
视频课题:外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey陵城区第一中学
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外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey陵城区第一中学
Teaching Design
Subject: English
Name of the teacher: Zhao Yuna
Grade: Grade 1of Senior High School
Place: Lingcheng No. 1High School
Title: Reading of the Monarch’s Journey
Tools & Equipment: blackboard, PPT, multi-media equipment
Teaching methods: student-centred method, task-based method, groupwork Teaching Process:
Step 1 Lead-in: 由第五单元标题 Into the wild 引出有关动物话题,展示图片让学生选择哪一种动物做朋友。
Step2 文章 1-2 段的快速阅读获取信息回答问题。
Why do animals migrate?
What do monarch look like?
What do we know monarch’s migration?
Step3 阅读第
3 段完成句子并以蝴蝶口吻介绍已知相关信息。
The monarch butterfly is able to tell _____________.
Using these two pieces of information, the monarch butterfly determines _____________.
The monarch butterfly measures ____________________ with its eyes.
The monarch butterfly reaches __________________________________.Self-introduction
Imagine you are a monarch butterfly ,can you introduce yourself to others?
Step 4。第
5 段的阅读填空。
Humans _________ trees.
The ______________________________ where monarchs can be found is destroyed.
Humans use chemicals that ____________ that monarch caterpillars eat.
Step 5.阅读第
5 段并讨论如何保护帝王蝶并进行 角色扮演明确蝴蝶遇到的困难和如何去保护。
One day a lovely little girl saw a Monarch butterfly crying on a flower so she approached it .)
Girl: Beautiful monarch , Why are you so sad ? You are so beautiful!
Monarch: I am very lonely. Many of my good friends have died.
Girl :Why ?
Monarch: Because human ________________________
Girl : I am sorry to hear that. Don’t worry . I will___________________
Monarch: _____________________
Step 6: 总结所学知识进行反思和感情升华
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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