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外研版九年级下册Module8 My future life Unit 2 I know you will be better at math内蒙古 - 鄂尔多斯

视频标签:My future


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外研版九年级下册Module8 My future life Unit 2 I know you will be better at math内蒙古 - 鄂尔多斯

1. Read and grasp the new words and key phrases in the passage.
2.Read and understand the passage.
3. Read and learn to express the feelings to parents and teachers fir their help during last three years.
 Read and learn to express the feelings to parents and teachers fir their help during last three years.
3.1Module 8 Unit2 教学活动
活动1【活动】第一部分 复习导入
1. What are you probably going to say if you are asked to give a speech in the school-leavers’ party?
2. Who will you probably give thanks to in the school-leavers’ party?
活动2【活动】第二部分 学习探究
问题1:What events does the author remember and what has she learned from them?
Ⅰ. Read the passage and match the main idea with the paragraphs.
Para____    Be proud to give a speech in the school-leavers’ party .
Para____    To the memories, happiness and people of the three years.
Para____    Give roses to friends, teachers and parents for friendship, effort and trust
            and the things happened to the author.
Ⅱ.Read Para3-5, complete the table.
     To whom: red rose for  friends
     Events:    I made some ________ in learning Chinese. My friends were not ______  _____ me . They ______ me _____join  them and _____ me to say Chinese.
     What to learn:   ______  _______ their _______, my Chinese is much better. Thanks for the friendship.
    To whom:  white rose for  teachers
     Events:   I was always the last one to finish______ in the 800 metres . My PE teacher ____  ______  ______ me and said, “You only really  _____ if you _____ _____”
     What to learn:  I’ve learnt to ______  _____  _____.there is no ____without ____.
     To whom: yellow rose for parents
      Events:I was ________when my father told me to work_______ at maths instead of  learning violin.___ my birthday morning, I _______  ______to find a beautiful violin at my bedside . 
      What to learn:  I’ve learnt that love is about  _______.
4.【展示提升】小组内讨论完成问题:1.What events does the author remember and what has she learned from them? 2. Talk about your event during last three years and what you have learned from it .然后选代表进行分享展示。
活动3【活动】第三部分 拓展运用 
    We will finish junior high soon. Many students are worried about the future. School is hard. We all think that success at school is important for our futures.
    Some of us are lucky. ①We are good at studying. I am very lucky. My teachers say that I am a very good student. I especially love studying maths. It is a very important subject. You need  ②it for physics, or if you want to be an engineer. I want to be an engineer. Engineers and scientists are important for our country’s future.
    My classmates and I are all a bit sad to be leaving junior high. But we are also excited about taking a new step in our lives. Our future lives and jobs get closer every day.
    The English say, “③The future is what you make it!” I like this saying. It means that we control the future. It reminds us to try our best, and to never give up. I really think we can all make a wonderful future if we remember this.
3. 文中③译为汉语_________________________________________________________
4. How can we make a wonderful future ?________________________________________
活动4【活动】第四部分 达标检测
1.因某事而感谢某人______________     2.同学们 ______________
3.嘲笑 ______________                4.多亏 ______________
5.尽某人最大努力 ______________      6.不仅......而且... ______________
7.在......努力学习 ______________       8.选某人去做某事 ______________
We would like ___________them ___________ their patience and understanding.
2. 请不要哭泣, 你已经尽你最大的努力了。
Don’t cry please, you ___________________enough.
She____________________________the piano as well.

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