step3. Learn to organize(学会组织)
T: But how to write a newspaper story? Before writing, let’s listen to a piece of news.
T: Let’s check the answers. Be ready to answer my questions actively. Ss: Yes!
the elements of a newspaper story. Ss:…
T: Let’s conclude the outline of a newspaper story.
1. Listen to a piece of news and fill in the blanks.
(听力填词) 2. Check the answers. (核对听力答案)
3. Lead the students to analyze the outline of a newspaper story and make clear the paragraphs for each part. (引导学生得出写作框架)
4. Conclude the outline of a newspaper story. (总结新闻故事写作结构并板书于黑板上)
This part is designed to prepare
clear outline for students
writing easier. 为写作铺垫框架,
Step4. Prepare to write(为写作准备)
T: Now you’ve known the outline of the writing. Let’s prepare for the writing of the sports meeting. Please discuss in groups.
You can refer to the reference words. Ss: Discuss in groups.
T: Now time is up. Please share your sentences with us.
1. Brainstorm the information about the sports meeting according to the “outline form” in groups. (小组讨论集思广益,根据新闻故事写作结构来构思目标文章的内容和结构等。)
2. Ask some groups to share the ideas with the class and write the keys words on the blackboard( 抽几组学生和大家分享讨论结果,老师摘取关键词板书于黑板上。) 3. Reference words
丰富生活:enrich one’s school life 开幕式:the opening ceremony 入场式:march- in performance; 舞台秀:stage show; 比赛项目数量: 10 events;
比赛成绩class 4 rank No.8 think highly of benefit a lot from
By discussion,
students can
more information with
classmates and be ready for the
writing. 通过讨论,学生共享信息,获取更多的
(写中) While- writing
Step5. Try to write (写作) T: Now, look at the blackboard; you have collected so much information about the sports meeting. It’s time to practice. Please write a draft. And I hope you can write in groups, so each group just writes one draft. Share your ideas! Clear? Ss: Yes!
T: While writing, pay attention to the do’s and don’ts.
Give the students some tips. Students are guided to write the first draft in groups.
Tips: 1. The third person 2. The past tense 3. 5Ws
4. No personal judgment 5. Handwriting
Students can
make use of the structure
prepared information into their articles. 学
以致用。Step6. Make an assessment(评价) T: Now, time is up! Can you show me your work? Please exchange your draft with next group.
Now you are teachers. I want you to make assessments on the draft. I’ll explain the rules. Now, please look at the standard…(解释打分标准,并留出4分钟让学生小组对另一篇初稿进行评价)
T: OK! Now, who’d like to show us the composition in your hand? Ss: ( hands up)
T: OK, that group! Wonderful!
1. Groups exchange their drafts with others and try to make assessment for their drafts with the help of a standard form.
(学生交换初稿,并根据评价标准对临近小组作文进行评价。) 2.
further assessments of the draft. (老师对学生点评过的初稿进行再次点评)
Students learn effectively through other students’ assessment
and teacher’s
(写后) Post- writing
Step7. Summary(小结并升华) T: Well, in this class, we have … Now, let’s see which group is the winner? Ss: Group 2.
T: Oh, it’s group 2. Group leader, come here! I will use your draft on the newspaper. Please improve it after class. S: Yes!
T: Boys and girls. If you want to publish your news in the newspaper story, you should practice more. Because practice makes perfect. By doing in this way, you will succeed in writing. If you want to be a successful Reporter, you should have a good nose for news.
The teacher summarizes what the students have learned today, gives comments on the groups’ performance and makes the students think about what they should do in their daily life.(总结本课要点,总结小组表现,完成报纸版面,然后鼓励大家多写作, 熟能生巧才能写好文章, 另外应培养学生们对新闻的敏锐感) Practice makes perfect.
We should have a good nose for news.
This part is designed to
conclusion for the whole
class and to achieve the
emotional aims.总结并情感升华。
Step 8. Homework
T: Your homework is to polish your news on your own.
Show the homework.作业展示) 学生通过作业再次强化写作要点和技能。
Blackboard Design(板书设计)
Headline when what who
Lead sentence
Details Summary sentence
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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