
视频课题:人教版高一英语 (必修2 )unit 5 reading THE BAND THAT WASN’T北京
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版高一英语 (必修2 )unit 5 reading THE BAND THAT WASN’T北京市通州区潞河中学
Reading: The band that wasn’t
Task 1: Read paragraph 1&2 again and find the common road for a band to become famous by finishing the flow chart;
to sell millions of copies
Task 2: If you were a member of a band, which step would be the most challenging for you?

Task 3: Read paragraph 3&4 and draw a flow chart to show the Monkees’ development to become a real band.
Task 4: Compare the two roads and find out the differences
Task 5:How do you understand the title “The Band That Wasn’t”?
Task 6:According to the passage, what helped the Monkees to become a real band?
Task 7:What do you think of “The Monkees”? Choose the adjectives that you think best describe them. Give reasons.
popular, lively, funny, foolish, attractive, brave, intelligent, bright, crazy, noisy, classical, humorous, rich, honest, famous, determined…
I think/ In my opinion/ From my perspective, the Monkees must be ____________________, because they_______________________________________.
Task 8: The popular TV shows like “The voice of China” have made many grass-root people rise to fame overnight. So a lot of young people think these TV shows are shortcuts to success. What's your opinion? Work in groups and make an interview to share your opinions.
Reporter |
Hello. I am …; what do you think of …; Do you agree? What’s your idea/opinion? What are your reasons?
Interviewee |
from my perspective; in my opinion;
I think/ I don’t think…,because… firstly… secondly…
Task 9:I 1, B=2,C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9, J=10, K=11, L=12, M=13, N=14, O=15, P=16,Q=17,R=18 , S=19, T=20, U=21,V=22, W=23, X=24, Y=25,Z=26, then:
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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