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在线播放:小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 8 Chinese New Year(Writing time)苏州

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小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 8 Chinese New Year(Writing time)苏州

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小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 8 Chinese New Year(Writing time)苏州科技城实验小学校

教学目标: 1. 学生能够用所学句型、词汇谈论自己春节的计划; 2. 学生能够借助思维导图以及句型写自己春节的计划。 教学重难点: 1. 熟练地谈论春节计划。 2. 灵活运用不同句式,有条理地写春节计划。 3. 正确修改所写的作文。 教学辅助: Pics, ppt, excise paper 教学步骤: Warming-up: 1. Enjoy a video about the story of Chinese New Year. 
Before writing: Step 1: Checkout time 1. Su Hai’s email T: This may be our plan for Chinese New Year. Do you remember her?(show Ss from Anna’s to Su Hai’s email; 2. Finish Su Hai’s email and then check answers. Step 2: Talking time 1. Brainstorm: enjoy some pictures and say something about Chinese New Year 2. Ask and answer: Q1: What are you going to do? I’m/We’re going to... Q2: What food are you going to make or eat? I’m/We’re going to... Q3:Who are you going to visit? I’m/We’re going to... Q4:Where are you going to go? I’m/We’re going to... Step 3: Discussing time 1. Let’s talk how to write an English essay
 2 / 2  Title: My plans for Chinese New Year Step 1:Choose the right tense: simple future tense; Step 2:Talk about the structure : the writing is made of head ,body and end; Step 3:Write down the essay; Step 4:Revise the essay; 2. Ss talk about the three parts and improve the body part Miss Ge writes; 
While-writing: 1. Ss write about their plans for Chinese New Year. 2. Ss check their writings by themselves. 
After writing: 1. Revise the first student’s writing as a model. 2. Ss revise their partners’ writings.  Step 4 Homework 1. Improve your essay about plans for Chinese New Year 2. Surf the Internet and try to know Chinese New Year customs in different places.                              Blackboard design: Unit8 Chinese New Year Title: My plans for Chinese New Year Be going to/will do Head Body End

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