
视频标签:Whose dog
视频课题:Unit5 Whose dog is it省优质课视频-重庆
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:Unit5 Whose dog is it省优质课视频-重庆高新技术产业开发区第一实验小学校
教学目标 评论
能够听、说、读、写句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It’s Zhang Peng’s.
2. 语言技能目标:
能够在情景中运用句型The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It’s Zhang Peng’s. 询问和回答某物属于某人。
4. 情感态度目标:
2学情分析 评论
1. 教学内容分析:
2. 5年级学生,对于英语学习有一定的单词积累量,有一定的学习方法和学习兴趣。
3重点难点 评论
1. 能够听、说、读、写句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It’s Zhang Peng’s.
2. 能够在情景中运用句型The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It’s Zhang Peng’s. 询问和回答某物属于某人。
4.1 第一学时
活动1【活动】教学环节 评论
Step1: Greeting
T: Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you.
S: Nice to meet you too.
T: How are you?
S: I am fun.
T: My name is Katty. What's your name?
S: ……..
T: Look, I like sports. Do you like sports?
S: Yes.
T: So stand up, let’s do some exercise together.
Step2: Lead in
T: You know, at Zhejiang TV There is a famous TV show. Guess?
S:Running man.
T: Yes, how clever you are.(赞扬的手势)
T: so let's watch a video.
T: Do you like running man?
S: Yes.
T: OK. So we …. (展示一幅邓超喊出we are family的图片,引导学生喊出)
T: Then, let's look where did they go?
3、图片展示跑男取过的地方:重庆,西安,上海,北京。依次引出短语a picture of______
T: where.
S: Chongqing.
T: Yes, a picture of Chongqing. Next one
S: a picture of Xi’an. A picture of Shanghai. A picture of Beijing.
T: Katty also have a picture of Beijing. See.
T: Today we will have a competition.(对抗的手势)
T: Look, running star. So I say running, you say star. Ready? Go! running
S: star. …….
T: Well done. See, there are 3 tests for you. Test1、snapshot. 2、 change yourself. 3、running star. Are you ready running with me?
2. test 1: snapshot (在限定的时间里,学生举起文具进行拍照,照片完成后对照片中的物体进行询问)
T:You hold your stationary, I take the pictures. Remember the tips.(PPT随即展示出相应的tips, 并引导学生记住重要的提示)
(1) T: Are you ready? Three, two, one. (拍下第一张图片,并投影到大屏幕)
T: Now, open your eyes, look whose is it? (老师在照片中圈出一个文具,嘴里说的同时在黑板上板书出句子“whose is it?”)
T: It’s mine? (黑板随即板书句型It’s_____)
S: No.
T: It’s XX’s.
S: No.
T: Whose, stand up.
T: Oh, it’s a boy. So it’s his.
T: Now, let’s read the sentence together.
T: See, whose are these? (老师在照片中圈出所有文具)
---They are_____.
T: They are mine? (手势引导学生理解mine.)
S: No. They are ours.
T: Now, read the sentences together.
T: Boys.
T: girls.
T: Good job.
(3) 拍摄第二张照片,老师圈出文具,学生进行小组讨论。找出照片中文具的主人。
T: I’ll take another picture, you should work in groups and find out the owner. (PPT出示tips,让学生明白小组讨论环节的规则)
T: Three, two, one. (上传图片并圈出文具,并把图片传送给学生)
T: Look at your i-pad. Discuss in groups.
T: Did you got the answer? (手势提醒学生举手回答)
S: …….
T: 学生回答完毕,老师适时进行评价。
(4)展示一些关于重庆的图片,引导出句子“Are these all ours?”
T:Katty takes other pictures. See!(PPT展示重庆地标建筑)
T:Are these all ours?
S:Yes, they are.
T: How about these? Are these all ours?
S: Yes, they are.
T: Ok, I need a little teacher to teach the sentence.
S: ………….
T: You see, the running man also like hot pot. Look, I have so many pictures of running man. Do you want them? (手拿跑男图片)
S: Yes.
T: No, if you want the pictures, you must speak out the sentence. (PPT展示提示)
S: Are these all ours? ...............
T: Yes, they are. (边说边发放图片)
(5)T:See the three pictures, Are these all ours?
S: No.
T: I know one is John’s. But I don’t know which one? So let’s listen carefully.
播放let’s try的音频。
T: Everyone, use your ipad to answer. (调出选择题界面)
T:1,2,3. Which one? Good, almost of you choose 3. (显示选择结果统计图)
T: Congratulation. You pass test one. Go on. (回到test画面,显示第一关通过)
3. test 2:change yourself 学※变学霸
(1) 听课文文本,完成练习。
T: Who? (出示邓超的图片)
T: look. (播放邓超说英语的视频)
T: How about dengchao’s English? (手势做出good和bad的动作)
T: So He can’t find whose pictures are these? Let’s help him. First, let’s read the sentences.(手势引导学生读出问句)
T:Now, let’s help Dengchao find the owner. (播放课文的课件)
T: Did you get the picture. Work in groups and find the answe.
T: time’s up. Running.
S: Star.
T: OK, Check the answer together. (引导学生集体说出答案)
T: We know Deng Chao’s English is so bad. So he needs a teacher. Do you want to be Dengchao’s teacher?
S: Yes.
T: To be teacher, to teache yourself. Pay attention to the tips. Now, use your i-pad to learn the dialogue in your group.
T: time’s up. Running.
S: star.
T: Who wants to be Dengchao’s teacher.
(3)ppt展示邓超图片,配音“you are a good teacher.”
(4) 回到三关图片,恭喜学生通过第二关,进入第三关。
T: Congratulation, pass the test 2. let’s go test 3.
4. test3: running star 跑男之星争夺战
T: Exciting time. Do you want to be the running star?
S: Yes.
T:So, let’s watch how to play running star. (播放学生视频)
T: It's your time to play running star. Pay attention to the tips. (手指提示引导学生进行阅读)
T: There are some useful sentences may help you. (PPT出示重点句型)
T: Now, I will play with group 1. ( 老师和1组进行游戏的示范)
T: Ok, work in group to play running star like me.
T:Who wants to be the running star? (抽1-2组进行展示)
T: how many? (进行生生互评)
T: wonderful. You pass the test 3. (回到三关图片)
Step4: Summary
T: Look the table, which group is the running star.
T: OK, Please come here.
T: No matter you are NO1, or No 2. We are still family.
T: class is over. See you. Bye!
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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