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在线播放:外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 青岛市即墨

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外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 青岛市即墨



视频课题:外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 青岛市即墨

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外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 青岛市即墨区实验高级中学教学设计

 Unit 5 Book1  Into the Wild
   ——The Monarch’s Journey 教学设计
设计教师:山东省青岛市即墨区实验高级中学  董鲁鲁教学年级:高中一年级
课题名称:The monarch’s journey 课型:     Reading 授课时间:45 分钟

  1. 搜集与迁徙动物有关的语言材料或音视频材料
  2. 了解人类影响动物生存的活动或做法
  3. 六个小组各备一支不同颜色的彩笔和一张彩纸,准备做海报之需。

I.语言知识目标(Knowledge objectives)

  1. Enable students to learn the key words such as position, annual, measure, crash...and phrases like fine one’s way to... and paraphrase them;
  2. Enable students to to understand the text and find out the proper words to describe monarch’s migration
  3. Enable students to speak about the definition, reason, trouble, causes and solution of monarch’s migration.
  4. Enable students to write about animal migration and measures of protecting animals’ habitats.

II.学习能力目标 (Learning ability objectives)

  1. Enable students to collect information by surfing the Internet or refer to books individually or cooperating .
  2. Encourage students to think individually and complete difficult tasks in pairs or groups.
  3. Motivate students to share their work and enjoy the joy from cooperation.

III.思维品质目标 (Thinking quality objectives)

1. Motivate students’ critical thinking by arguing and brainstorming and creative thinking by discussing and sharing  2. Guide students towards deep thinking while reading

IV.Cultural awareness objectives(文化意识目标)

  1. To raise students’ awareness of knowing about, caring for, protecting and rescuing animals
  2. To inspire students to work together to do research on animals and makepublic the common sense of protecting animals.

【Teaching Methods 教学方法】

  1. Go through the text to get the answers.
  2. Guide the students to get the structure of this passage and conclude the method of doing a research.
  3. Discuss in pairs or in groups.

【Teaching Aids 教具准备】 A computer

使用多媒体教学,制作 PowerPoint 课件呈现教学内容,增加教学的直观性,用音视频辅助,使教学节奏紧凑,调动学生的学习积极性,提高学生学习英语的效果。【教师教学过程设计】

Step1 Leading-in

   Ask students the 3 questions while showing pictures on slides.
   1. Do you have a pet at home? Why do you love him/her?
2.Name the animals in zoos and in the wild.
3.Look the pictures and see which of them migrate.
1. 通过与学生关于饲养宠物的回答,引入人与动物这一主题,学生通过表达养宠物的原因表达了人与动物和谐融洽的关系,接着让学生列举动物园或野外动物,引起学生用英语表达动物的兴趣。教师呈现各种动物的图片,继而强化动物是人类的好朋友这一主题。现身说法,我也有很多野生动物的朋友,他们在秋季都有一个特点,就是迁徙,从而引出话题。用拟人化的方法,说我新交了一位蝴蝶朋友 Anna, 她告诉我她和家人也要有一个 long journey, 起初我们都不相信,所以 Anna 给我
们一个树叶上面可以解答这个自然界神奇的现象,激发学生和我一起探索蝴蝶 Anna 历险记的兴趣。本文以此为主线贯穿全文,旨在拉近和动物的距离以及抓住学生的好奇心。

Step2 Reading for structure

Get Ss to read the passage and match the main idea with paragraphs Para 1          Measures to protect monarch butterfly.
Para 2          Monarch butterfly's trouble &causes
Para 3          Information about migration
Para 4          Details about monarch butterfly's migration
Para 5          How can they make it?

Step3 Reading for more information

Show task 1: Read Para 1 with 2 questions:
  1. Get Students to fill in the blanks:What is migration?
Many animals move from one place to another at a certain time of the year. This ________movement is called ________.
  1. Q: Why do animals make their migration?
To ____________________________________________________
 To ___________________________________________________
【设计意图】用这两个问题引导学生抓住首段的两部分主要信息,辅以图片,加深学生对动物迁徙及目的更深刻的认识, 以及补充动物除了自然迁徙之外,还有自然灾害等被迫迁徙的情况,让学生对迁徙有一个更全面的认识。
Show Task 2: Read Para2 with the questions:
  1. When is their migration? ___________________________________   
  2. What about the route?  ___________________________________
Show Task 3: Read Para3 with the questions:
1. How did they manage to do such a long journey?    __________________________________________________ 2. Can you paraphrase this part by using one sentence?
对于 Para.3 里的 How can they make it?先播放一段视频,其实是为了让

Show Task 4: Understand Para 4

Show Task1: Watch a video and then answer the 2 questions:
  1. What may happen to the monarch butterflies during the journey?
  2. What kinds of factors threaten the Monarch butterfly's living?
Show Task2: Brainstorm: Any other factors that ruin the animal’s habitats?
Show Task 5: Read Para5 and then ask
What should we do to increase the population of the monarch’s butterflies?


Based on the current situation of animal migration affected by human activities, can you think of some other measures?

Step6 Mind map the structure

  Get Ss to draw a mind map of the structure of the whole passage in pairs

Step7 Group work

These days, our school bulletin board needs a poster with the theme of “Animal migration”, aiming to raise people’s awareness of protecting animal habitats. Please finish this task in groups. The poster need contains the following:
Group1. Definition of animal migration
Group2. Reasons for animal migration
Group3. Human activities destroying animal habitats
Group4. What shall we do to better animal  habitats
Group5: What measures can we take to avoid destroying the animal habitats in our area.
【设计意图】 设定这个贴近学生生活的任务,让学生分组合作完成,对学生有很强的吸引力,旨在检查学生在进行阅读学习和积累后的知识输出,培养合作意识。

Step8 Assignment

   世界自然基金会(简称 WWF)拟在其网站 的 Endangered animals 栏目连载来自各国中学生的征文,旨在在全球范围内
以“Let’s work together to protect the animal habitats”为题,写一篇不超过
150 词的英语征文,内容如下:
  1. 目前很多动物栖息地因人类各种活动而受到破坏的现状
  2. 我们该怎么做来改善目前现状 
【设计意图】  学生已经当堂完成了海报的制作,有了一定的知识储备,以此为基础设计这个作业旨在训练学生审题能力和运用所学知识进行写作的能力,对知识的内化巩固很有作用。

Step1 Starting- out    Answer the questions

   1. Do you have a pet at home? Why do you love him/her?
2.Name the animals in zoos and in the wild.
3.Look the pictures and see which of them migrate. 

Step2 Reading for structure

Read the passage and match the main idea with paragraphs Para 1          Measures to protect monarch butterfly.
Para 2          Monarch butterfly's trouble &causes
Para 3          Information about migration
Para 4          Details about monarch butterfly's migration Para 5          How can they make it?
Step3 Reading for more information Task1: Read Para 1 with 2 questions:
1. What is migration?
Many animals move from one place to another at a certain time of the year. This ________movement is called ________.
3. Why do animals make their migration?
To ____________________________________________________   To ___________________________________________________
  To_____________________________________________________ Task2: Read Para2 with the questions:
1.When is their migration? _______________________   
2.What about the route? 
Show Task 3: Read Para3 with the questions:
3. How did they manage to do such a long journey?    __________________________________________________ 4. Can you paraphrase this part by using one sentence?

Task4: Understand Para4

Task1: Watch a video and then answer the 2 questions:
  1. What may happen to the monarch butterflies during the journey?
  2. What kinds of factors threaten the Monarch butterfly's living?
Task2: Brainstorm: Any other factors that ruin the animal’s habitats?
Task5: Read Para5
What should we do to increase the population of the monarch’s butterflies?


Based on the current situation of animal migration affected by human activities, can you think of some other measures?      
Step6 Mind map the structure
  Draw a mind map of the structure of the whole passage in pairs

Step7 Group work

 These days, our school bulletin board needs a poster with the theme of “Animal migration”, aiming to raise people’s awareness of protecting animal habitats. Please finish this task in groups. The poster need contains the following:
Group1. Definition of animal migration
Group2. Reasons for animal migration
Group3. Human activities destroying animal habitats
Group4. What shall we do to better animal  habitats
Group5: What measures can we take to avoid destroying the animal habitats in our area. Step8 Assignment
   世界自然基金会(简称 WWF)拟在其网站 的 Endangered
animals 栏目连载来自各国中学生的征文,旨在在全球范围内普及关于野生动物栖息地保护方面的相关知识,请你结合本节课所学,以“Let’s work
together to protect the animal habitats”为题,写一篇字数不多于 150 词的英
_____________________________________ 【课堂学生学习效果测评工具和方法设计】

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Journey”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 青岛市即墨”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 青岛市即墨”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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