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沪教版四年级年级上册M1 Are you happy安徽省 - 芜湖

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视频课题:沪教版四年级年级上册M1 Are you happy安徽省 - 芜湖

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沪教版四年级年级上册M1 Are you happy安徽省 - 芜湖

About Language:
1. To help Ss recognize the character of A thirsty bird and comprehend the whole story.
2. To make sure that Ss can read, recognize and use key words( bird, bottle) and sentence structures.
About Skills:
1. To develop Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing by enjoying the story.
2. To train Ss’ abilities of working with each other.
3. To develop Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful sentences structures.
About Emotions:
1. To arouse Ss’ interest in class activities.
2. To enable Ss to love to think.
The student of grade 4 are very active and curious. And they are interested in new things and challenge. They always like to use imagination
and communication as their main studying ways after learning English for 1 year. They have some basic English background knowledge, so the  teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language.
1.  To make sure that Ss can use key words and sentence structures to communicate with each other.
2.  To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.
3.  To help Ss retell the story A thirsty bird and act it out.
1. Create a vivid situation which connects the topic of this lesson in meanings, then make Ss choose a key word from situational
materials the teacher provides.
Xiaohua is a student. She is good at Maths. She always gets full marks in the exam. She is ________.
( hungry/sad/polite/full/tired/clever)
Purpose: 课前热身,引导学生阅读情境文本,根据提示选择关键词clever(聪明的),该关键词为揭示本课主题做好了铺垫。
2.  Continue to create other true situations and make Ss fill in the blanks.
(1)  Einstein is a famous scientist. He is _________.
(2)  In China, the famous people Zhuge Liang is________ too.
Purpose: 举一反三,归纳出关于关键词clever(聪明的)的更多实例,给予学生深刻印象,并引导其对本课主题的关注。
3.  Lead Ss to learn the new word clever and make a free talking.
T: In your opinion, who is a clever boy/girl in our class?
Purpose: 在班级范围内自由讨论“你认为谁是最聪明的人?”,有助于挖掘clever(聪明的)这个关键词的语用功能。

4.  Show the topic of this lesson.
T:  Now we will enjoy an interesting story which is about cleverness.
Purpose: 揭示主题,进入文本故事主线。
1. (A guessing game) Show parts of some images and make Ss guess what it is.
T: Let’s welcome the character of the story. Look at the incomplete picture and guess. What is it?
(T provides more clues in a while according to the responses of Ss.)
Purpose: 展示故事角色Mr Crow(乌鸦先生),遮盖图片中其部分形象,引导学生在猜谜游戏中开发思维。
2. Show the complete image of the“bird”and ask Ss several relevant questions.
T: Yes. It’s a bird. Do you know what kind of birds it is?
Purpose: 以单词bird(鸟)作为过渡知识点,符合学生的认知规律和思维逻辑。
3. Show a headgear of “Mr Crow” and lead Ss to learn the new word Mr Crow.
T: It’s a crow. Look at this headgear. We can call him Mr Crow.
Purpose: 用Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)的头饰作为道具,在引导学生与其打招呼的过程中完成对新授单词的学习。
4. Make Ss enjoy several pictures of crows in the nature. (eg. A cow flies in the sky. A crow sits on the branch. A crow
eats food, etc.)
Purpose: 以乌鸦不同生活状态下的高清照片为载体,引导学生关注并观察乌鸦的外在形象特点。
5. Lead Ss to observe the features of Mr Crow and make them think about the questions about crows.
T: What can Mr Crow do?
(eg. What can Mr Crow do with his claws? He can climb trees and grasp branches with his claws.)
Q1: What can Mr Crow do with his wings? Mr Crow can fly with his wings.
Q2: What can Mr Crow do with his eyes? Mr Crow can see with his eyes.
Q3: What can Mr Crow do with his mouth? Mr Crow can eat and drink with his mouth.
(climb trees/ fly/ eat and drink/ see/ grasp branches)
Purpose: 由浅入深地引导学生观察Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)的能力特点。教师先抛出 “乌鸦能用爪子做什么?”一问题,并自问自答“乌鸦能用爪子爬树和抓握树枝。”促使学生在关键词的引导下思考其他问题,如“乌鸦能用嘴做什么?”等,为之后教学环节深入探讨主题积累较为扎实的背景知识。
6. Show different kinds of birds’ mouths’ images and make Ss compare the differences among them.
Purpose: 向学生展示不同类型鸟类的“嘴巴”的特写,促进学生通过观察获得信息。
7. Make Ss focus on Mr Crow’s mouth(the sharp beak) and talk about it on the further.
T: Look at Mr Crow’s mouth. It’s  sharp. We call it a sharp beak. At the top of the beak is thin and small, but at the bottom of the
beak is thick and big. It looks like a triangle.
Purpose: 引导学生观察Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)的“嘴巴”——像一个倒着的三角形。
8. Lead Ss to participate in saying a chant.
      Mr Crow
Crow, crow, Mr Crow.
What can he do?
See, see, he can see.
He can see with his eyes.
Crow, crow, Mr Crow.
What can he do?
Eat, drink, eat and drink.
He can eat and drink with his mouth.
Crow, crow, Mr Crow.
What can he do?
Fly, fly, he can fly.
He can fly in the sky.
Purpose: 在之前教学环节积累的背景知识的基础上,组织学生参与chant,融会贯通地理解Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)的能力特点,通过小组合作提高听说能力。
9. Make Ss watch the video about “A thirsty bird”.
Purpose: 引导学生欣赏《一只口渴的鸟》动画视频, 通过“为什么这只口渴的鸟很聪明?”这一问题,启发学生思考问题并关注文本故事。
10. Show picture 2 of the story, make Ss think about questions, then lead Ss to learn a new word bottle.
T: What can Mr Crow do in picture 2?
(Mr Crow can see a bottle.)
T: Which bottle can Mr Crow see, a bottle with some water or an empty bottle?
(Mr Crow can see a bottle(with some water.)
Purpose: 先呈现故事图2,引导学生对新授单词bottle(瓶子)进行观察,并思考问题“Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)看到的这个瓶子是有水的瓶子还是空瓶子?”培养学生捕捉信息的能力。
11. Show picture 1 of the story and make Ss think about questions.
T: Why does Mr Crow want a bottle with some water?
(It is hot. Mr Crow is very thirsty.)
Purpose: 继续引导学生思考问题“为什么Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)需要一个有水的瓶子?”,完成对故事图1的解读。
12. Show picture 3 of the story and make Ss think about questions.
T: What can Mr Crow do in picture 3? (Can he drink the water in the bottle? Why?)
(No, he cannot drink the water. The bottle is tall and thin. Mr Crow’s mouth looks like a triangle. He can’t touch the water.)
(The bottle is tall and thin.
Mr Crow cannot drink the water.)
Purpose: 通过引导学生观察故事图3,对比Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)嘴巴的形状和瓶子的形状的不相容,促使学生更好更深入地理解故事,为揭示主题铺垫。
13. Show picture 4 of the story and make Ss think about questions.
T: What can Mr Crow do in picture 4? (Mr Crow has a good idea. What’s the good idea?)
(He can see some little stones. He can put the stones in the bottle.)
(Mr Crow can see some little stones. He has a good idea. He can put the stones in the bottle.)
Purpose: 在理解图3的基础上继续深入观察故事图4,引导学生思考和讨论“Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)的好主意是什么?”
14. Show picture 5 of the story and make Ss think about questions.
T: What can Mr Crow do in picture 5? (Is he happy? Is he clever?)
(He can drink the water. Yes. He is happy. He is clever.)
Purpose: 通过对故事图5的观察,引导学生领悟喝到水的Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)不仅是快乐的(happy),而且是聪明的(clever)。
15. Make Ss open the books to page 12 and read the text A thirsty bird together.
Purpose: 引导学生齐读课文,鉴赏文本故事。
1. Make Ss act as Mr Crow by retelling the story.
A thirsty bird
Hello, I am Mr Crow. It is hot. I am very thirsty. I can see a bottle with some water. The bottle is tall and thin. I cannot drink the
water. I can see some little stones. I have a good idea. I can put the stones in the bottle. I can drink the water now. I am happy. I
am clever.
Purpose: 引导学生以第一人称的身份写一写Mr Crow(乌鸦先生)喝水的故事。以“写故事”促“说故事”。
2. Choose volunteers to retell the story “A thirsty bird”. One reads the story as Mr Crow, the other performs the whole story by
using typical tools in this story.(eg. a bottle with some water, a headgear of Mr Crow, some little pebbles)
Purpose: 以小组活动的方式,引导学生使用表演道具(乌鸦先生的头饰,有水的瓶子,小石子等),配合讲述者表演完整故事。
3. Make a performance competition in class by dividing the class into two groups. One student of a group retells the story by himself/herself, the other student of a group performs
 the story by using typical tools.
Purpose: 小组合作式竞赛。一组“表演故事”,一组“说故事”。
4. Show the frame of blackboard design and make Ss focus on the clue of the story.
A thirsty bird →See a bottle with water → Cannot drink the water →See some little stones →Put stones in the bottle and drink the water →A clever bird
Purpose: 以关键词(组)串联故事线索,带领学生体会和梳理故事脉络和框架,引出文本主题思想。
5. After comprehending the story, show other stories about cleverness. (Sima Guang and Cao Chong)
T:① Sima Guang is a clever boy. He cannot swim. He throws a big stone to the vat. He can save his friend.
   ② Cao Chong is a clever boy too. He can use a big boat and a lot of big stones to weigh an elephant.
Purpose: 提炼A thirsty bird(《乌鸦喝水》)文本思想,引导学生欣赏拓展文本《司马光砸缸》和《曹聪称象》,使其理解“遇到困难要积极思考,用聪明才智解决问题”的道理。
6. Make Ss understand a truth——To think more and more, you will be cleverer and cleverer.
Purpose: 德育渗透,启发学生思考。
1. Do the arrangement of homework.
Level 1
1.Read the story.
2. Retell the story to your friends.
Level 2
Continue the story and think over other methods to help Mr Crow drink the water.
Purpose: 培养学生说唱演的英语交际能力,思维能力和语言运用能力。

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Are you happ”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“沪教版四年级年级上册M1 Are you happy安徽省 - 芜湖”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“沪教版四年级年级上册M1 Are you happy安徽省 - 芜湖”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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