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高一英语The Student Who Asked Questions教学实录

视频标签:Asked Questi


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The Teaching Design for The Student Who Asked Questions (SB4 Module 4 Reading)
                         ---------By Xie Baodong from Guanlan Middle School 
Teaching contentBook 4 Module 4 Reading and Vocabulary (The Student Who Asked Questions)
Teaching type:Reading
Teaching analysis: The aim of the reading passage is to cultivate the Ss’ right values for their life and work after learning Professor Yuan Rongping’s life and work and his achievements. Meanwhile, they are suggested to work hard to try to make their dream come true. 
Learning analysis: Now that the Ss have learnt 4 books during their high school life, they can use what they have learnt to discuss and express their own opinions on the topic in English.
Teaching goals
. Language goals
1. Word and expressions
staple, producer, leading, figure, educate, agriculture, breeding, species, original, publish, sterile, breakthrough, support, production, convert, export, hybrid, quality, quantity, bring up, as a result of, cash crop
2. Important sentences
(1)  In the rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure.
(2)   He thought there was only one way to this ---by crossing different species of rice plant, and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.
(3)     As a result of Yuan Longping’s discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990’s
. Ability goals:
1.   Enable the Ss to talk about “the father of hybrid rice—Yuan Longping”
2.  Understand the text and answer the related questions.
3.  Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage, choosing the correct answer according to the text and fill in the form about the passage.
.  Moral education: To arouse the Ss’ love for science and the courage to go through the difficulties through learning the life of Professor Yuan Rongping, through which they can establish the correct outlook on the life.
Important points:
1.  Talk about “the father of hybrid rice---Yuan Longping”
When and where was he born?
Why was he famous?
What did he discover?
How important is the discovery?
2.  Discuss the question of comprehension:
Why is Yuan Longping’s discovery very important?
Difficult points:
1.  Understand the importance of scientists’ achievements.
2.  Discuss the questions:
What would you think of the new hybrid rice if you are a rice farmer? Explain why.
Is the title of the passage suitable? If not, write a new one and give the reasons.
3.  Discuss what the students can learn from Yuan Longping.
Teaching methods:
Skimming and scanning
 Asking- and- answering activity in understanding the text.
Task-based method, Group work, pair work
 Teaching procedures
 Step One Warming up
Get the Ss to read the definitions and guess the words shown on the slide:
principal; main
a person, especially a well-known one
raising or feeding plants or animals
a kind, variety, or type of plants or animals
an amount produced
not producing or unable to produce
an act of overcoming
a crop, such as tobacco, grown for direct sale
9.  to change
Get the Ss to guess who the student is according to the title.
Show some pictures and a video of Professor Yuan Rongping (本导入通过教育云播放功能播放2004感动中国十大人物,袁隆平的视频以介绍这位杰出的科学家,旨在通过现代教学手段增加学生的信息输入量,增长知识的同时激发英语学习的兴趣)
 (The aim is to raise the topic of Professor Yuan Rongping)
Step Two Reading
1.  Pre-reading: What may be the style of the passage?
A. a story
    B. a travel journal
    C. a biography
( The purpose is to cultivate the Ss’ fast reading ability. )
2.  Task 1: Tick the topics mentioned in the passage
Education                  Birthplace
Childhood                  Habit
Experiments              Achievements
Marriage                    Hobbies
(The purpose is to get the main idea of the reading passage according to the topics mentioned.)
3.  Skimming
Find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Para1.      A. His discoveries have brought in great profit.
Para 2      B. As a boy, he was called “the student who asked questions.
Para 3      C. Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice –growing world.
Para 4      D. The yield of the new hybrid rice is much greater than that of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.
Para 5       E. As a young teacher, he began experiments in  crop breeding.
Para 6       F. He discovered a new type of rice.
(The purpose is to find out the main idea of each paragraph through the activity.)
 4.  Read the text carefully and complete the following chart.

In his childhood He ____________ in many schools and was given a nickname.
__________________  He was interested in plants.
In college He studied ___________.
He began experiments in crop breeding.
In 1966 The results of his experiments ______________ in China.
In 1970 A naturally sterile male rice plant ______________.
In the 1990’s Chinese rice production ________ 47.5 percent. __________________
__________________ of the rice fields were converted to growing vegetables and ________________
Later Yuan Longping’s rice _______________ other countries.
(The purpose is to get the Ss to have a further understanding of the passage.)
 5.  Your Mind Map? (本练习旨在通过教育云中拍照功能的使用让学生通过直观地展示各自的思维导图加深对课文的了解,同时借助此功能激发学生的英语学习兴趣)
After having a better understanding of the passage, the Ss are asked to draw a mind map of their own.
(The purpose of this task is to help the Ss have a better understanding of Professor Yuan Rongping’s life and his contributions, through which they can retell the story on their own, which is also a kind of ability required. )
6.  Sample Mind Maps of mine. (本练习旨在通过各种思维导图的展示和利用教育云的聚焦、画笔等功能强调理解重点从而让学生更好地理解掌握课文)

(Through the activity, the Ss can get a further understanding of the passage. Also, they can learn how to draw a mind map of different kinds.)
7.  Scanning : Choose the best answer according to the text (本练习旨在通过利用教育云的聚焦、画笔等功能强调课文重点)
1.Yuan Longping_____.
A. is a leading scientist in industry.
B. was born and brought up in China.
C. was educated in a famous school for many year.
D. was given a nickname because he was very naughty.
2. The only way that Yuan Longping thought to produce more rice quickly was_____.
A. to be interested in plants.
B. to study agriculture in college.
C. to begin experiments in crop breeding.
D. to cross different species of rice plant.
3.As a result of Yuan Longping's discoveries,________.
A.Chinese rice production doubled
B.more cash crops and more vegetables are planted
C.few foreign countries like to plant the rice any more
D.rice becomes the most important crop in Pakistan
4.What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Yuan Longping is a leading figure.
B.A new plant has been produced.
C.Yuan Longping's contributions to the rice­-growing world.
D.The advantages of Yuan Longping's discoveries.
( The purpose is to get the Ss’ further understand once more. )
 Step Three  Summary for The Student Who Asked Questions?
Yuan Lonping who is a ________ figure in the ___________ world. When he was young, he used to ask ________ and then he began ____________ in crop breeding and later _________ the new hybrid rice, whose ________ is much higher.   (40 words)
( The purpose is to get the Ss to learn to summarize the reading passage. )
 Step Four  Discussion
In your opinion, what has made Yuan Longping a great scientist?
What have you learned from him?
Extra information shown袁隆平寄予大家的 ( This task is to let the Ss think over what they have learnt from Professor Yuan Rongping from what have been mentioned above. ) (本视频通过教育云播放功能播放介绍袁隆平这位杰出的科学家寄予大家的希望,希望大家学习他的专研奉献精神,激发我们爱国爱家的精神及提高英语学习的兴趣)
 Step Five  Do you know how to write a biography of a famous person?
1: The general evaluation(评价) of the person.
2: His or her childhood, education, earlier life
3: His or her research, or important positioning in a certain field.
( The purpose is to guide the Ss to know how to write a biography of a famous person. )
Step Six  Assignment
Write a brief introduction to Yuan Longping using about 100 words.
The Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is …
He was … in China.
As a boy he was …    As a college student ... And as a young teacher ...
He thought that the key …
In 1966, …     In 1970, …
His research was … by the government.         
As a result of … by 47.5 percent in the 1990’s.
Yuan Longping’s rice was … to …
 (The purpose is to help the Ss learn how to write about Yuan Longping and his achievements.)

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