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新课程下中小学英语教学专题研修绘本教学观摩课《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》林丽

视频标签:Very Hungry,Caterpillar,林丽


视频课题:新课程下中小学英语教学专题研修绘本教学观摩课《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》林丽

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新课程下中小学英语教学专题研修观摩课《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》林丽

The very hungry caterpillar  教案
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello, May.
T: Yes, I’m your English teacher, May. Today we will have an English lesson here in this very big classroom. Do you feel nervous?
S: No./Yes.
T: Well, don’t worry. Let’s play a game first. It’s called 30 seconds non-stop talking. If I show you the word---Color, then you say…… your group one bye one for 30 seconds. It’s better not to stop, are you ready? (给出单词)
T: Good! I heard so many words about insects! Fantastic! Well, boys and girls, what insect do you like? Could you tell us?   Why?
T: You like different insects. Do you know any books or stories about insects?  Look, here’re some books, do you know their names? (让学生说书名)
T: There are many books about insects. Today we’re going to read a book about this-------. It’s not an insect yet.  (Caterpillar) What’s this? (教拼读caterpillar
T: Do you like this caterpillar?  Why not why not?
Can you describe it?
T: Well, like it or not, we’re going to read a story about him. Look, this is the cover of the book. Could you please watch carefully and guess the name the book?  (出示PPT, 黑板上板书)
T: Wow, so many ideas! Great! And now watch carefully, I’ll show you the name of the book. It’s------揭示故事名:The very hungry caterpillar
Do you have any questions about this very hungry caterpillar? You know questions are good for you before reading. (享受阅读第1步: 带着问题进入故事开头) (学生提问, 所提的问题写上黑板)
T: Fantastic! You have so many good questions! To find the answers, let’s start to enjoy the story.   Listen to the beginning and the end
PPT 开始讲故事,讲第1-3页,此段重点营造故事气氛)
T: Ooops, it stops. And some pages are missing. And now, look!.......
T: Why does the very tiny caterpillar become a big and fat one? What happened? (享受阅读第2步: 带着想象预测故事经过)Boys and girls, can you guess the missing part of the story? (给例子先) Use your imagination! First share your ideas in your groups.
T: You have different story ideas. But one thing is for sure, he eats and eats, right? What does he eat? Now please open the picture bags, read the pictures in two.  Remember, if you don’t know some of the words, the pictures will help, you can guess, and if you don’t know how to read them, try to guess from the syllables. Now you can begin. (音乐)
T: OK. Now you read the pictures, tell me, from Monday to Friday, what does the caterpillar eat? Some fruit.
T: Yes, and what about Saturday? He eats a lot, right? Can you say them in English? (出图片)What’s this? Try to read it!
T: Great ! Now talk about the food the caterpillar eats in your groups for 30 seconds.
T: OK. Now boys and girls, these pages tell you what the caterpillar eats, but they are not in order. We don’t know the whole story yet. And now it’s time to make your own picture books.
Please read your pages again, pay attention to the words which can show you the sequence. Make a story according to this. And if you finished, please read your story together, check your story.  
T: Good! So most of you have got your own stories.  But are they the same as my book? It’s time for the whole story. I’m going to tell the story, and you may follow me if you want to.(享受阅读第4步: 带着期待聆听故事)(老师配音乐说故事,学生试着一起说)
T: Well, you can follow me very well. So you have the same story? Fantastic! After reading the whole story, do you get your answers to your questions? Let’s see the questions on the blackboard. (反馈黑板上的问题,解决一个擦掉一个)
And I have one more question for you------What is the best food for the caterpillar?
T: Boys and girls, we have enjoyed this story. Do you like it?  Well, can you try to tell this story? (享受阅读第5步:带着情感讲述故事) Since it’s quite a long story, we can start from the pictures. Try to tell us what happened in each picture, Now look, I have a picture here. (拿图1Can you say something about this picture? (学生说完把图贴上黑板,依次处理其他图)
T: Good, look, this is the story line. (画连线)And what you have to do is ---Talk about them one by one and use the words which can show you the sequence, such as… And don’t forget to show us how you feel about this story. Please make us want to listen to you, OK?  Now, try to tell the story to your partner or in your groups.   (反馈一个)
T: Congratulations! Well, boys and girls, picture books are colourful and full of imagination, right?  If you like it, it’s better to share them with others.(享受阅读第6步: 与他人分享优秀的绘本)
And the recommendation card is a good idea. Here is one from one of my students.  Look, on the card, you can tell others about-----(讲讲推荐卡上的内容)
T: Well, I think you don’t know the writer of the story yet. Look, here he comes.
  Can you read his name?  And can you read what he says?
T: Yes, Eric Carle loves picture books. I hope all of us love them, too. Can if you want to know more about Eric Carle and his books, please go to -------- You may see these books, they’re all from Eric Carle, and I hope you enjoy them, too.
OK. Class is over, Shall we say goodbye?
问好,简单说课 几方面
1. 为什么选择课型   这节课是我所在的北京东路小学的校本阅读课当中的一种——绘本阅读课。我们的这种校本阅读课目的在于让学生在本身所学的牛津教材之外接触到更多鲜活的、地道的、有一定启发性的英语阅读材料。那么为什么要强调绘本阅读这种课型呢? 因为经过一段时间的实践后我们发现绘本阅读最受欢迎。它图文结合,色彩鲜艳,不仅吸引……也吸引…… 我们很多孩子家里都有网上订购或者家人从国外带回来的原版绘本,买不到的就在网上在线阅读。所以今天我特别挑选了一个这样的课型,因为我觉得孩子在上绘本阅读课时最放松最愉快。
2.为什么选择毛毛虫绘本  在我们学校的阅读课中,每一节课的内容可以由教师根据当前学生所学到的内容进行选择。比如,今天这节课,我所用的5年级,教过的老师……从星期、病痛、昆虫,还有一般现在时的时态都是可以和学生……,也就是说首先我的着眼点是这个绘本是否适合孩子阅读,它的难度应该是略高于孩子现有的学习水平的,这样学生读起来是不很费劲才会愿意想办法克服读下去。其次原因是——40年的经典,有它本身的魅力。同样一本
3. 整节课如果说要提炼出一个中心词的话,我想应该是enjoy,那通过绘本、通过我的这节课我希望学生和我一起享受什么?
Enjoy imagining   
绘本最大的一个好处是不像教材学生能预习到,除非刚好,几率小,所以在什么都不知道的情况下,最适于学生展开想象。我设计的看封面猜书名,看书名引起好奇提问题,还有看前三页跳到故事后面的情节,都是在给孩子想象。试想我们拿到一本书首先……,都是符合阅读心理的。孩子有了机会展开想象,但是想象也不是全无单据的,是需要……  在用英语表达出来,训练学生用英语去思维去表达的能力,而且孩子很乐于敢于去猜测去提问,这需要我们平时多注意给与孩子发散性思维的训练,当课堂中得到很多惊喜的答案时是我最享受的,孩子也会很享受这样的想象。
Enjoy reading
Enjoy speaking
说是阅读课,但是我们只是以阅读材料为载体,让学生通过读促进说以及其他的技能。所以学生课上有很多的表达,从开头的预测到阅读的反馈还有最后的看图根据故事主线说故事,都是已说的形式来展现的。如果在阅读之后我们的孩子能够根据绘本的图片让大概地把故事说出来,就是在训练孩子交流表达能力。英语学习的目的不就是为了交流沟通吗?如果只会看不会说,就是我们所说的哑巴英语了。为了减轻说整本书故事的难度,我采用了分图说话的形式。通过我出示4幅图让学生先学会看图把几个关键阶段说出来,形成story line,然后加上表示时间先后顺序的短语句子,加上对绘本内容的理解和记忆,这样学生就是在有辅助的情况下说这个故事,不会惧怕,不会感到不知所措,才会享受说故事的过程。
4. 为什么要给学生做图书推荐卡    激发学生对英语的热爱。图书漂流活动得到启示,其实这其中融合了写的过程,要求学生会概括-----Main story,会推荐----Why do I like it   学生还通过了解作者了解更多的绘本书籍。这样把阅读带回家,进行了延伸和拓展,最大化效果。
最后,我想说的是——我很享受和孩子们在课上一起阅读,我希望各位老师也能够去尝试这样的绘本阅读,让孩子走近英语阅读的世界。还是借用这本书的作家的话—————— 如果有兴趣和我交流的老师可以……

The very hungry caterpillar  教学简案
教学内容:绘本 The very hungry caterpillar
1. 学生读懂绘本内容,理解故事情节。
2. 学生阅读绘本后用自己的语言简短概括故事内容,初步复述故事内容。
3. 学生在阅读绘本的过程中享受绘本阅读,乐于阅读绘本内容,为今后进一步的绘本阅读打好基础。
1. Warming-up activity
2. Talk about the insect the students like.
T: What insect do you like? Why?
T: What books about insects do you know?
3. Tell the students that today they’re going to read a book about a caterpillar.
4. Talk about the cover of the book.
  T: Do you like this caterpillar? Why or why not?
  T: Can you guess the name of the book from the cover?
5. Show the students the name of the book: The very hungry caterpillar
  T: Do you have any questions about this very hungry caterpillar?
(The teacher writes down the questions on the blackboard.)
6. Listen to the story (Just listen to the beginning and the end of the story)
  T: Some pages in this book are missing. Can you guess the missing part of the story?
1. Read the pictures and find out the food the caterpillar eats.
  T: Now you know what he eats, can you say them in English?
2. Ask the students to read the pictures again and make their own picture books.
T: Now could you read the pictures again and pay attention to the words which can show you the sequence, make your picture books according to them.
3. Read the story with the teacher together.
4. Answer the questions on the blackboard.
T: So now you know the whole story, have you got the answers to the questions?
5. Read the picture book again, try to tell the story.
6. Talk about some of the pictures in the picture book according to the story line.
1. Share the picture book with others.
T: Try to make a recommendation card for your picture book.
2. Introduce the writer and illustrator of the book---Eric Carle
3. Tell the students more information about Eric Carle and his books.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Very Hungry,Caterpillar,林丽”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“新课程下中小学英语教学专题研修绘本教学观摩课《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》林丽”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“新课程下中小学英语教学专题研修绘本教学观摩课《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》林丽”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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