
视频标签:What were,you doing,rainstorm ca
视频课题:人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm cam Section B 1a—1d内蒙古
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm cam Section B 1a—1d内蒙古包头市昆区包钢三中
Teaching demands and aims:
1 Functions :Talk about preferences, make plans
2 Grammar : infinitives used as object (to do)
Target language : I want to watch cartoons because they are relaxing. Mary wants to watch action movies because they are exciting.
Target words and expressions:
Words: comedy, action movie, cartoon, scary movies
Expressions: want to do … because…..
4.1 教学过成 导入step1 :lead-in: Teacher’s activities: In my spare time, I like soap operas. Picture-the man from the stars. Students’ activities:Look and say. The thoughts of teaching plan:图片以及教师的喜好贴近生活,引人入胜 讲授step 2: Teacher’s activities:Listen to the sounds and guess what kind of TV shows they are . Review the TV shows they have learned .Learn the movies. Use adjs to describe them. (body language to tell likes or dislikes)Use want to do to express your preferences Students’ activities;Look at the pictures. Learn and say The thoughts of teaching plan;用熟悉声音及图片导入形容词以及want to do的句子层层递进 活动step3 Teacher’s activities:Challenge and PK.Boys PK Girls , answer questions and get scores. Win the game Students’ activities:answer The thoughts of teaching plan 增加活动趣味性并加强重点及时练习 讲授step4 Teacher’s activities:Make a conversation Students’ activities:Practice and show. The thoughts of teaching plan 练习对话中使用目标词汇,词组 活动step5 Teacher’s activities Activity chain . Ask and answer, then make conversations one by one Students’ activities:Say The thoughts of teaching plan 全班学生容入到情景中,增加参与感 讲授step6 Teacher’s activities :Listening methods 1b Listen and answer my question ,then circle the words 1c Fill in the blanks ,then tell us with a complete sentence Students’ activities :Conversation practice Listen and say The thoughts of teaching plan 输入并输出 活动step7 Teacher’s activities:Make a sentence.Give three words about who what why ,then make a sentence Students’ activities :Choose and say The thoughts of teaching plan 培养学生输出能力 活动step8 Teacher’s activities:Mind map –Brainstorm the kinds of TV shows and movies, what do you think of them and the reasons. Students’ activities:Think about them, say as much as you can , ask and answer The thoughts of teaching plan 开放思维,用英语进行交流,形成课程标准要求的学生“能够做某事的能力”. 练习step9 Teacher’s activities;Make a survey about your three partners , report about their favorite movies and the reason. Then tell us yours Students’ activities:Talk and report The thoughts of teaching plan:思维渗透 练习step10 Teacher’s activities :Writing practice Write a passage about your best friend and his /her parents ‘ opinions about movies with the given words Students’ activities : write and tell The thoughts of teaching plan:学以至用
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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