
视频标签:Life Easier
视频课题:选择性必修一Unit2 Looking into the Future Period One Reading and Thinking Smart Homes to Make Life Easier东营
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破冰-play a game before the class(truth or lie)
Step1. 视频导入,主题预热
播放视频,《Mark’s life in a smart house》让学生谈一下感受和自己对智能家居的理解。
Do you want to live in it?
Mark’s life is very cool, isn’t it?
What do you see about the smart home?
Step2. 看标题、看图片,导入话题,问题引领,激活思维
What’s the purpose of the text?
Who is the intend audience?
What’s the type of the text?
Step 3 紧扣题目,找准字眼,策略指导,获取大意
What will be the advantages of
smart home? How do you know?
Step 4 细读文本,整合信息,问题引领,深层理解
Task1.Read para1 carefully and try to answer the questions.
Why does the writer start the paragraph with two questions?
What will be a smart solution?
Task 2. 阅读2-4段,学生带着问题阅读语篇并寻找答案。
In para2,What makes all these intelligent controls possible? How do you know that? How does the writer develop this paragraph?
In para3,What do you think“regular health checks”are?How does the writer develop this paragraph?
In para4, how do you think smart homes can prevent serious damages from accidents?
Task3. 仔细阅读第五段,探究主题意义

How do you understand the home of today is already the home of tomorrow?
What’s the author’s attitude? What’s your attitude toward smart homes?

Step6. 迁移运用
If you were the designer of the smart home, try to introduce it to the customers with the given information.
(The advantages of smart house,such as
save energy, automatic controls, monitor health, keep you secure and so on.)
Step7. 逐步理解,再次关注德鲁克名言“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”,进一步理解语篇主题意义。

Step8. Homework
If you are able to create a smart device for your home, what will you create?write about your creation.
1. A name indicating the device
2. A general introduction to it.
3. Examples illustrating its new function.
4. The benefits the new device can bring.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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