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外研版 七下M4U1 Everyone will study at home山东省 - 潍坊

视频标签:study at hom


视频课题:外研版 七下M4U1 Everyone will study at home山东省 - 潍坊

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外研版 七下M4U1 Everyone will study at home山东省 - 潍坊

Knowledge objective :
By the end of this session, most students will be able to master the key vocabulary and structures:
Key vocabulary: everything, life, need, maybe, carry, be able to, in the future, change
Key structures: People will(not) do... There will (not ) be ... Will schools be different?Yes, they will./No, they won’t.
Ability objective:
By the end of the session, most students will be able to understand conversations about future school and make a conversation to describe the future life with the future simple will. This will be achieved by:
a) Teaching students the key vocabulary and structures.
b) Teaching students to make conversations referring to the model in A3.
c) Asking students to fulfill relevant tasks: listening, group competition, role play and group work to practice conversations about future life.
Emotional objective:
a) To cultivate the spirit of optimism by imagining the great future.
b) To develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork.
Cultural awareness:
To know the possible changes in the future and develop the crisis awareness.
To develop the scientific thoughts about exploring the future. 
Analysis of students
Students of Grade7 are interested in the topic of future life. And they are good at imagination and willing to express their own ideas about future school and life. Besides they are fond of interesting videos. So I lead in the topic with a cartoon about future life and present new words and structures based on it. In this way, students can learn the target language better. Besides, in module 3, they have learned the structure of be going to. Therefore, it is easier for them to grasp the future simple tense in module 4. But students are from different levels, so I design various activities from easy ones to hard ones to meet most students’ actual language and cognitive ability. Meanwhile, pair work and group work are employed, so students have sufficient chances to practice the target language and develop their ability of cooperation. For those students of high levels, the hard tasks can stimulate their English potential. And some students can’t speak English fluently and beautifully, so the activity of imitating is designed to improve students’ pronunciation and intonation. On one hand, students will be more familiar with the conversation about future school in A3, On the other hand, they get ready for the next step and perform better in the last task. 
Learning and teaching focus:
a) Be able to master the key words and structure of future simple will.
b) Be able to talk about the future life by using the future simple tense.
Anticipated difficulties:
It is difficult for students to use future simple will correctly to talk about future life, especially the sentence pattern “There will(not) be ...” . And some students may find it hard to make long conversations with the future simple will.
a) Relevant activities are designed for students to practice the new structures, from the easy ones (free talk, competition, role play) to hard ones (group work), which have been shown in the teaching procedure.
b) Based on a vivid cartoon, the sentence pattern “ There will (not) be...”is presented. It can help students understand the new target language better. Meanwhile, more teaching situations are provided for students to practice the sentence pattern.
c) Students are asked to do a shorter conversation and imitate the conversation in A3. This help students get ready for the last task and overcome the difficulties of making longer conversations. 
活动1【导入】Step 1 Warming up and lead-in (1 minute)
1. Greeting
T: Good morning, everyone. I am your new teacher. Do you know anything about me? Right.  My name is Fiona. And I know something about you. Alisa likes English, Mary is good at dancing. What about Susan ? What do you like ?
Look. This is a picture from a cartoon. What can you see in the picture?
S: I can see two boys/ a spaceship.
2. Show the video.
T: Where are the boys going? Would you like to see the cartoon and find out the answers?
S: They are going to the future.
T: Future refers to the time period after now.
  How will the life be in the future?
  What will change in the future? Change means become different, it’s a verb.
Let’s continue to see the video and find the answers to the two questions.
Reasons and purpose: This activity is designed to get students ready for the class and know more about the new teacher. Meanwhile, the vivid cartoon not only arouses students’ interests for today’s class, but also leads in the topic of “ future” and the two new words: life, change. 
活动2【讲授】Step 2. Presentation (8 minutes)
Free talk
1. Have a free talk with students based on the video and present the key structure: ...will(not)do...
Also, the new words and phrase ( maybe, everything, be able to) are learned with clear explanations.
T: After watching the video, can you answer my questions? How will our life be in the future? I think the life will be different in the future. What about you ?
S: Our life will be ...
T: What will change in the future?
S: Buildings/... will change.
T: Well, I’m not sure. Maybe buildings will change. Maybe means perhaps. Maybe everything will change. Everything means anything. Like desks, cars, what else may change?
S: Maybe… will change.
T: Maybe people will do something different in the future. As the video shows, people will take the spaceship anywhere. What other amazing things will people do ?
(Some pictures are presented to help students brainstorm and practice the new structure: People will do..)
S: People will...(fly in the sky/talk to robots/...)
T: What will robots do in the future? (Some pictures are shown to help students think out more ideas and practice the sentence patter: Robots will...)
S: Robots will...
T: Maybe in the future robots can sing songs, Another way, they will be able to sing songs. Be able to means can.
T: From the video, we see buildings will be different. (A picture of colorful buildings from the cartoon is shown to help students understand the sentence pattern)
  How will buildings be in the future ?
S: Buildings will be.(colorful/specia1/ ta1ler…)
2. Show a picture of many trees from the cartoon and present the sentence structure: There will (not) be …  And more pictures are shown to help students brainstorm and practice the target language.
T: And we see a lot of trees in the video. Maybe there will be more trees in the city in the future. What else?
S: There will be ..
T: In the video, there will not (won’t)be any cars in the future. Because Everyone takes the spaceships.
S: There won’t be...
1. Ask students to find rules about these new sentence patterns and summarize the future simple will.
Reasons and purpose: This activity is to present the new words and structures. Presenting new structures based on the cartoon helps students better understand the target language. Meanwhile, their interests are stimulated. And clear pictures create vivid situations for students to practice the target language “...will(not) do....” Besides, the structure “There will(not) be...” is harder for students to grasp. More real situations are provided for them to practice it. 
活动3【活动】Step 3 Practice (5 minutes)
Divide the class into three groups and ask students to think out more ideas about great future life. The group which has the most ideas wins. Get students to use the structure : ...will(not) do... There will(not) talk about the future life. 30 seconds are given for them to prepare
Reasons and purpose: The activity is designed to get students fully practice the key structures:...will(not) do... There will(not) be.... They are fond of competition. Thus, their will to speak English is stimulated.  
活动4【活动】Step 4 Listen and answer (3 minutes)
1. Pre-listening
Get students to read the questions and lead in the structure : Will....? Yes, ...will. No, ... won’t.
a) Will our schools be different in the future ?   Yes, they will./No, they won't.
b) Will we need computers at school ?         Yes, we will./No, we won't.
c) Will students carry lots of books to school?   Yes, they will./No, they won't.
Present two new words (need, carry) with clear pictures. When it is rainy, we need umbrella. See, the boy is carrying a heavy school bag. Do you wanna carry a lot of books to school?
Reasons and purpose: This activity is designed to lead in the new structure (Will....? Yes, ...will. No, ... won’t ) and present two new words( need and carry). With the clear pictures, students can understand the new words better.
2. Listen and underline Lingling’s answer.
3. Check students’ answers.
Reasons and purpose: On one hand, check their understanding of the new structure (Will....? Yes, ...will. No, ... won’t ) and two new words( need and carry). On the other hand, they get to know how to ask and answer about the future school from the listening materia1. Therefore, students are fully prepared for the next step.
活动5【活动】Step 5 Role-play (7 minutes) 
Ask students to role play and talk about Wenzhou Foreign Language School in ten years’ time. Show a model to help students make the conversation.
T: Do you often think about our school in the future? Will it be more famous in ten years? Why not ask our head master Mr.Jin? One student acts as Mr. Jin. The other one asks him at least three questions about our future school. You can ask anything you like.
A model:
S1: Good morning, everyone. I’m Mr. Jin. Our school will be great in the future.                                                                    S2: Will...?
S1: Yes,...will/No, ...won’t.
S: Will...
Reasons and purpose: This activity is to create a rea1 situation to practice the target language: (Will…? Yes, …will./ No,… won’t.) and make the short dia1ogue. Students are interested in acting. And they are more willing to talk about their own school in the future. Thus, their will to make the dialogue is raised. Meanwhile, sufficient time is given for them to prepare the short conversation. In this way, the new structure is grasped better.
活动6【活动】Step 6 Watch and match (2 minutes)
Show a video about listening material in A3 and ask students to match the pictures about Daming, Betty and Tony’s ideas of the future school.
Reasons and purpose: The listening material in A3 is longer and harder. The video not only attracts students interests about the conversation, but also help them better understand it. Meanwhile, it gets student ready for the next step. 
活动7【活动】Step 7 Listen and complete the chart (3 minutes)
1. Before listening to the same conversation for the second time. Ask students to guess the answers and fill in the chart with the picture shown in the chart.
2. Listen and complete the chart.
3. Check students’ answers.
Reasons and purpose: The activity is to check students’ understanding of the new words and structures. Besides, the longer listening materia1 is a good model for students to make conversations in the last task. They can learn how to ask and answer about the future life with the structure after listening.
活动8【活动】Step 8 Listen and imitate (4 minutes)
Let students follow the tape and mark the stressed parts of some long words.
Reasons and purpose: The activity is designed to improve students’ pronunciation and intonation. While imitating, students are asked to mark the stressed parts of long words. This will help them pronounce the long words clearly and better. At the same time, they are fully prepared for the last productive part.  
活动9【活动】Step 9 Group work (12 minutes)
1.Show three tasks: easy, medium and hard ones. Ask each group to choose one task and make the conversation. Easy one is to ta1k about our school in ten years. The medium one is make a conversation about our home in thirty years. The hard one is about the city in 100 years. Two students will be the reporters and ask the other two ideas of future school, home or city. Get students to use the new structures and words in the conversation as much as possible.
2. Give comments on student’ performances after the show. And show a saying about future(The future belongs to those who believes in the beauty of their dreams) and encourage them to make a bright future for themselves.
Reasons and purpose: The design of different tasks in the last activity is to meet the learning needs of students from different levels. For the students who are poor at English, the passage in the book can help them make the conversation about the future school. For the group who chooses the medium task, they can ask and answer about some points(location of house, food, robots, which have been shown in the PPT.) of future home. For the students of high levels, describing any changes of the future city in 100 years is a challenge. Their potentials are stimulated and more likely to perform better. Meanwhile, the last activity is to check how well the whole class has learned the structure and words. Besides, encourage students to make the bright future for themselves with the saying (The future belongs to those who believes in the beauty of their dreams). 
Level A: Polish your conversation.
Level B: Prepare a speech about your future life with the new-learned structures and words.
Reasons and purpose: Homework helps students consolidate what they’ve learned in this lesson. Besides, students who are good at English, can challenge themselves and prepare a speech about their future life. They will be asked to make the speech on the stage in the next unit. 

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