
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研中考专项复习 《被动语态》07天津市滨海新区塘沽实验学校 滕悦,2016年第十届全国初中英语教师基本功大赛说课大赛视频
中考专项复习 《被动语态》 说课稿
天津市滨海新区塘沽实验学校 滕悦
Good morning, everyone. I am number_______. Today I am very happy and excited that I can stand here for this contest .And it is also my great honor to share my lesson with all of you here, and this chance is very precious for me. Hope you can enjoy it. The content (内容)of my lesson today is the review of the passive voice. My lesson consists of 8 parts
They are
1. Analysis分析 of the teaching material
2. Analysis of the students
3.Teaching Aims and Demands
4. Key & Difficult points
5. Analysis of Teaching Methods
6.Teaching procedure
7. Blackboard design
一、Analysis of the teaching material
本节课所用的教材是外研社初中英语教材。This course includes passive voice in different tense. The passive construction is a very important grammar in junior high school . It is very important for the students to master this important grammar well
Next, I will tell you about the inspiration of this lesson.
一提语法课,往往给人的第一感觉就是枯燥无味,如何让学生在一种真实的情景中掌握语法知识的, 如何上好一节以听说为主线的中考复习课, 是我从事教师工作以来一直想挑战的一个难题。本节课的灵感,来自一个突发事件。 2015年的8月12日的深夜,天津发生了一件轰动世界的特大型事件—就是天津瑞海危险品仓库爆炸,我的家就在爆炸的核心区,我现在呈现的是我的家在爆炸之前的图片,干净而温馨。在那晚之后,我的家被炸的面目全非,门成90度的拧曲,塑钢门窗完全从墙上飞出来,瞬间我听到了楼下凄惨的叫声,我的先生和我都在爆炸中受伤了,他顾不上血肉模糊的腿,抱起孩子,衣衫不整的从32楼一层一层艰难的往楼下走,原本整洁的楼道已经面目全非,行走起来十分的困难,马路上,小区里一片混乱,那个充满爱与回忆的家没有了…我感觉天都塌了,时间好像被定格在了11点34分,那一夜注定无眠..
昨天还在一起说笑的邻居,就在转天,这个人就在这个世界永远的消失了…我不敢相信…几天后,国家医疗队来了,救援队到了,克强总理来了…,我目睹了很多很多,然后我的脑海中突然就有本节课的灵感, 大爆炸!用大爆炸贯穿我复习课的始终,之后,我将在授课的环节中中详细和大家阐述我如何使用爆炸这一真实情景,设计的我的教学过程。
Analysis of the students: Most students come from rural school. They have Strong sense of competition .The students of grade 9 already have a certain ability to read and write, They can listen carefully in class, and cooperate actively. so the teacher should provide them more chances of using language.在课中教学环节的设计上,教师还要注重充分调动学生的积极性,因材施教、尊重个性差异。
三、Teaching Aims and Demands and Difficult points
1. Knowledge objectives
Be able to master the structure of passive voice and use them skillfully.
2. Ability objectives
(1)Be able to to use the passive voice in the real situation
3.Emotion objectives
(1)Be able to teach the students to have the optimistic attitude to life when we face the disaster. And we should give a hand to the people in trouble.
四、Analysis of Teaching Methods
According to the teaching aims and the feature of the students in this lesson I’ll mainly use“Task-based” teaching method ,
Situational Teaching method(情景教学)
group cooperate method
Free discussion method
Layering teaching method
Heuristic teaching method
For example, I will give ss three choices. And then they can discuss with the group members. According to their ability , ss can choose any one they like. And then they cooperate with their partners and finish the task. At last they show it to the class. (此环节充分体现了因材施教的教学原则以及小组合作、讨论法、以及分层教学等教学方法,照顾了不同水平的学生,让每个学生都可以参与课堂教学任务。)
五、Teaching Procedure
Teaching Procedure are mainly divided into four parts
lead in – teaching passive voice in different tense- practice – task time
First –(一)1. lead in 在设计上,我首先引用了发生在我们身边的8.12事件来吸引学生的注意力,因为事故就发生在学生们的身边,很多孩子都有切身的感受这样。学生的注意力一下子就被吸引过来了,通过呈现大量受灾以及人员救灾、灾后重建,以及我自己本人在爆炸中破损房子的图片导入话题,配上音乐,老师解释图片内容,教师所呈现的句子大部分都是被动语态的语,让学生在情境中回忆被动语态。(放投影)
2.next ,I show the ambulance、sniffer dogs and fire engines to the ss, ask them to say some sentences with active voice .and then ask them “what did people do after explosion?” Guide them to say the sentences with passive voice.
由于是复习课,学生很容易就可以回忆起被动语态的构成。这样的导入 自然、流畅,直接切入主题而不拖泥带水,接下来教师再次强调(投影)主动与被动语态的基本构成(投影):be+p.p , 之后够顺利地进入下一环节。
3. read the past participle related to this lesson
二、second :teaching passive voice in different tense
Every tense will be taught in four parts:
Model ---Consolidation –summarize the structure of passive voice --practice
First: present tense-past tense-future tense- passive voice with modal verbs
删(these photos are taken by myself after two months of explosion.people live in Tianjin work and study as usual. Many buildings are rebuilding. The history will not be forgotten ,these true heroes must be remembered .I am very proud of being a Chinese .I believe our home town will be better and better in the future .)
三、在经过上述教学环节中大量信息的输入之后,我设计了让学生信息输出的任务环节, task time
I will show them three tasks .Tricky、trickier、trickiest ,The tasks are
Rewrite the report with the passive voice
Edit (编辑) a piece of news about explosion with the passive voice
Act out a dialogue with the passive voice
中考专项复习 《被动语态》 说课稿
天津市滨海新区塘沽实验学校 滕悦
Good morning, everyone. I am number_______. Today I am very happy and excited that I can stand here for this contest .And it is also my great honor to share my lesson with all of you here, and this chance is very precious for me. Hope you can enjoy it. The content (内容)of my lesson today is the review of the passive voice. My lesson consists of 8 parts
They are
1. Analysis分析 of the teaching material
2. Analysis of the students
3.Teaching Aims and Demands
4. Key & Difficult points
5. Analysis of Teaching Methods
6.Teaching procedure
7. Blackboard design
一、Analysis of the teaching material
本节课所用的教材是外研社初中英语教材。The main teaching content is to review the passive voice. The passive construction is a very important grammar in junior high school . It is the very important testing centre in the examinations. This course includes passive voice in different tense. After learning , let the students master this important grammar well
Next, I will tell you about the
inspiration of this lesson.
提语法课,往往给人的第一感觉就是枯燥无味,如何让学生在一种真实的情景中掌握语法知识的, 如何上好一节以听说为主线的中考复习课, 是我一直在苦苦思索的,也是我从事教师工作以来一直想挑战的一个难题。本节课的灵感,来自一个突发事件。 2015年的8月12日的深夜,天津发生了一件轰动世界的特大型事件—就是天津瑞海危险品仓库爆炸,我的家就在爆炸的核心区,我现在呈现的是我的家在爆炸之前的图片,干净而温馨。在那晚之后,我的家被炸的面目全非,门成90度的拧曲,塑钢门窗完全从墙上飞出来,瞬间我听到了楼下凄惨的叫声,楼里一片漆黑,我的先生和我都在爆炸中受伤了,他的腿扎的全是玻璃,他顾不上血肉模糊的腿,抱起孩子,衣衫不整的从32楼一层一层艰难的往楼下走,原本整洁的楼道已经面目全非,行走起来十分的困难,马路上,小区里一片混乱,那个充满爱与回忆的家没有了…我感觉天都塌了,时间好像被定格在了11点34分,那一夜注定无眠..
之后的十几天我经历了很多很多,昨天还在一起说笑的邻居,就在转天,这个人就在这个世界永远的消失了…我不敢相信…在之后的日子,国家医疗队来了,救援队到了,志愿者到了,克强总理来了…,我目睹了很多很多,然后我的脑海中突然就有本节课的灵感, 大爆炸!用大爆炸贯穿我复习课的始终,之后,我将在授课的环节中中详细和大家阐述我如何使用爆炸这一真实情景,设计的我的教学过程。
Analysis of the students
: Most students come from rural school. They have Strong sense of competition .The students of grade 9 already have a certain ability to read and write, They can listen carefully in class, and cooperate actively. so the teacher should provide them more chances of using language.
三、Teaching Aims and Demands and Difficult points
1. Knowledge objectives
Be able to master the structure of passive voice and use them skillfully.
2. Ability objectives
(1)Be able to to use the passive voice in the real situation
3.Emotion objectives
(1)Be able to teach the students to have the optimistic attitude to life when we face the disaster. And we should give a hand to the people in trouble.
四、Analysis of Teaching Methods
According to the teaching aims and the feature of the students in this lesson I’ll mainly use“Task-based” teaching method ,
Situational Teaching method(情景教学)
group cooperate method
Free discussion method
Layering teaching method
Heuristic teaching method
Next I will show you one part of task. I will give ss three choices, ss can choose any one they like .And then they can discuss with the group members. At last they show it to the class. 这个环节主要体现任务教学法、小组合作法、讨论法和分层教学法。
五、Teaching Procedure
Teaching Procedure are mainly divided into four parts
lead in – teaching passive voice in different tense- practice – task time
First –(一)1. lead in 在设计上,我首先引用了发生在我们身边的8.12事件来吸引学生的注意力,上课的时间大概距离爆炸一个多月,我当时的心情依然不能平静,我的一名学生也住在爆炸核心区,遗憾的是,直到我们开学 ,这个孩子也没能回到学校上课。因为事故就发生在学生们的身边,所以很容易就可以使同学们回忆起当时的情景,很多孩子都有切身的感受这样。学生的注意力一下子就被吸引过来了,通过呈现大量受灾以及人员救灾、灾后重建,以及我自己本人在爆炸中破损房子的图片导入话题,配上音乐,老师解释图片内容,教师所呈现的句子大部分都是被动语态的语,让学生在情境中回忆被动语态。(放投影)
2.next ,I show the ambulance、sniffer dogs and fire engines to the ss, ask them to say some sentences with active voice .and then ask them “what did people do after explosion?” Guide them to say the sentences with passive voice.
由于是复习课,学生很容易就可以回忆起被动语态的构成。这样的导入 自然、流畅,直接切入主题而不拖泥带水,接下来教师再次强调(投影)主动与被动语态的基本构成(投影):be+p.p , 之后够顺利地进入下一环节。
3. read the past participle related to this lesson
二、second :teaching passive voice in different tense
Every tense will be taught in four parts:
Model ---Consolidation –summarize the structure of passive voice --practice
First: present tense-past tense-future tense- passive voice with modal verbs
三、Third :review and summarize the structures in different tense.
四、在经过上述教学环节中大量信息的输入之后,我设计了让学生信息输出的任务环节, task time
I will show them three tasks .Tricky、trickier、trickiest ,The tasks are
Rewrite the report with the passive voice
Edit (编辑) a piece of news about explosion with the passive voice
Act out a dialogue with the passive voice
I ask ss to discuss in their groups, according to their ability ,choose any task they like. And then finish the task with their group members.此环节充分体现了因材施教的教学原则以及小组合作、讨论法、以及分层教学等教学方法,照顾了不同水平的学生,让每个学生都可以参与课堂教学任务。
五:these photos are taken by myself after two months of explosion.people live in Teda work and study as usual. Many buildings are rebuilding. We should believe our government ,we should pass more positive energy .the history will not be forgotten ,these true heroes must be remembered .I am very proud of being a Chinese .I believe our home town will be better and better in the future.Because our hearts are filled with love.
此处背景音乐是英文版的《让世界充满爱》,德育渗透自然流畅。我的最后一句话说道“our hearts are filled with love”之后顺利进入下一环节
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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