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牛津译林版版初中英语七年级上册7B Unit5 Study skills江苏省 - 连云港

视频标签:Study skills


视频课题:牛津译林版版初中英语七年级上册7B Unit5 Study skills江苏省 - 连云港

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牛津译林版版初中英语七年级上册7B Unit5 Study skills江苏省 - 连云港

Learning paper (Double vowels)
                                  Yan  Na
1.Ask students to review the phonetics about single vowels.
/ʌ/   /ɒ/  /ə/  /ɪ/   /ʊ/  /e/   /æ/
/ɑ:/  /ɔ:/  /ə:/  /i:/  /u:/
2. Pay attention to the sounds between/e/ and /æ/and. Ask students to listen to the teacher carefully and choose the vowels that they hear.
3.Give the students a green tree as a reward. Tell the students that this tree is called Wisdom tree because of the vowels on it. Then ask the students to read the given words and put them in the correct place.
: New skills (more vowels)
1.Help students learn to read the example words and pay attention to the sounds of the letter groups.
a     cake                       i      like
          ai    wait                      y      my
 /eɪ/      ay    day                 /aɪ/    uy     buy
         ea    great  …                   igh    light                                       
2.Use the some way to teach/ ɔ ɪ/ /aʊ//ə ʊ/ /eə/ /ɪə//ʊə/
Ⅲ. Activities in class
Task 1 Complete the table  Vowels(元音)-double vowels(双元音)

a    ai    ay
ea  ei   ey
  ow   ou  
i     y 
uy   igh
  ere  ea  ear  
oy    oi   ere  era  air  
ow   oa   ure    our  
Task2 Pick out the difference leaves.
Task3 Listen and fill in the blanks
Dear Millie,                              
 Thank you for your letter.
I’m very happy to get the present from you. I love this              __    _                                          
and I put it on my         . I also buy a                   for you.  The Spring Festival is coming. We have great                           the Chinese  New           .Do you want to go             with me?
 Lots of love
Task4 Group work
Task5Put the words into the correct chairs
wear  near  dear  pair  borrow  flower  toilet  cloudy 
bright  yellow  shout  right  enjoy  show

Task 6 Try to read the new words
1 Review double vowels.
2 Try to find more words and put them into a group then find the rules of the same letters.
牛津译林版版初中英语七年级上册7B Unit5 Study skills江苏省 - 连云港学案

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