
视频标签:were you doi,when the rai
视频课题:初中英语人教版八年级下册what were you doing when the rainstorm came Section B 2a—3b Self check浙江
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:初中英语人教版八年级下册what were you doing when the rainstorm came Section B 2a—3b Self check浙江
Writing: Maybe you should learn to relax!
(Go for it! Grade 8)
宁海县越溪乡初级中学 潘莉娜
Teaching content: Show different opinions about after-school activities. Teaching objectives: 1. Language knowledge:
(1) Students are able to master the following words and expressions: opinion,
compete, typical, compare, football, cut out, push, skill.
(2) Students get to know the words: compare with, in one’s opinion.
(3) Students learn to show their opinions to agree or disagree with somebody. 2. Language skills:
(1) Students are able to use the context to guess the meaning. (2) Students are able to scan the reading material for details.
(3) Students are able to talk about their opinions and reasons freely. 2. Learning strategies:
(1)Students conclude the correct structure of the essay. (2)Students analyze the deep reasons in the problems. (3) Students predict the information from the title. 3. Affection:
Students work in pairs or groups to finish the given tasks together and get confidence in speaking. They learn that different people have different opinions, but both parents and children are busy to make a better life. They also get to know they should share their opinions with parents, especially when they have different aims. Teaching difficulties:
Students may find it difficult to guess the meaning which is explained in English and give the reasons why the agree or disagree.. Teaching facilities:
Blackboard, multi-media Teaching procedures:
StepⅠ: Warm-up and lead-in Activity 1: Free talk
T talks about the weekends with Ss, chats with them about the activities we do and the ways we choose to relax on weekends.
【设计意图】在课堂伊始,教师通过与学生讨论周末活动和放松的方式,消除与学生之间的陌生感,拉近距离,同时,有效复习上堂课的内容。其中针对课外辅导班的问答为教学的进行做好了铺垫。 Activity 2: Lead in
T leads to the topic of after-school classes by asking if they have some, and then presents the schedule of her daughter’s after-school classes. Later, T encourages Ss to find the ways to solve the problem by reading the essay.
【设计意图】教材阅读材料内容即是不同国家存在的“补课热潮”。教师在这一环节中设置自己孩子的补课表既是承上之话题,并在其中解决football, training, skill, cazy, 和cut out这些新单词的认知问题,适当降低文本阅读难度;也是启下,通过to be successful or happy的矛盾询问what should we do?引导学生在之后的阅
读中寻找答案。 StepⅡ: Pre-reading Activity 1: Prediction
Before asking Ss to read the essay, T asks Ss to look at the title to get some information from it by the given clues.
【设计意图】这一环节训练学生根据线索预测文章内容的能力。 Step Ⅲ: While-reading
Task1: Skimming for the type and structure of the essay.
Ss read the essay quickly and summarize the style and structure of it.
Task2: Scanning for the main idea of each paragraph.
T guides Ss to find out and match the main idea of each paragraph, and it will help them conclude the right structure.
Task3: Careful reading for details.
Activity 1: Read para.1 and try to answer some questions.
In this part, Ss should be able to find out the reasons why Chinese children have to take so many after-school classes and guess the meaning of compete.
Activity 2: Read para.2 and do filling and multiple-choice.
Ss find out the Taylors and how busy their life is. Finally Ss think about whether Cathy or her children are busy?.
Activity 3: Read para.3&4 and do T or F and matching.
Through reading the last paragraphs, Ss judge if the statements are true. If it is false, they will try to correct it.
【设计意图】精读环节,第三、四段因为论点一致,便放在一起阅读。此环节,安排了T/F和搭配练习,充分丰富活动方式,让枯燥的阅读稍显灵活一些,也利于程度稍差的学生总有会做之题,而程度好的就可以找出错误所在试着去纠正它。T/F的题项设置即是两者不同观点的总结,便于后面总结步骤的实施。 Step Ⅳ: Post-reading Activity 1: Summary
T guides Ss to make a short summary about the main idea of the essay and the deep reasons why the parents take their children to have so many after-school classes. Ss know they should express their opinion to communicate with parents. 【设计意图】通过总结学生温故几个重点词汇的使用并归纳文章中出现的共通现象和不同观点。并引出他们的矛盾之处to be successful or happy。如何去解决:maybe you should learn to relax和communicate。
Activity 2: Discussion
In pairs, Ss talk about the three opinions parents usually have why they take children to after-school classes, and after the sample, they choose one topic and express their own opinions if they agree or disagree with.
【设计意图】学生两人一组讨论和发表自己针对某一个观点的赞同或反对意见。完成reading for speaking的输出。 Step Ⅴ: Assignment
Essential homework: Write down the opinions in the letter..
Optional homework: Communicate with parents about the problems Ss have. 【设计意图】学生课后将讨论内容写在指定的信中,并鼓励他们将生活中的问题与家长交流、沟通。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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