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在线播放:人教版新目标Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. SectionB(2a-2e)云南


人教版新目标Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. SectionB(2a-2e)云南

视频标签:supposed to,shake hands


视频课题:人教版新目标Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. SectionB(2a-2e)云南

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版新目标Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. SectionB(2a-2e)云南大学附属中学

I.Knowledge objectives
· At the end of the class, the students will be able to learn the new words and phrases.
· The student will be able to be fluent in using the structure “be supposed to do”.
· The student will be able to comprehend the letter literally and deeply.
II.Ability objectives
· The students’ some basic reading skills will be improved, such as predicting, skimming, scanning and reviewing etc.
· The students will be able to learn and comprehend the letter with the help of teacher.
· The students will be able to compare the table manners between France and China.
III. Moral objectives
· The students will be able to get a better understanding of the diversity of the world’s culture and learn to respect other country’s culture.
· The students will be able to develop a deep love for our Chinese table manners and culture.
       For students, they have learned English for 6 years, so they are equipped with certain English base, which will help them understand the passage better. Meanwhile, they have followed the teacher for 3 years, so they can cooperate with the teacher very well, which will help the class move smoothly and efficiently.
       They may have difficulties in reading and comprehending the letter, which demands the teacher’s help and guidance. Moreover, they might not be able to use the target structure during their reading process or in the post-reading activity, which requires the teacher to have enough input in the reading process.
Key Points:
· Words:basic, exchange, teenage, behave, granddaughter, except, elbow, gradually, cutom
· Phrases:table mamers, go out of one’s way, make…feel at home, get used to,
               be comfortable doing, be supposed to do
· Structure:You aren’t supposed to put your bread on the plate.
                  You are supposed to put it on the table.
· Read and comprehend the letter;
· Use the target patterns to describe French table manners;
· Use the target patterns to describe Chinese table manners.
·Introduce a girl named Lin Yue, who comes from a traditional Chinese family. She is interested in foreign culture, so she is 
 studying abroad.
·Watch a video and find out where she is and provide a brief introduction about France.
[Purpose: To help the Ss prepared for the subsequent reading activities and a simple background information about France.]
·Encourage the Ss to guess what problems Lin Yue might have in France.
Maybe she has problems in: language, study, food, host family, table manners etc.
[Purpose: To arouse the Ss’s interests and expectation towards the reading material .]
活动3【活动】While-reading: Skimming:
·2b. Read the passage quickly and underline the answers to the questions.
Why is Lin Yue in France?
Does she enjoy staying with her host family?
How does she feel about making mistakes when she speaks French?
What is the biggest challenge she is facing?
·Find out Lin Yue’s three problems: host family, French and table manners.
·Help them to sum up the reading strategy: skimming
[Purpose: To help the Ss skim the passage and get its main idea.]
活动4【活动】Detail reading:
·Read para.1 again and find out how Lin Yue’s problems are solved.

problems solutions
host family They _____ _____ _____ _____ _____to_____her _____ _____home.
The grandmother learned _____ _____ _____ Chinese food!
French The granddaughter always _____ _____ her _____ _____to help her practice.
table manners She tries to _____ Dos and Don’ts in France.
[Purpose: To provide the Ss with reading practice using the target language.]
·2d. Read para. 2 and make some notes about French table manners .
Dos: You are supposed to… Don’ts: You are not supposed to…
bread…on the table bread…on the plate
[Purpose: To give the Ss an opportunity to check their reading comprehension.]
Look at the pictures and find out which is correct.
·Ask students which pictures are correct and why.
·Guide them to describe the pictures with the target language “You’re (not) supposed to ”.
[Purpose: To give the Ss an opportunity to check their reading comprehension.]
活动6【活动】Pair work: 
If you are Lin Yue, retell all the table manners to us.
·Help them to sum up the reading strategy: reviewing
[Purpose: To help the Ss move the target language from short-term to long-term memory.]
Lin Yue’s problems have solved. But one day, she is invited to introduce the table manners in China. Let’s help her to make a poster of Chinese table manners!
[Purpose: To give the Ss practice in using the target language in natural speech.]
活动8【讲授】Sum up:
From Lin Yue’s experience, we know we’ll always meet some differences in foreign countries. What are we supposed to do?
We are supposed to follow their ways and respect their culture!
[Purpose: To arouse their thinking on culture differences and what they should do with them.]
Search for more table manners in other countries around the world.

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