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深圳市初中英语优质课Word Formation构词法-深圳市南山区



视频课题:深圳市初中英语优质课Word Formation构词法-深圳市南山区

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深圳市初中英语优质课Word Formation构词法-深圳市南山区

Teaching plan for Revision of English Grammar Word Formation

Learning material prepared by the teacher
Students’ prior knowledge Students have already completed learning all the English new lessons in Junior high school
Teaching aims Teaching Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
l  Be clear about the rules of word formation.
l  Learn the meaning of different prefix and suffix.
l  Use the strategy to guess the word meaning.
l  Be able to use the strategy in Reading Comprehension.
Teaching & Learning methods Task-based approach
Steps Teaching purpose Teacher’s activities Expected behavior and outcome from students
warming up and lead in To get students ready for the topic. 1)        Ask students to think what they would do if they meet new words while reading.
2)        Guide students to analyze the new words and guess their meanings.
3)        Introduce the topic and make students be clear about what they will learn in this class.
1)      Become aware of the importance of word formation.
2)      Guess the meaning of three new words according to their formation.
3)      Know that they will learn three main types of word formation in this class.
While learning 1)        To encourage students analyze and summarize the rules of word formation.
2)        To help students get the strategy of guessing the word meaning.
① introduce the name of each part in a word like immovable.
② ask the students to find the prefix and suffix in the giving words.
③ guide students to do some exercise by using derivation.
④ ask students to guess different words with the given information.
⑤ help students to guess the word meaning by each part in them.
⑥ ask students to judge the types of the given words.
⑦ work with students to tell the different usage of the same word like hand.
⑧ ask students to read the sentences and tell the difference of the word in bold.
⑨ introduce more types of word conversion.
1)        be clear about the concept of “prefix” “root”and “suffix”.
2)        Can find the prefix of the given words.
3)         summarize the rules about prefix.
4)        Can add different suffix to the given words.
5)         summarize the usage of suffix.
6)        Do some exercise about adding prefix and suffix.
7)        Guess the words with given information.
8)        Guess the word meaning and judge the types by using the way of compounding.
9)        Be aware that some words have different usage in different sentences.
10)    Summarize the different ways of conversion.
Summary To help students have a review of the types of word formation Ask students to summarize the content with the help of mind map. Retell what they have learned in this class.
More Practice 1)      To lead students to put what they learned into use.
2)      To strengthen students’ ability in Guessing the word meanings.
1)        Ask students to guess the word meaning in two sentences.
2)        Ask students to analyze the word in the reading paragraph.
3)        Guess the word meaning in two sentences by using what they have learned in Derivation.
4)        Analyze the word in the reading paragraph with the help of what they have learned.
Complete the exercise
1. Add prefix and suffix to the given roots.
2. Guess the word in reading Comprehension.

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