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译林版5A Unit4 Hobbies Checkout time Ticking江苏省- 如东课堂



视频课题:译林版5A Unit4 Hobbies Checkout time Ticking江苏省- 如东课堂

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译林版5A Unit4 Hobbies Checkout time Ticking江苏省- 如东课堂评测练习

5年级上册  Unit 4
A: 课堂点拨题
1.live_______    2.play________  3.jump ______  4.run______    5.dance_______  6.swim______
7.find_______   8.do________   9.put_______   10.have_______   11.skate_______ 12.climb______
13.give_______  14. sit_______   15. stop _______  16.fly_______  17.shout          18.sleep         
1. like + 动名词(动词ing形式)
(1) —What do you like doing?   —_____   A.I like dogs.    B.I like watching films.    C.You like watching films.
(2)Nancy likes _____.            A.swim and skate     B. swiming and skateing      C. swimming and skating
(3)【易错】Nancy’s hobby is__________ table tennis.   A. playing      B. play    C. plays   D. playing the
(4)【易错】There’s a hole        the ice. Don’t skate       it.  A.on;on;in;on 
(5)【易错】Does she like_________(swim)in summer?
2. 复习“主谓宾”的肯定句,否定句,疑问句,以及它们相互之间的转换
(1)Ling Ling        a dog.            A. don’t have   B. doesn’t have    C. doesn’t has
(2)My sister ______ drawing pictures.     A. like          B. likes          C. liking
(3)—Does Mary_____parrots?   —Yes,she_____.   A.likes;does;does;do
(4)How many uncles _______ (do) he have?
(5)What__________ (do)the boy_________(have)?
3. 有情态动词can的句子   /  动配副 swim well
(1)I can skate very       .            A. good       B. well      C. fine
(2)Jim is good at English and he speaks Chinese         .   A. good      B. fine         C. well
(3)Can your mother _______ (sing) ? No, she can’t. But she can _______ (dance) .
(4)【易错】Does Miss Li _____ (like/likes) running?  Yes, she can _____(running run) very fast().
4. be good at… 擅长……
(1) Mike is good at       .      A. sing      B. singing     C. sings
(2)【易错】She is good at__________(swim).
5. with 人:和某人
I usually play basketball in the park_____Tim.   A.and      C.with
6. both和all
(1)Su Hai and Su Yang      like playing table tennis.   A. both   B. too   C. all
(2)We _________(都) have an English books.
7. go+动名词
Do you like         (go)          (skate)?
8. a lot of = lots of
They have lots of _____.  A.hobby     B.hobbies     C.hobbys
B: 课后巩固题       
(   )1.【易错】Do you like cooking, Helen? ___.       A. Yes, she does      B. No, I do       C. No, I don’t
(   )2.【易错】--___ your uncle have a car? --Yes, he ___. A. Do, does         B. Does, does     C. Is, is
(   )3.Do you have _______ hobbies?   B:Yes, l do.        A.some         B.a       C.any
(   )4.     Su Hai and Su Yang like growing flowers?  —Yes. They have the same hobby. A. Do   B. Does   C. Are
(   )5.--      your father        running? --Yes,he does.   A.Does;like    B. Do;like     C. Does;likes      
(   )6.My friend ______ animal friend.        A. has an      B. has a          C. have an
(   )7.【易错】A: What can Helen do?   B: _______.  A. I can run   B. She can swim very well.   C. He can skate.
(   )8.Kate is good at _____. football
(   )9.【易错】        your brother good at Maths? A.Does      B.Are        C. Is
(   )10.Su Yang and Su Hai _____ like swimming.      A.all        B.both        C.too
(   )11.They have lots of _____.         A.hobby     B.hobbies     C.hobbys
1.I(宾格)            2.them(主格)          3.their(同音词)         4.foot (复数)         5.story(复数)        
6.hobby(复数)        7.good(副词)          8.a lot of(同义词)            9.take(现在分词)        
10.she(宾格) 三单)         
12.Mrs. Green likes________ (swim) and________ (skate).
13.【★易错】--Do you like ________(panda)?  --Yes,they’re cute.
14.Do you like         (horse)?
15.【易错】______(do) the boys like _________ (skate)?
16.What ________(do) your friend like________(do)?
17.【易错】Tom ______(like)______(read)_____(story) very much.
18.My mother’s         (hobby) are reading and writing.
19.What lessons _______ (do) they have on Monday morning?
20.What         (do) Miss Li like        (do)?  She       (like)       (read).
21.My father_____________(do not)like watching cartoons.
22.I like swimming and Lily         (like) swimming too.
23.【易错】A swing is between the _____________ (tree).
24.Mary can_______(skate)very well.
25.【易错】What can you _____(do/doing)? I can _____ ,  I like _____ (skate/skating).
26.He can__________(play) tennis_______(good).
27.Mr Green is good at         (play) the guitar.
28.Let’s go ____________(run) this afternoon.
29.He has a lot of________(book).
1.你朋友们的业余爱好                       2. 溜冰溜得好               3.足球踢得好            
4.和我的哥哥一起看电影                           5.又冷又湿             
6.唱歌跳舞               7.看故事               8.擅长踢足球                9.看电影              
10.【易错】我的爱好是踢足球。My          is                  .
11.Mike and Nancy ____________(都)like playing tennis.
What                                   ?  She             cartoons. She                      .
13.【易错】你的爱好是什么? 我的爱好是制作卡片。What is your        ?               is         cards.
14.她的爸爸喜欢画画,他还擅长踢足球。Her father             pictures, and he is also      at       football.
15.【易错】我们是双胞胎,我爱跳舞,但她爱游泳。We are       . I like       ,but she      swimming.
16.【易错】王兵的妈妈喜欢写故事。Wang Bing’s mother                        .
My brother        a              books. He               .
   【易错】你擅长弹钢琴吗? Are you                            ?
18.苏海和苏阳都喜欢游泳,但是我们不喜欢。Su Hai and Su Yang                      , but              .
19.他们还喜欢看故事书。 They         reading stories        .
20.让我们去跳舞吧。 Let’s                . 【跳舞dance】
2.Tom,what,like,does,doing(?)                                                                      ,fingers,many,does,cat,a,have(?)                                                                    
1.Su Hai can play violin.                              
2.Su Hai likes read books very much.                    
3.Helen can plays table tennis well.                      
4.Su Hai and Su Yang all like singing.                    
5.My brother can sing songs very good.                         
6. What does Liu Tao and Wang Bing like doing?                   
7. Does he likes skating?                        
1.【易错】I like watching films.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ you like________?
2.Lily likes playing the piano.(对划线部分提问)_______ ________ Lily_______ ________?
3.My hobby is reading.(改同义句)I ______ ________.
4.We like reading. (对画线部分提问)                                                                    
5.I like reading stories. (改为否定句)                                                                    
6.【易错】My little sister _______ (not) like going climbing. She _______(like)going boating.
7.She likes making cards.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) ______ she _______  _______cards?  Yes, she_______.
8.He has a lot of books.(对划线部分提问)                                                                         
9.We like going shopping after school. (改为一般疑问句)                                                         
10.【易错】Does Liu Tao like playing basketball?(改为陈述句)                                              
11.【易错】Parrots can talk and fly. (针对划线部分提问)__________ can parrots ________?                                                 
12.【易错】The boy can make a model boat. (对画线部分提问)                                                     

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