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苏教译林6A unit 1 the king's new clothes Story time福建省 - 福州

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视频课题:苏教译林6A unit 1 the king's new clothes Story time福建省 - 福州

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苏教译林6A unit 1 the king's new clothes Story time福建省 - 福州

1.学习认读人物king, servant, cheater, 初步认读绘本故事。
1.能听说读:king, servant, cheater; 认读绘本。
活动1【导入】Lead-in the title
Step 1 Warm-up and lead-in
1. Greetings.
T: Before our class, let’s enjoy something interesting. (PPT P1: fairy tale world)
2. Free talk
T: Well, I got some books here. They are… Yes, storybooks. Do you like storybooks? Which book do you like? (Ask 2-3 students.)
Great! We all love storybooks. There are many interesting stories and people in the story books. They are… Princess, Prince, Queen and King etc. (READ THE CHARACTERS)
3. Guessing Game:
Before guessing, Teacher will draw little by little in PPT and students are supposed to guess who is it?
T: Yes! Our story is about the king. (Add king’s picture).
4. Topic:
Our king he lives in a big house. What does he have in his big house?  Students are supposed to see the short movie and review the words of hat dress pants shorts and glasses. The king has so many clothes.
T: Today our story is about the king and clothes. Can you guess the title of our story? (Free guessing)Yes! It’s The King’s New Clothes adapted from the Anderson’s Fairy Tale.
活动2【讲授】The Understanding of the whole story
Step 2 Presentation
(一) New words and sentences in scene 1
1. The king he has so many clothes and servants. Teach servant.
2. Talk about the king. Review the sentence:I like, I don't like...
Show the picture on PPT. This is the King, and this is his servant. And he has so many coats in different colors. (Review the colors)What colors? Yellow, red, blue, green etc. Teach COAT OA COAT. Show them the pictures yellow coat, red coat, green coat and blue coat.
3. T: I like this red coat. What about you? Ask students about the coat: Do you like…? Teacher shows the red coat and yellow coat in hands and asks students “Do you like this coat?” (If the student’s answer is yes then Teacher puts on the coat for him/her and says how nice! )
4.teach "cheater"
What about the king? Let’s watch the short movie and find the king’s answer.
T: After the movie we can see that the king he has so many coats, but he dosen't like his coats. So here comes two young men. (Add two cheaters on the blackboard) What can they do for the king. Let’s watch it again and find the answer.
Teach make a good coat. (Group by group).  They can make a good coat. 
5. Review the original story: According to the story we taught, the king he wants to make a good coat. Who can make the good coat? But are the tailors or cheaters? Yes, they are cheaters! Teach cheater. In fact, the king he puts on nothing and says, Ss: I like this coat.
T: But How do they cheat the king? They may say to the king: The foolish people can or can’t see the coat?
Ss: can’t.
T: And clever people?
Ss: They can see the coat.
The king he wants to be ? yes clever! So he pretend like he can see the coat.
Listen to the text again.
活动3【活动】The other ending of the story
(二) New words and sentences in scene 2
Now the king parades outside, what will happen next? Let’s watch another movie of the king's ending with following questions.
①how is the weather outside?
②the king he asks for_____?
Q1: Ss: it’s raining and windy too. (Design the blackboard). Q2: Ss: umbrella.
2. This is a really funny story about the king. Let’s read the story again.
3. Let’s have an overview about the story.
(三) Role play
Well, scene 2  Invite students to act out the scene. 
活动4【练习】Try to Summary
T: Can you sum up this story in one word?(Students may use in Chinese.)
The story is about cheat. Who is cheated? Who cheats the king?
T: after this story I want you to be clever. Don’t be cheated. And we should be honey too. Don’t cheat others.
(五) Homework
1. Try to retell the story
2.Try to continue the story and share with your partners.

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