视频课题:译林《小学英语》五年级(下)Unit 8 Birthdays Storytime苏州
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译林小学英语五下Unit 8 Birthdays教学设计
译林《小学英语》五年级(下)Unit 8 Birthdays Storytime 【教材简解】
本单元Storytime围绕“生日”这一话题,通过Miss Li、Su Hai 和Mike之间对生日日期和生日活动的讨论,帮助学生感知英语中序数词的使用方法以及日期的表达方式,同时渗透中西方文化中不同的生日风俗习惯。 【目标预设】 (一)语言能力
1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写eleventh, eighth, together, birthday, April, game等单词。
2. 能理解和初步运用句型:When’s your birthday? It’s on ... What do you do on your birthday? I usually ...
3. 能初步感知序数词的构成和用法。
4. 能正确地理解课文,能流利地朗读课文并复述课文内容。 5. 能有条理地阐述自己的生日。 (二)文化意识
能了解中西方文化中不同的生日风俗习惯。 (三)思维品质
1. 能根据例子,总结序数词的变化规律和日期的表达方式,比较、分析等逻辑思维能力得以发展。
2. 能根据思维导图,从when, what, how等方面有条理地阐述生日,思维的广阔性和逻辑性得以训练。 (四)学习能力
1. 能联系词汇音、形、义之间的关系,创造性地进行记忆。 2. 能运用思维导图,梳理文本内容,提炼文本关键信息。 3. 能运用思维导图,辅助表达,让表达更有条理。 【重点、难点】(加*为教学难点)
1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写eleventh, eighth, together, birthday, April, game等单词。
2. 能理解和初步运用句型:When’s your birthday? It’s on ... What do you do on your birthday? I usually ...
*3. 能运用思维导图,梳理文本内容,提炼文本关键信息。 *4. 能借助思维导图,有条理地阐述自己的生日。 【设计理念】
1. 细化文本,将隐性目标显性化
在教学中,知识、技能等显性目标的达成,非常重要,文化、策略等隐性目标也不可或缺。在本课学习任务推进的过程中,我通过对文本的细致梳理,挖掘文本内容,将隐性目标显性化。 2. 运用导图,让学生思维可视化
3. 适时点拨,使教学指引无痕化
“画笔无痕乃上乘”。在重难点突破时,老师进行适时地点拨,帮助学生突破思维或语言的障碍,将学生的困惑变为顿悟,可达到事半功倍的效果。 【设计思路】
本节课,主要运用思维导图来指导学生学习,引发学生思考。在处理第一段文本时,通过教师示范,指导学生利用思维导图梳理文章内容。在处理第二段时,引导学生利用刚刚学会的方法,提炼文章关键词,分析它们之间的关系,选择合适的导图模板并进行绘制。完成课文内容的学习之后,则引导学生结合自身经验,绘制关于自己生日的思维导图,并借助它去有条理地进行阐述。 【教学过程】(…)中为师生活动,[… ]中为课件说明 Step 1. Warming up 1. Let’s sing a song 课前播放月份歌曲 2. Let’s get to know
T: I am so glad to be your new teacher. Would you like to know something about me? T: Let’s play a game to know more about each other. I say, you say. I tell you what I can do, you tell me what you can do. I tell you what I like, you tell me what you like. We should use the same sentence pattern. Got it?
T: OK, Let’s begin. I’m a teacher. S1: I am a student. T: I am a good teacher. S1: I am a good student. T: I teach English. S2: I study English. T: I teach English and my students are very clever. S2: I study English and my teacher is very clever. T: Oh, which teacher? Me? S2: Yes. T: Thank you!
T: I can cook. S3: I can play. T: I can cook nice food, S3: I can play football. T: I can cook nice food. I often cook for my family. S3: I can play football. I often play with my friends. T: I am fat. S4: I am strong… T: I like eating. S4: I like playing. T: I like eating cakes. S4: I like playing football. T: I am fat because I like eating cakes.. S4: I am strong. because I like playing football.
T: Yes. playing football makes you strong. And eating too many cakes makes me fat. So my family do not want me to eat any cakes. I can only eat the cake one day a year. Do you do when I can eat cakes every year? S: On your birthday. T: Yes. (教学birthday)
【设计意图:师生间“对对子”式的相互介绍,活跃了课堂气氛,训练了学生的听、说能力,激活了学生的思维】 Step 2 Presentation
T: My birthday is in this month. Which month are we in now?
S: April.
T: Yes. Look, this is April. We have so many special days in April. Look, here are the special days in April.[课件呈现,见图1]
T: When are they? First one, April Fool’s Day. When’s it? S: …
T: It’s on the first day of April. So we say on the first of April(组织学生学习). Read together.
T: When’s Qingming Festival this year? S: On the fifth of April(组织学生学习).
T: Then do you know World Health Day? Day for Rare Animals? Earth day? T: OK. I will tell you. The World Health Day is on the seventh of April. International Day of Rare Animal Protection is on the eighth of April. Earth day is on the the twenty-second of April. Read the dates together.
T: Look at these words. [课件呈现见图2] Are they numbers? S: Yes.
T: They are ordinal numbers. We know first, second and third. Then look at these words. Can you find the rules? S: 一般基数词都是以th结尾
T: Great. And here “th” pronounced… S: /θ/
【设计意图:从当前月份入手,介绍了当月的几个特殊日子,让学生从范例中,自行感悟序数词的结构,使得他们的比较、分析等逻辑思维能力得以发展】 T: One of these days is my birthday. Do you know, which one? S: Is your birthday on …?
T: Yes. My birthday is on the first of April. It’s April Fool’s Day. But I am very clever. I know all your birthdays. OK. Before class, I ask you to work out this Maths problem.[课件呈现公式:(你生日的“月”×4+9) × 25 +你生日的“日” =? 详见图3] Now, tell me the number. S: ....
T: (根据公式计算学生生日)OK. I have your birthday on this paper. Boys and girls, let’s ask him together. Ss: When’s your birthday? S1: It’s on …
T:(展示出老师根据公式推断出的学生生日)Look, am I clever? One more. T:(继续猜生日游戏,呈现句型,并引导学生问答).
【设计意图:老师通过表演猜测生日的“超能力”,激起了学生“见证奇迹”的欲望,在学生情趣盎然之时,顺势点拨了介绍自己生日日期的英文表达方式,促使学生主动运用句型去“见证”老师的超能力。】 Step 3 Pre-reading 1. Brainstorm
T: When we talk about our birthday. What words come to your mind? What do we eat? What do we get? What do we do? [课件呈现见图4和图5]
图4 图5
【设计意图:通过思维导图,激活学生的知识储备,为导入课文做铺垫。】 2. Think about the text
T: Just now we talked about our birthday. Today Miss Li and his students are talking about birthdays too. What do you want to know about this lesson? Can you ask some questions? Here are some question words to help you.
S: Whose birthdays are they talking? When are their birthdays? What do they do on their birthdays? ...
【设计意图:学习就是一个不断发现问题解决问题的过程,阅读也不例外。阅读之前,引导学生“质疑”,帮助学生预测文本内容的同时,提高他们阅读的内驱力,发展他们的潜能,拓展他们的思维。】 Step 4 While-reading 1. Listen and answer
T: Good. Now let’s listen and find. Whose birthdays are they talking about? When are their birthdays? S: (听录音,寻找答案)
T: Whose birthdays are they talking about? S: Su Hai’s and Mike’s
T: How about Su Yang? Are they talking about Su Yang’s birthday too?
T: Su Hai and Su Yang are twins. Su Hai’s birthday is also Su Yang’s birthday. They do something together on that day. So they are talking about Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday and Mike’s birthday.
T: When’s Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday?
S: It’s on the eleventh of May. (板书on the eleventh of May,领读)
T: [出示课文插图] While listening, if you have some problems. The pictures may help you.
T: How about Mike’s birthday? Do you need the pictures?
S: No. It’s on the eighth of April.(板书 on the eighth of April,领读)
略的指导——策略1:借助插图,让理解更轻松】 2. Talk about the twins’ birthday
T: Let’s look at the twins’ birthday first. I have some questions too. I think most of you want to know these. What do they do on their birthday? How do they feel? Open your books and turn to page 78. Read freely and underline the sentence. You can use different lines for the different questions. [课件呈现见图6] S: (阅读,划出关键词组)
T: What do they do? Can you give me some phrases you find.
S: have a big dinner/ eat some noodles / play with Kitty the cat [课件呈现见图7] T: How do they feel?
S: They have a great time. (板书have a great time)
图6 图7
T: [呈现如图8的思维导图]Can I put these three like this? Let’s have a look at the picture.
T: What are they doing? Yes, they are having a big dinner. They are eating a lot of nice food. What are they eating?
S: Some fish/ some rice/ some soup/ some noodles.
T: Yes. Fish. Rice, soup, noodles and a lot of other things make the big dinner. So eating noodles is a part of having a big dinner. (板书和课件上调整have a big dinner和eat some noodles的顺序,将并列关系,调整为包含关系。)
图9 图10
T: After that they play with Kitty the cat. After what? Eating noodles or having dinner?
S: Having dinner.
T: Great.[板书和课件调整play with Kitty the cat的顺序,与have a big dinner 并列,但是在have a dinner之后, 见图10]
T: Here are more questions for you. Do they have a big dinner every year? How often? Who do they have a big dinner with? [课件上陆续出现usually, with…等,完善导图,详见图10 ]
T: Good. Look at Su Hai’s sentence. And Look at mine. Which is better? Why?
图11 图12
T: Su Hai uses “usually” to tell us how often they have a big dinner. And she use “with....” to tell us who they have dinner with. That makes the sentence better. T: We can also add something more. For example, place. Can you make Su Hai’s sentence longer?
S: We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents at our grandparents’ house. T: Then time?
S: We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents at our grandparents’ house on Sunday evening.
T: OK. Boys and girls. While talking, try to add some details, you can talk better. 【设计意图:通过杨林的话和老师的话之间的对比,进行了学习策略指导——
略2:适当补充,让语句更丰富。同时,及时给学生提供机会,让学生学以致用, 促进思考的同时,训练了学生的表达能力】
T: Great. Now let’s read about the twins’ birthday together. Ss: Read together.
3. Talk about Mike’s birthday
T: Great! You know a lot about the twin’s birthday. How about Mike? You see a mind map can help us understand the story. Now let’s try to draw a mind map about Mike’s birthday?
T: Here are the four steps. Try to learn it by yourself. [课件呈现完成思维导图的四步,见图13]
T: First, let’s do step 1 and 2 S: (学生自主完成。)
T: Now, let’s come to step 3. First, tell me. What does he do?
S: have a party / buy a birthday cake / eat the birthday cake / play some games / T: They buy a birthday cake. When do they buy? Before the party or at the party. S: Before the party.
T: When do they eat the cakes and play games? After the party? S: At the party. [课件呈现详见图14]
T: So which kind of map should we draw? NO. 1 or No. 2 S: No.2 [课件呈现详见图15] T. OK, now, you can finish step 4.
图14 图15
T: Have you finished? Now, let’s check. What does he do? S: He has a party.
T: Good.(板书have a party) S: They buy a birthday cake.
T: Where should I put? Behind it or under it.(示意buy a birthday cake贴在have a party 后面还是下面) S: Under it.
T: Good. They buy the cake for the party. What else? S: They eat the birthday cake and play some games. T: Where should I put them? Under them or behind this one? S: Behind “have a party”.
T: How does he feel? Yes, he has a lot of fun. T: Where does he have the party? S:At home(板书)
T: Does he have the party every year?
S: Yes. He always... [课件依次呈现,详见图16]
图16 图17
T: Good. Let’s look at Mike’s sentence. He tells us how often he has the party and where he has it. Can you add more to make his sentence longer? [课件依次呈现,详见图17]
S: We always have a party with our friends at home in the evening. 【给学生提供更多的操练机会,使学生对策略2的体会更加深刻】 T: Good job. More questions for you.
T: Who goes to buy a birthday cake? S: ...
T: Yes, Mike says. Helen, Tim and I go to buy.. Here I refers to Mike. T: Who eats the cake and play some games? S: ...
T: Mike says “We eat the cake...” Here we refers to Helen, Tim, Mike and Mike’s friends.
T: Do you know the word “together”? What does it mean?
T: Here is a funny way for you to remember this word. Look, mother and mother live together.
T: Boys and girls, try to think, it will be easy for you to remember the words. 【通过对生词together的趣味解读,引出策略3: 充分联想,让记忆更牢固。 指导学生通过对音、形、义的联想来记忆单词的学习策略。】 T: Let’s read. 4. Let’s retell
T: Let’s retell according to the mind map on the blackboard. You can choose one of them. 5. Let’s think
T: You know a lot about the twins’ birthday and Mike’s birthday. What’s the difference between their birthday actives? You can think from these three parts. [课件见图19] S: ....
图19 图20
T: Why do they do different things on their birthday?
S: The twins are from China. Mike is from the Western countries.
T: But do you eat birthday cake? Now, in China, we eat cakes. And sometimes, we have a party too, Right. The world is changing and the culture is merging. [课件见图20]
【通过对课文人物Su Hai,Su Yang和Mike生日活动的对比,引导学生关注中西 方文化差异,渗透文化意识。】 Step 4 Post reading
T: Today we talked about their birthdays. How about yours? Let’s talk about our birthdays. How to talk you can use the mind map. Look, this is mine.[呈现老师生日的思维导图,详见图21] (老师介绍自己的生日)
图21 图22 T: You see it will be easy for you to talk with the help of the mind map.
T: Now try to draw a mind map about your birthdays and try to talk. If you can draw only this part, it’s OK. If you can draw this part, it will be better. S: Design their mind map about their weekends. T: Ask some of the students to share their weekends.
导图——处理第二段,尝试绘制导图——学习完毕,绘制自己生日的思维导图, 通过这层层深入的三个环节,帮助学生经历从图式积累到图式运用的全过程,并
更清楚】 Step 5 The end
T: Today we talk about birthdays. Here is a new word for you. Can you read it? T: Good. Here is a question for you. Who gives birth to you? The stone? Just like the monkey king?
T: Yes, your mother. Do you know your mother’s birthday? How about your father’s? What can we do on their birthdays? Eat their cakes? After class, please think about these three questions and try to find the answer.
【由单元主题birthday引出新词,并进而提出问题:Who gives birth to you? When are their birthdays? What do you do on their birthday? 引发学生思考,自然进行情感教育。】 Homework
T: Listen and read story time. Write a short passage about your birthday according to your mind map. Don’t forget the three questions! Blackboard design
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com