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小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 6 In the kitchen Sound time, Culture time江苏省 - 南京

视频标签:the kitchen


视频课题:小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 6 In the kitchen Sound time, Culture time江苏省 - 南京

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2.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。
4. 了解字母组合qu在单词中的发音规律。
Watch and guess“我做你猜”的热身活动,既营造了轻松愉快的英语课堂氛围,又为随后的语音板块教学埋下了伏笔,提高了学生对于现在进行时态的关注度。
五年级的译林教材,除了以Story time为核心的语法板块和以Grammar time为核心的语法板块之外,每个单元一般还包含一组活动类板块。这些活动板块以不同的形式对相关单元的主要学习内容进行强化、拓展、归纳和整理,如Sound time一般侧重于对语音知识的学习和归纳,Culture time侧重对本单元主要学习内容的文化拓展,Cartoon time侧重于对学生初步英语阅读能力的培养。五年级的学生经过三四年级的学习,对新教材的各板块有了一定的了解,针对这样几个相对独立的教学板块和五年级学生现有知识水平和学习能力,,我打算借助一条情景主线开展单元活动板块教学,将这些零碎的板块整合成一个整体,提升单元活动板块的教学质量,为本单元前两个课时教学活动做延伸与补充。
教学重点:能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,了解不同国家吃饭时用的餐具
Unit 6  In the kitchen
第三课时 (Cartoon time & Culture time&Sound time)
2.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。
4. 了解字母组合qu在单词中的发音规律。
教学重点:能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,了解不同国家吃饭时用的餐具
2、板书:写好课题  Unit 6 In the kitchen
Step1: Warm up.
Play a game. Watch and guess what am I/is he/she doing?
Step2: Presentation and Practice.
      Sound Time:
Look at this man in the picture, what is he doing?
      S1: He is shouting.
      T: Read and do with me “shouting”. Then go on to guess, what is he shouting?
      S2: He is shouting “ Big apples! Three yuan a kilo!”
      S3: He is shouting “It’s going to rain, go fast!”
      T: Look! He is shouting “ Quick! Quick!” I’ll write it down on the blackboard.
But why is he shouting that? Discuss in groups.
      S4: Because some important people come.
      S5: Because it’s going to rain.
      T: Have a look at this picture, try to answer why is he shouting “Quick! Quick!”?
      S6:Because the queen is coming.
      Teach: queen
      Look at the two words: quick, queen. How does “qu” pronounce?
      S7: /kw/.
(设计意图:在学生的层层猜测中揭晓答案,引出本首小诗的主人公the queen,自然过渡到小诗的学习。)
      T: Look at the queen carefully, what is she wearing? Try to describe with the sentence: She is wearing a …
      S8: She is wearing a red dress.
      S9: She is wearing yellow gloves.
      T: What is she wearing on her head?
      Teach: golden crown.
      Now, we have the sentences:
      T: This is a rhyme. Pay attention to the last word of each sentence. One word is missing in the rhyme. Discuss with partner and choose a suitable word to fill in.
      S9: Town.
      S10: Because “crown” “town”, they rhyme.
      T: Now , we have the whole rhyme. Read it together.
Please look at the words “quick” “queen” , what rules do you find?
       S11: “qu” pronounce/kw/.
       T: Right. Do you have more examples? Discuss in groups. Write them down.
       Ss: quite, quiet, quit, question, quarter...
 T: Now, try to use these words to make a new rhyme in groups.
       Culture time:
       T: Look at the queen, why is the queen coming through the town?
       S: She is coming to a party.
       T: At the party, there are so many food to eat. They are all western food: the starter, soup, main course, dessert, drink. How does the queen eat?
       S: She eats with a knife and fork.
       T: People in India eat with their hands. Chinese people eat with chopsticks.
         Western people eat with a knife and fork.
         Teach: eat with…
       T: How do people set the fork and knife?
         They set the fork on the left and the knife on the right.
         Teach some good table manners.
       Cartoon time:
       T: At last, the queen will have the drink. What’s the drink today?
       S: Grape juice.
       T: Where’re the grapes from?
       S: Bobby’s garden.
       T: How are the grapes?
       S: They are big and sweet.
       T: Now let’s review the story of Bobby’s garden. (Fill in the blanks)
         The story is not over. It’s to be continued in Unit 6. What will happen?
         Watch and choose:
         A: Sam is coming to help Bobby.
         B: Sam is coming to eat the grapes too.
       T: How does Sam help?
       S: He brings some good ladybirds.
       T: Teach and compare the 7-spot and 10-spot ladybirds.
       T: How do the ladybirds help?
       Read and answer.
       T: teach “drive …away”.
       T: How is Bobby now?
       S: He is happy.
       T: How is he at first?
       S: Sad—angry--surprised—happy.
Step4: Consolidation.
       Read the story together.
       Act the story out.
Step5: Extension:
      Here comes the queen again. What is she doing?
      Read and finish the rhyme.
      Quick! Quick! The queen is leaving.
      Through our little town.
       Quick! Quick! The queen is leaving.
Wearing her golden crown.
活动1【导入】Step1 Warm up
​Play a game. Watch and guess what am I/is he/she doing?
活动2【讲授】Step2: Presentation and Practice. 
Sound Time:
Look at this man in the picture, what is he doing?
      S1: He is shouting.
      T: Read and do with me “shouting”. Then go on to guess, what is he shouting?
      S2: He is shouting “ Big apples! Three yuan a kilo!”
      S3: He is shouting “It’s going to rain, go fast!”
      T: Look! He is shouting “ Quick! Quick!” I’ll write it down on the blackboard.
But why is he shouting that? Discuss in groups.
      S4: Because some important people come.
      S5: Because it’s going to rain.
      T: Have a look at this picture, try to answer why is he shouting “Quick! Quick!”?
      S6:Because the queen is coming.
      Teach: queen
      Look at the two words: quick, queen. How does “qu” pronounce?
      S7: /kw/.
(设计意图:在学生的层层猜测中揭晓答案,引出本首小诗的主人公the queen,自然过渡到小诗的学习。)
      T: Look at the queen carefully, what is she wearing? Try to describe with the sentence: She is wearing a …
      S8: She is wearing a red dress.
      S9: She is wearing yellow gloves.
      T: What is she wearing on her head?
      Teach: golden crown.
      Now, we have the sentences:
      T: This is a rhyme. Pay attention to the last word of each sentence. One word is missing in the rhyme. Discuss with partner and choose a suitable word to fill in.
      S9: Town.
      S10: Because “crown” “town”, they rhyme.
      T: Now , we have the whole rhyme. Read it together.
Please look at the words “quick” “queen” , what rules do you find?
       S11: “qu” pronounce/kw/.
       T: Right. Do you have more examples? Discuss in groups. Write them down.
       Ss: quite, quiet, quit, question, quarter...
 T: Now, try to use these words to make a new rhyme in groups.
活动3【讲授】Presentation and Practice. 
Culture time:
       T: Look at the queen, why is the queen coming through the town?
       S: She is coming to a party.
       T: At the party, there are so many food to eat. They are all western food: the starter, soup, main course, dessert, drink. How does the queen eat?
       S: She eats with a knife and fork.
       T: People in India eat with their hands. Chinese people eat with chopsticks.
         Western people eat with a knife and fork.
         Teach: eat with…
       T: How do people set the fork and knife?
         They set the fork on the left and the knife on the right.
         Teach some good table manners.
活动4【讲授】 Presentation and Practice. 
Cartoon time:
       T: At last, the queen will have the drink. What’s the drink today?
       S: Grape juice.
       T: Where’re the grapes from?
       S: Bobby’s garden.
       T: How are the grapes?
       S: They are big and sweet.
       T: Now let’s review the story of Bobby’s garden. (Fill in the blanks)
         The story is not over. It’s to be continued in Unit 6. What will happen?
         Watch and choose:
         A: Sam is coming to help Bobby.
         B: Sam is coming to eat the grapes too.
       T: How does Sam help?
       S: He brings some good ladybirds.
       T: Teach and compare the 7-spot and 10-spot ladybirds.
       T: How do the ladybirds help?
       Read and answer.
       T: teach “drive …away”.
       T: How is Bobby now?
       S: He is happy.
       T: How is he at first?
       S: Sad—angry--surprised—happy.
活动5【活动】Step4: Consolidation.         
Read the story together.
 Act the story out. 
活动6【练习】Step5: Extension: 
Here comes the queen again. What is she doing?
      Read and finish the rhyme.
      Quick! Quick! The queen is leaving.
      Through our little town.
       Quick! Quick! The queen is leaving.
      Wearing her golden crown.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“the kitchen”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 6 In the kitchen Sound time, Culture time江苏省 - 南京”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 6 In the kitchen Sound time, Culture time江苏省 - 南京”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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