
视频课题:外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 乳山市第一中学
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外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)Unit5 The Monarch's Journey 乳山市第一中学
The Monarch’s journey 教学设计
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the class, we will be able to
Grasp the main idea and analyze the structure of the text by reading the passage
Summarize the information on the monarch’s journey by using the outline(纲要).
Raise our awareness of protecting our animal friends andlearn to live in harmony with them by learning how human activities affect them.
Before reading:
Get some information from the title and talk about the journey of the monarch.
What is migration?
What is the purpose of migration?
【设计说明】这个环节是锻炼学生的 read quickly for detailed information 的能力,学生根本不具备在课文的开始 read quickly for structure 的能力,而且本片文章是说明文题材,所以我设计相对难度低一点的任务,让学生不至于在课堂的开始就没有信心。

The monarch the number _____________
the appearance ____________
The migration When __________

Where __________
How long _____________
体会作者用以描述 the migration 所使用的 wonderful
More related information about the monarch butterfly.
A monarch butterfly weighs only about 0.57g.
The monarch is the only butterfly that migrates in the world. Such a tiny butterfly can cover such a long and difficult journey.
How do they manage to get their destination?
Why do they take the journey?
The purpose: ______________________
The reasons: ____________&________________________
Retell how the monarch managed to reach the
destination by the cause-effect flow charts.
…be able to tell

…use … to measu
re …allow …to determine… …reach…
为下一步的 report做充分的准备。
Give a report
Some information of the monarch butterfly and its migration
Good morning, guys! I’m the reporter of
Animal World. Today I want to introduce some information about the monarch and its migration… …
【设计说明】通过 report 环节,让学生对黑脉金斑蝶及其迁徙过程有更深刻的理解和掌握。让学生们自由发挥自己的口头输出能力,在展示中增强自信。
What trouble is the monarch butterfly in?
The reason: ______________ ________________________
Predict the main idea of the last paragraph.
【设计说明】通过 report 环节,让学生对黑脉金斑蝶及其迁徙过程有更深刻的理解和掌握。让学生们自由发挥自己的口头输出能力,在展示中增强自信。预测环节则是让学生通过对第四
段的理解推测最后一段的 main idea。
What influence has the research led to?
The more we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance it will survive.
【设计说明】细读最后一段,让学生在掌握其 main idea 的同时从内心反思人类行为对黑脉金斑蝶的影响及思考正确的做法。
The structure of the text
Part 1 (para.1) main idea ______________
Part 2 (para.2&3) main idea ______________ Part 3 (para.4&5) main idea ______________
After reading:
As teenagers, what can we do to help protect our animal friends?
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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