
视频标签:were you doi,when the rai
视频课题:初中英语人教版八年级下册what were you doing when the rainstorm came Section B 2a—3b Self check重庆市
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:初中英语人教版八年级下册what were you doing when the rainstorm came Section B 2a—3b Self check重庆市
Unit 5 Section B (2a-2e)
Do you remember what you were doing?
1. teaching aims(教学目标): (1)Knowledge aims(知识目标):
1)New words: completely, shocked, terrorist„ 2)巩固过去进行时态句型的用法 (2)ability aims(能力目标):
2)根据文章总结W/H 疑问词,并通过疑问词绘制思维导图,从而快速复述文章大意。
(3)emotional education(情感教育) 人人平等,互相尊重。 热爱世界,热爱和平。 2. teaching methods(教法):
task-based teaching method, communicative teaching method, audio- visual teaching method 3. teaching procedure(教学过程): Step 1 lead-in(引入)
Step 2 pre-reading(读前准备) 1) 穿越时光隧道,回到2008.5.12
2) 带领学生回顾地震当时正在做什么,心情怎么样,从而复习
本单元的重点句型—过去进行时,同时根据老师的回忆引出新词汇,也为本篇文章的阅读和复述作铺垫。 Step 3 While-reading(读中活动)
Task 1 总体把握文章—穿越第二次回到文章中会涉及到的两个时间,通过旅行去了解这两个对于美国人而言有意义的日子。 Skimming:Find the main idea of this passage. 阅读技巧指导:
title, pictures, the first sentence Task 2 事件的寻找和段落的划分
How many events are there in the passage? How many parts can we divide?
Task 3 分段把握文章细节
1) 读part 1(Pra.1-2)完成表格(把握人物、事件、事件、地点、
2) 根据提示绘制思维导图
3)阅读part 2(pra.3-4)—训练学生找到细节信息,从而把握文章大意。并通过问题引导学生掌握事件的人物、事件、地点、人物感受,为学生自己动手绘制思维导图和复述文章做铺垫。
what (event)
the _____ of Martin Luther King
when On___________
(doing) theywere ___________
completely _______
an event
what who
1. What happened to the World Trade
2. When did it happen?
3.Does it have meaning to most Americans? 4. Why did Kate's friend shout? 5. How did Kate feel?
Task 4 整体把握文章,通读文章,判断正误,从而使得学生能够对整篇文章有更深刻的印象。
1.Not everyone in American remembers who killed Dr. King. 2. No one said anything for the rest of dinner. 3. September 11,2001 means nothing to most Americans. Task 5 根据文章上下文猜词义,训练阅读技巧。
4. Kate had trouble thinking clearly after that because she was
My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence.
The underlined word “in silence” means ___________.
A. 哭泣 B. 沉默 C.冷静 D. 冷漠
Step 4 after- reading (读后活动)—Group Work Story-telling competition 1.A tells the story of Robert 2.B tells the story of Kate 3.C plays the role of the reporter e.g.
C: Hello, I heard that you had a special journey with Linda, can you remember the events during the journey?
A: Yes, I can remember them well. Robert was„when „.And he was/felt„
B:I can remember them well. Kate was„when „.And she was/felt„
C: Wow, you can remember so well. Thank you so much. Step 5 emotional education(情感教育)---本次穿越之旅的收获 Dr. Martin Luther King was killed, the world trade Center was taken down by terrorists 人人平等,互相尊重。 热爱世界,热爱和平。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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