
视频标签:My home
视频课题:PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit4 My home Part C Story time安徽省优课
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit4 My home Part C Story time安徽省优课
Instructional design
Grade 4
Unit4 My home Part C Story time Analysis of teaching content
Analysis of teaching content:
Part C is a story,which describes an interesting story about the lost glasses.I chose the picture book“Grandma’s glasses ”as the extension,which can attract children’s interest well.
Analysis of students
Analysis of students:
The students of Grad 4 have learned prepositions of locality,they can use the prepositions and nouns to describe the location of the specific things.The students can also ask and answer the general questions about location,so they should understand this story,on this basis,with the help of the teacher,they also have the ability to understand the picture book,use the key sentences to describe the right location.
Teaching Aims
Ⅰ.Aims of knowledge:
(1) Students can understand the stories .
(2)Students can understand the words, such as: drawer,curtains, cushion and
so on.
(3)Students can listen,read and say the sentences about the location”-Where is/are...?-Is/Are they...?-Yes,they are.-No,they aren’t.”Students can understand the sentences”She/He looked...She/He saw...” Ⅱ.Aims of ability:
(1)Students are able to get correct information from the pictures. (2)Students can talk about the location of the things. (3)Students can learn cooperatively.
(4)Students can learn to choose the picture books they like. Ⅲ.Aims of emotion:
(1) Students can taste the happiness of helping each other.
(2) Students can realize that the different things should be put in the proper
Key Points and Difficult Points
Ⅰ.Key points:
1. Understand and use the key words. 2.Describe the location of the something. Ⅱ.Difficult points:
1.Get the correct information from the pictures. 2. Describe the proper location of different things.
Teaching Aids
1.The text book and picture book.
2. Power Point.
3. The video of the story and listening recording.. 4. Word cards.
Teaching Procedure
Step 1:Lead-in: 1.Greeting.
2.The teacher lost the glasses and invited the students to help to find where they are.
Q:Are they on your desk? Are they under your desk?
Where are my glasses?Are the in you desk?
(设计意图:创造一个老师丢失眼镜的情境,在同学们寻找眼镜的过程中,将已学过的方位词重新温习一下。) Step 2: Presentation:
1.Show the pictures of Zoom’s dad and grandpa with glasses. Q:Who is he?How about this one? (设计意图:介绍故事的主人公。)
2.Show the pictures of Zoom’s dad and grandpa without glasses. Q:What happened? Where are their glasses?
(设计意图:请同学们根据故事中的图片来预测故事大意。) 3. Watch the video of the story,invite students to answer the questions. (设计意图:请同学们带着问题观看故事动画,根据对故事的理解,回答问题。)
4. Read each picture of the story,get information from the pictures,practice reading the sentences at the same time.(Read in roles and read together.) (设计意图:在观看故事动画后,带同学们一起来了解故事的细节内容,同时进行阅读练习,强化语音语调。) 5.Q:What happened?(Introduce the word”dizzy”)
Are they grandpa’s glasses? Are they dad’s glasses?
(设计意图:根据故事情节的进展,加深同学们对故事的理解,自然而然的明白两幅眼镜位置出错的原因。) 5. What can they do?(Change the glasses.)
(设计意图:请同学们根据情境,理解并能自己说出change这个词。) 6. Look and number,number the six pictures according to the story.Tell students to retell the story with the pictures.
(设计意图:在理解并阅读了整个故事后,用给图片排序的方式,让同学们把整个故事情节在头脑中在温习一遍,加深印象。) Step 3: Extension
1. T:Children,do you like English picture books?This kind of book has a lot of pictures,It’s very interesting.Today,I want to enjoy an interesting picture book with you together.
2.Show the cover of the book.T:This is the cover of this picture book. Q:What’s the title of the book? Who is the writer?
Who is the illustrator?Can you point it with your finger? What can you see in this picture?What are they doing?
(设计意图:带同学们学习绘本封面的信息,了解作者,插图师,根据封面图片的内容,预测绘本故事大概内容,同学们以后在选择绘本的时候,也可以根据这样的方法来找到自己喜欢的绘本。) 3.Show the picture of the grandma. Q:Who is she?Is she happy?Why? Where did she look?What did she see?
(设计意图:用问题引领的方式,带同学们开始欣赏第一页绘本,让同学们在老师问题的指导下,进行思考,阅读,提取关键信息 。) 4. Q:Who can help grandma find the glasses?You can guess.
5. Show the pictures of the families,make students guess. Q:Who can find grandma’s glasses?Why?
5.Read each picture one by one.
Q:Where did she/he/it look?Can she/he/it find grandma’s glasses? What did she/he/it see?
6. T:They didn’t find grandma’s glasses.Where are grandma’s glasses?Can you guess?
(设计意图:再一次请同学们发散思维,根据日常生活经验,对“奶奶的眼镜在哪里”这一问题进行合理的猜测,激发同学们的学习热情。) 7. Show the last picture.Q:Where are grandma’s glasses?Who found them? (设计意图:展现故事的最后结果,同学们的好奇心得以落地,同学们精彩的猜测值得鼓励。)
8. T:Boys and girls,if your grandpa or grandma lose their glasses,what can you do ?
What else can you do to help your families? Guide students to realize helping each other.
Step4: Production 1. Show the pictures of different places. Q:Look at the pictures,how do you feel?
Look,the books are on the ground,are they OK?What can we do? (设计意图:请同学们观察绘本中图片,让同学们感受到房间的杂乱,为小组活动做下感情准备。)
2. Make a model,then make students finish the task,task A is easy,task is a little difficult,invite the group leaders to choose their task.
(设计意图:老师先为同学们做一个示范,使同学们明白小组活动如何完成。小组活动分为A和B稍简单和稍难两种,每个小组组长可以选择完成,使同学们根据自己的学期情况,可以有选择性的完成学习任务,使课堂更有针对性和个性化。) 3. Group work,discuss and finish the task.
(设计意图:小组活动内容是,每组拿到一张绘本中的房间图片,找到摆放位置不合适的物品,再摆放到合适的位置,最后小组成员分别加以描述。在这个过程中,同学们自然地把方位词及句型有效地运用的一遍,在真实场景中完成出课。) 4.Show time.
1. Retell the story according to the pictures.
2. Draw a picture of your room,try to write 3 sentences.
The...is/are in/on/under/behind...
Board Plan
Unit 4 My home
Part C Story time
--Where are dad’s glasses? --They are on the bed.
--Where are grandpa’s glasses? --They are on the table.
Grandma’s glasses
Who Where What
grandma under the table her pen Grandpa in the drawer his book Harry on the table his comic
Megan under the cushion her teddy bear Mum behind the curtains Megan’s shoe Scrap under the sofa his bone
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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