
视频课题:初中英语牛津上海课标版八年级下册Unit 6 Travel上海市
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:初中英语牛津上海课标版八年级下册Unit 6 Travel上海市民办金盟学校
8B Unit 6 Travel (Writing)
这节课是牛津英语八年级下册Unit 6 Travel 这一单元的相关内容,是通过Reading部分的阅读文章France is calling 延伸出来的拓展写作课时。从整个牛津英语初中学段的教材来看,在七年级下册第一单元中,就已经出现过了和Travel 相关的内容——Writing a travel guide,并且整个单元的主要学习内容都是围绕上海这座城市而展开的,所以学生对上海的一些基本信息、旅游景点、名胜古迹及其特点已有了一定的认知,并对如何介绍上海这座城市也有一些思路,因为我们在教学过程中,重点就是让学生掌握如何从不同的角度去介绍某个地方。但在八年级下册书中,当我们再碰到“travel”这一话题时,我们所阅读的课文材料不仅仅是涵盖了对法国的介绍,更是旨在通过这样一篇摘自travel brochure中的文章来吸引游客去法国游玩,所以Reading 部分的文章无论是从语言,还是内容,还是结构上看,无一不凸显出这一特点,“attract”这个词也是贯穿始末。这就与我们学生以往所读和所写的关于“travel”的文章大有不同,我想不妨让学生动笔一试。
首先,八年级的学生的生活阅历更加丰富了,在他们的背景知识体系中,应该能较快地搜寻到一些和Travelling in Shanghai 相关的内容,为他们的语言输出作铺垫;其次,学生在六七年级的学习过程中,也已学习过一些与travel 和 travelling in Shanghai 相关的内容,为他们的写作也能作铺垫;除此之外,他们在思想上也日渐成熟了,会有自己独到的想法乐于表达。很庆幸,我所执教的这个班级的学生正是这样一群可爱的少年,他们没有在青春期这一阶段羞于表达或懒于思考,恰恰相反,他们在课堂上总是乐于表达自己的想法,分享不同的见解,积极参与课堂,全身心投入课堂,让课堂活力四射,这是难能可贵的。但与此同时,他们在课外知识的积累与拓展上,思维品质的培养上,还需要给自己提出更高的要求,并作出更大的努力。
本单元的主题为Travel,主阅读材料为France is calling, 所以从输入角度上看,我们不仅仅学习了文本内容,更是学习了诸如此类文体的表达方式,因此,在写作这一输出环节,我们选择了以读促写的教学策略, 通过发现文本的表达特征, 使用这些特征为自己的书面表达所用,所以设定本节课的教学目标如下: 1. 让学生通过阅读France is calling 这篇教材文章,发现总结归纳四大写作微技能(The target readers; The topic sentences ; More detailed information; Charming words)
2. 运用上述四个所概括出的写作微技能来现场完成一个段落的写作,并进行展示与互评,并在此基础上进行再次修改。在这个过程中,学生通过理解、应用,评价和再修改,进一步加深对四个微技能的理解与应用。
3. 通过小组合作展示,让学生进行整体性评价,并给出相应的建议或意见。在整个过程中,让学生加爱上海。
通过阅读文本材料,引导学生体验、发现、概括总结本堂课聚焦的关于travel brochure 写作的四个微技能,并能学以致用。
由于学生在以往的写作过程中,对于travel brochure的训练没有,对travel brochure 的表达的认识不够,结构不清晰,因此如何根据阅读输入环节来发现表达的微技能是比较困难的部分,因此设定本节课的难点如下:
如何通过对文本材料,France is calling 的再次阅读,发现并归纳出travel brochure 写作的四大微技能。
Unit 6 Travel ------ Writing: Shanghai is calling
Skills for writing a travel brochure ● The target readers
A topic sentence
More detailed information ● Charming words
本课主要通过情境创设来展开过程性写作活动。首先,通过鼓励学生参加即将到来的上海旅游节征文活动来引出本节课的写作话题,明确写作的目的;其次,通过再读“France is calling”这篇文章,来共同分析并挖掘出本堂课重点关注的两大写作微技能,通过归纳总结这些微技能使学生明确写作评价标准。其次,通过学生亲身实践,及时发现问题,指出问题,给出评价,便能在此基础上让学生进行进一步的对习作的完善;最后,进行分享与展示活动,挑选出值得推送的作品,也让情境贯穿始终。
十一、Teaching Plan Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
1. find out the two main skills for writing an article for a travel brochure by reading ‘France is calling’. 2. write a paragraph for the article by using the writing skills they’ve concluded in class; 3. learn to evaluate their own works according to the checklist; 4. love Shanghai more
Teaching focus:
Lead the students to find out the two main writing skills for writing a travel brochure and put them into practice.
Learning difficulty:
To find out the four main writing skills for writing a travel brochure.
Teaching procedures: Stage
Learning activities
Teaching Purpose
• To know that Shanghai Tourism Festival is collecting articles for their travel brochure to attract tourists.
. To elicit the topic and purpose for writing.
While -writing
. To find out how to write the article step by step.
Step1: To focus on the beginning part and find out the purpose of writing this paragraph and the most attractive sentence. Step 2: To find out more charming words, phrases or sentences In the rest part.
Step 3: To read the rest part and find out the target readers for each paragraph.
Step 4: To decide on who the target readers might be in their own articles----Shanghai is calling.
Step 5: To analyze the structure of each paragraph in the body part.
• To help students conclude the first writing skill :Using charming words.
. To guide students find out the second writing skill: Deciding on different target
readers for each paragraph.
. To help the students figure out how to organize their short paragraphs briefly
. To enjoy a short video and read some more information about travelling in Shanghai and write a short paragraph for the body part.
but clearly.
. To stimulate their thinking and help them know more about Shanghai. . To put what we’ve learned in class into practice.
. After writing, to enjoy and try to evaluate their classmates’ works according to the checklist, and give some reasons. . To polish the paragraphs, share and evaluate some more works again.
. To find their partners freely and make the paragraphs into a whole passage, then make a presentation.
. To consolidate the writing skills and the writing criteria.
• To realize the importance of checking their articles after writing.
. To lead the students to help each other and learn from one another.
. Write the whole article ‘Shanghai is calling’ on their own.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
-----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Travel”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“初中英语牛津上海课标版八年级下册Unit 6 Travel上海市”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“初中英语牛津上海课标版八年级下册Unit 6 Travel上海市”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 ----- |