视频标签:Sailing,the oceans
视频课题:人教版高中英语选修九Book9 Unit2 Sailing the oceans Learning about language福建
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人教版高中英语选修九Book9 Unit2 Sailing the oceans Learning about language福建省南平第一中学
Module 9 Unit 2 Sailing the ocean
Learning about language
一、 文本解读
模块9虽然是选修内容,但是话题涉及人文、地理、历史等各个方面,具有跨学科的性质,其中渗透着社会科学和自然科学,如航海技术、植物探究和商业广告宣传等教学内容。本单元的中心话题是“航海、发现探索未知的大陆”,内容涉及海洋航行、人类早起航海技术、历史上著名的航海家冒险航行等。 主题:伟大的英国航海家James Cook (Captain Cook)
主要内容:讲述了James Cook 不仅是一位关心船员健康的船长还是一位伟大的航海家和太平洋探险行动的领导者。他不仅对船员日常饮食进行强制改革,而且领导了历史上三次意义深远的航海探索,发现了未知的新大陆-新西兰,并绘制的航线,为后人航海探索奠定了基础。 二、教学目标
1. 学会根据上下文或构词法感知文章中的生词意义,并对已知单词进行简单的英文解释。如chart、 dietary、dispute等
3. 探索挖掘文章隐含的文化知识,与所学知识相联系。了解航海家定义、航海技术、世界有名航海家及航海探索活动(遇到的困难和历史意义)。
4.了解一位伟大航海家应具有什么样的品质及预测未来探索领域,学习和弘扬航海家的勇于探索未知世界的精神和不惧困难的坚韧意志。 三、教学步骤
Step 1 Lead-in (2minutes) Show a picture of James Cook Q: Who is he ?
Introduce James Cook briefly through a short video.
Q: Where does James Cook come from and what is he? (James Cook comes from England and he is a navigator, captain and explorer.)
设计意图: 通过视频和图片介绍文章主要人物,形象生动,能引起学生学习兴趣,从而对文章进行探索。 Step 2 Reading (3 minutes)
Read the passage and try to find out its topic ,content and style.
(topic :the exploration of unknown land content : James Cook’s three Pacific
ocean voyages style : narration )
设计意图: 通过阅读文章了解文章文体,明确话题和主要内容,有助于学生对文章有初步理解,有的放矢。
Step3 Reading circle discussion (group discussion 10minutes ) Learn more about the passage by group discussion
5 students a group, and each of them choose to play the role of Discussion leader/ Word master / Passage person/ Culture collector/Summarizer Please ask 3 general questions with 6 w(When/ Where/ Why/ What/ Who/ How) Question Reference answer
Word master Word Meaning Reason
navigator :The navigator on an aircraft or ship is the person whose job is to
work out the direction in which the aircraft or ship should be travelling. compulsory :If something is compulsory, you must do it or accept it, because
it is the law or because someone in a position of authority says you must. dietary : You can use dietary to describe anything that concerns a person's
diet. (构词法 diet)
reform : change that is made to a social system, an organization, etc. in order
to improve or correct it round: circle / move round chart : make a map
claim possession : to demand or ask for sth because you believe it is your
legal right to own or to have it dispute : argument Passage person
How many parts can this passage be divided into? What is the main idea of each part? Culture collector
Collect information related to the topic or James Cook online. Tips:
Zheng he explored Southeast Asia, India and the Middle East in Ming Dynasty Vasco da Gama reached India
Ferdinand Magellan made the first travel around the world Christopher Columbus discovered America Summarizer
Make a summary about what you have learned from the passage.
设计意图:以“文学圈”小组合作学习模式促使学生展开探索和互动交流,达到相互帮助和共同进步,发挥主观能动性针对文章内容,词汇表达,信息收集,探索相关主题和主要人物信息,总结归纳,培养学生批判思维。 Step 4. Presentation Time Step 5. Homework.
Write a passage about your research about James Cook’s voyage.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com