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深圳市初中英语优质课 Information Retelling in Oral Test



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深圳市初中英语优质课 Information Retelling in Oral Test

Teaching plan for the skills of Information Retelling in Oral Test

Textbook for Computer-based Oral Test
Students’ prior knowledge Students have already known the process and the marking criterion of information retelling.
Teaching aims Teaching Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
l  Be able to decide the tense, person, sentence pattern before listening.
l  Take notes quickly and efficiently while listening.
l  Use proper expressions in retelling.
l  Be able to use linking words to make the retelling logical.
l  Speak aloud, confidently and fluently while recording the voice.
Teaching & Learning methods Task-based approach
Steps Teaching purpose Teacher’s activities Expected behavior and outcome from students
Before listening To get students ready for the listening. 1) Ask students to predict the key information based on the introduction and the mind map.
2)      Lead students to draw the outline of notes.
1)      Decide the tense, person and the form of verbs in the retelling.
2)      Get the main idea of the listening material.
3)      Draw the outline of the note.
4)      Think about what sentences may use according to four key points.
While listening To help students take notes quickly and efficiently while listening. 1) Share some skills of note-taking with students.
2) Play the recording twice.
1)      Get to know what kind of information should be written down.
2)      Learn how to use short forms or signs to take notes.
3)      Write down the key information while listening for the first time.
4)      Check the key information and make additional notes while listening for the second time.
After listening
1)      To help students put the skills into action.
2)      To help students retell the short story correctly.
3) To lead students to make the retelling more logical and natural.
1)    Check the key information.
2) Encourage students to retell more details.
3) Share answers.
4) Remind students to cover as much information as they can.
5) Ask students to find out mistakes in the passage.
6) Ask students to compare two passages to learn the usage of linking words.
7) Share some useful linking words with students.
1) Practise the retelling in 50 seconds.
2) Share answers.
3) Correct mistakes in the passage.
4) Learn to use linking words in retelling.
the voice
To encourage students to speak aloud, fluently and confidently in retelling. Ask students to speak aloud, fluently and confidently. Learn how to leave a good impression on others while recording the voice.
Practice 1)      To lead students to put what they learnt into use.
2)      To strengthen students’ ability in retelling.
1) Ask students to finish two pieces of information retelling.
2) Share answers.
Step by step, finish two pieces of information retelling.
Summary To help students have a review of the steps in doing information retelling. Lead student to review the lesson. Take notes.
1 Write a short passage about Lily’s birthday party plan.
2 Suppose you were Lucy’s friend, what questions would you ask her? Write down at least five questions. 
3 Finish the Oral Test on Kouyu100.

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