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在线播放:新外研版英语高一必修第二册unit3 On the move阅读 A Game for the World青岛

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新外研版英语高一必修第二册unit3 On the move阅读 A Game for the World青岛

视频标签:Game for


视频课题:新外研版英语高一必修第二册unit3 On the move阅读 A Game for the World青岛

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新外研版英语高一必修第二册unit3 On the move阅读 A Game for the World青岛

课题名称 Unit3 On the move  Understanding ideas
教材版本 外研版
课时安排 1课时
教学内容的分析 主题语境是“人与社会”,涉及的主题语境内容是体育运动和健康的生活方式。通过探究足球受欢迎的原因,丰富学生对体育运动的认知,使用所学语言知识描述日常体育运动,认识到多参与体育运动,养成健康的生活方式。
学情分析 The students are very interested in this topic, and it is familiar to them, so they have many opinions to express. In addition, they know many sports and they love to join in the sports activities. Therefore, it is very easy for the students and the students will like it very much.
教学目标 1. Summarize the main idea and find the structure of the passage by skimming and scanning.
2.Retell the passage according to the mindmap.
3. Love sports and do sports to form a healthy lifestyle.
采用的教学方法与手段 Task-based teaching method;  Situational teaching method
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动
Leading-in See a short video and ask students a question, “What’s the video about?” “Why it is very popular?” Think about the questions and answer the questions using what they have mastered. Motivate what they have learnt and lead in the new topic.
Leaning goals Explain the goals Clarify the goals the students have to reach Let students know the important points and difficult points.
Reading for general information Ask the two questions:
1.What’s the writing style?
2.What’s the main idea?
Think about the questions with the skills we have learnt and answer the questions actively. Let students know how to get the main idea.
Reading for detailed information 1.Ask students to draw out the mindmap of the passage.
2.Answer the questions.
What’s the structure of the passage?
How to find the supporting sentences?
Get more detailed information about the passage and can retell the passage with the help of the mindmap. Let students know the passage is organized and improve their ability to analyse the structure of the passage.
Appreciation of the sentences Ask students to read the passage carefully and share the sentences that they think important Read carefully and share the good sentences in their group, and then share them in the whole class. Let students learn good sentences that they may use in their writing, poster, etc.
Free talk Create a real situation for students to express their opinions.  Cooperate with their partners and share their opinions actively. Let students use what they have learnt to express their own opinions about the topic.
1.Students’ self evaluation:
(1)What you have learnt in this class?
(2)How did you cooperate with your partner?
(3)What did you grasp to use in your oral English?
(4)How did you do your paper?
2.The teacher’s evaluation:
(1)The performances in class.
(2)The exercises in the paper.
Unit3 On the move
                   — A game for the world
Learning Goals                                             The structure
1. 重点突出,调动了学生学习积极性
2. 创设英语情境,让学生在真实的语境下运用所学新知识表达自己的观点。

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