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深圳市初中英语优质课八上 Unit 4 Inventions 读写课程-深圳市罗湖中学



视频课题:深圳市初中英语优质课八上 Unit 4 Inventions 读写课程-深圳市罗湖中学

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深圳市初中英语优质课八上 Unit 4 Inventions 读写课程-深圳市罗湖中学


八年 英语      议课:
教时计划:   6  课时    本课为第5课时     授课时间:11.23       
班级________  学生姓名__________   _____小组            小组长___________
课题:Unit 4  Inventions 课型:writing
1. Language ability:
1) To talk about the invention in our daily lives with classmates.
2) To practice some sentence patterns to write about the invention.
2. Learning ability:
1) Learn how to talk about the invention to others.
2) Write a short article about the invention.
3. Emotional aim
1) To know about some inventions and how they have changed your lives.
2) To try to make our life better with the inventions.
3) To know the importance of cooperation.
【任务一】Warm up
I. Words game.
Find the spelling mistakes and write down the words correctly
II. Brainstorm
Why is it your favourite invention?
It makes our life ________________________________________________________.
It can help us  ___________________________________________________________.
【任务二】Group work
I.  Read a sample and answer the questions.
                             My invention
Today I would like to talk about my invention--- a pair of special shoes to you. My invention is a pair of shoes.They are very good.
They look like the normal shoes , and they are as soft and comfortable as the normal shoes. However, they are quite different. First, the shoes are made of special materials. They will never get wet even in rainy days. Second, there are batteries in the front of shoes. They can change the shoes' temperature according to the weather. When the weather is cold,               they make people feel warm. When it is hot,they make people feel cool. Most importantly, the shoes can help people stay safe. They can warn people about the danger and call for help if necessary.
I believe my invention will make our life more comfortable in the future.
1. What is the writer’s invention?
2. What does it look like?
3. What is special about it?
4. How does it work?
5. What will our life be like with it?
【任务三】Pair work
I. Talk about the invention.
normal, at the bottom, on top of , barbell, telephone receiver, two-way telescopes, help you do...., small, big, comfortable....
II. Talk about your favourite invention.
Q: What is your favourite invention?
A: My favourite invention is  ______________________.
Q: What do they look like?
A: ______ look(s) like  _____________________________________________________.
Q: How does it work ?
Q: What is special about it ?
A: ____________________________________________________________________.
Q: What will our life be like with it?
A: With it, our life will become ______________________________.
III. Show time

I. Group work: discuss about your invention and complete the introduction of your invention
normal,material, battery, comfortable, convenient, good,  make...feel....
First...Secondly...Most importantly...
Our invention
Today we would like to talk about our invention. Our invention is ________________.  They are/It is very ________________.
They look/It looks like the ________________,and __________________________as ________________. However, ________ ________________ quite __________.
First, ______________________________________________________________________. Secondly, ___________________________________________________________________.
Most importantly, ____________________________________________________________.
All in all , our invention will make our life ______________ in the future.
II. Show time and evaluation
1. I know how to talk about the invention in our daily lives with my classmates.      
2. I’ve learnt some sentence patterns to write about the  invention.      
3. I was very active in class.      

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