
视频标签:When is your,birthday
视频课题:七年级上册Unit8 When is your birthday? Section A 1a—2e珠海市
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:七年级上册Unit8 When is your birthday? Section A 1a—2e珠海市紫荆中学
Knowledge aims:
Learn the expression of the twelve months
Learn to use the sentence patterns as following:
When is your birthday? –It’s on December first.
When is his/her/Sally’s birthday?—It’s on June tenth.
Ability aims:
Students learn to talk about their own birthdays and ask about others’ birthday.
Learn to cooperate with others.
Emotional aims:
Learn how to care for other students.
Learn to understand family members.
Resource analysis:
The main topic of this unit is people’s birthday. Students will learn the usage of ordinal numbers and dates. At the same time, the usage of
“when” and possessive case of nouns are taught. In unit 7, cardinal numbers are introduced, so this unit is very important in that it continues the study of numbers and does spadework for the later use of dates.
Students analysis:
Though students have learnt cardinal numbers in unit7, it’s still hard for students to tell the difference between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. Teachers have to guide students to contrast and find the changes of the numbers. In the process of learning, students need to talk about their own, friends’ and parents’ birthday and they will learn to show love to them. Besides, the students of Grade seven love games and active ways of learning, therefore some games and activities are designed.
1. Acquire vocabulary of the twelve months of a year.
2. Learn to use the sentence patterns as following:
① —When is your birthday? —My birthday is on October 2nd.
② —When is Alice's birthday? —It's in September.
③ —Happy birthday! —Thank you!
3.The spelling of the ordinal numbers.
活动1【导入】Greetings and songs
1. Greet the Students as usual. Ask about the date of today.
2. Thte teacher sings a song of the months.
活动2【活动】Game one
Ask six students to tell the words of months one by one. The one who can’t tell or being too slow would be out. The last two students remain in the game will be the winner.
活动3【讲授】Group work
1.Present the cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers from one to thirty-one.
2. Ask the students to discuss with their group members and find the special ordinal numbers.
3.Sum up the rules of the special ordinal numbers.
活动4【活动】Game two
1.Show some pictures of calendars with some circles of dates.?
2.students stand up and tell the months and dates shown on the calendars as soon as possible.
活动5【练习】 Listening
1.Listen to materials of 2a&2b on the textbook and finish exercises 2a & 2b.
2.Ask a student to check the answers.
1.Present the sentence patterns by asking some of the students’ birthdays.
2.Students answer the teachers’ questions using the given patterns.
活动7【活动】Game three
1.Ask the students to ask each others question and line up according to the orders of their birthdays as quickly as possible.
2.Check the result of the quickest group by asking the next student's birthday one by one.
活动8【活动】Pair work and Conversation
1.Ask the students to practice with their partners using the given models.
2.Ask some pairs of students to present their conversation.
活动9【练习】Write a birthday card
1.Ask students to write some wish to their classmate whose birthday is coming soon on the cards.
2.Take photos of some of the birthday cards and correct the mistakes.
活动10【活动】Sing the Happy birthday song
Sing the Happy birthday song with the students.
Sum up the key points of this period.
1.Assign the homework of a short writing.Write about when their family members' birthdays are and what to do for them.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
-----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“When is your,birthday”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“七年级上册Unit8 When is your birthday? Section A 1a—2e珠海市”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“七年级上册Unit8 When is your birthday? Section A 1a—2e珠海市”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 ----- |