
视频标签:the Louvre
视频课题:高中英语外研版高二必修第三册Amazing art Live from the Louvre山东青岛
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高中英语外研版高二必修第三册Amazing art Live from the Louvre山东省青岛第六十六中学
Teaching targets
Language competence targets 1)to get the general idea and the basic information about the artworks in the passage 2) to analyze the sentences showing the writer’s opinion and new type of media and find the structure of the passage 3) to introduce an artwork in Qingdao with the new type of media, using the expressions from the passage,and show the opinions of their own on the artworks in daily life 4) to improve their ability to process the information and use them to communicate with others.
Cultural awareness targets 1) to appreciate the beauty of the artworks tentatively 2) to understand the connotation of art which comes from life, and find the beauty in daily life. 3) to establish the awareness of spreading the beauty of Chinese art and confirm self-confidence in cultural 4) to improve the ability to introduce the artworks in daily life in English and communicate cross-culturally.
Thinking quality targets 1) to improve the ability to card the structure and the writer’s opinions 2) to improve the ability to card and deduce the information from the passage through reading strategies 3) to analyze the logical relationship of paragraphs and construct the concept of the new type of media 4) to express their views about artworks creatively
Learning ability targets 1) to arouse their interest in English learning through appreciate the artworks in the Louvre 2) to cooperate with the team members in discussion 3) to monitor, reflect and adjust the learning content and process through peer evaluation and summary4) to improve the awareness and ability to introduce artworks in daily life in English
Teaching approaches
Task-based teaching approach 2) Activity teaching approach
Teaching strategies
1) Brainstorming 2)Skimming and scanning 3) Group work
Teaching aids: Multimedia ( CAI )
Teaching procedures
Before class
Read the background information about the Louvre and finish the common knowledge quiz about it.
In class
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Show the students some pictures I took many years ago of the Louvre and guess which museum it is and then ask if there is anyone in class who has been there before.
2. Invite them to visit the Louvre by following the broadcaster together.
[The purpose ] This process is to arouse their interest in the topic and set a situation for the topic.
Step 2 Reading
Fast reading
1) Ask the students to look through the passage and choose four tags that best describe what Zack is doing
2) Ask the students where the four tags are found and then connect the tags into a sentence to get the main idea.
[The purpose ] This process is to let the students get the main idea and a general understanding of the passage quickly by using the reading skill --skimming and give them some learning method guidance.
Detailed reading
1) Ask the students to read the passage carefully and finish the exercises to get some detailed information about the artworks.
2) Complete the route with the expressions from the passage to try to retell the description of the artworks.
[The purpose ] This process is to help them get more detailed information from the passage and consolidate the ways to describe an artwork and to improve the ability to card and deduce the information from the passage through reading strategies.
Step3 Discussion
Discuss in groups about which of the three artworks makes the greatest impression on them and why and then let some students share their opinions.
[The purpose ] This process is to improve their ability to process the information and to use them to communicate with others and express their opinions creatively.
Step4 After reading
Find the writer’s opinions in the paragraph given to the group, write them on the white paper for each group, and then put the paper on the whiteboard. Lead the students to analyze the sentences together.
[The purpose ] This process is to improve the ability to card the structure and the writer’s opinions and analyze the sentences showing the writer’s opinion.
Group work.
Think of artworks in Qingdao in daily life as many as possible.
[The purpose ] This process is to understand the connotation of art which comes from life, and find the beauty in daily life.
Show some pictures of artworks in Qingdao and talk about the artworks together.
[The purpose ] This process is to appreciate the beauty of the artworks tentatively.
Suppose the group will give a live broadcast in English about one amazing artwork in Qingdao. Discuss and write the speech within the group. Try to use the expressions learned in class as many as possible.
Share the broadcast in front of the class.
[The purpose ] These two processes are to encourage the students to introduce the artworks in daily life in English and show their own opinions to improve the ability to communicate cross-culturally, and make sure also they can use the expressions learned in class. Second, to analyze the logical relationship of paragraphs and construct the concept of the new type of media. Third, to cooperate with the team members in discussion.
Peer evaluation
Ask students to evaluate other groups’ broadcast from four aspects.
[The purpose ] This process is to monitor, reflect and adjust the learning content and process through peer evaluation and learn from each other.
Step5. Summary
1.Encourage the students to summarize what them have learned in the class.
[The purpose ] This process is through summarizing the lesson to reflect and adjust the learning content and process by themselves.
2.Ask the students if they know there is also a world famous museum in China and encourage them to introduce the artworks of our China to the world.
[The purpose ] This process is to establish the awareness of spreading the beauty of Chinese art and confirm self-confidence in cultural
Step6. Assignment
Option A:Polish your writing of Think and Share into a short passage. (3 artworks at least should be included and no less than 100 words)
Option B:Choose one of the galleries and museums you have visited, and write down your experience.(No less than 100 words)
[The purpose ] This process is to consolidate what they learned in class and improve their writing ability.
After class
Finish the assignment and read the extended reading material
Forbidden City Palace Museum
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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