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小学英语译林版六年级上册Chinese New Year 复习写作_江苏省 - 南京



视频课题:小学英语译林版六年级上册Chinese New Year 复习写作_江苏省 - 南京

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小学英语译林版六年级上册Chinese New Year 复习写作_江苏省 - 南京

Chinese New Year 复习写作 一、教学内容: An email about my plan 二、教学目标: 1. 通过本节课的学习,学生能用多样化的语言表达计划。 2. 通过本节课的学习,学生能在谈论计划时,适当地表达感受和理由。 3. 通过本节课的学习,学生能够产生合理规划假期的意识。 三、教学重点: 在写作中,运用多样化的语言进行表达并合理地表述自己的感受和理由。 四、教学难点:    在写作中,运用多样化的语言进行表达并合理地表述自己的感受和理由。 五、教学准备: Writing Paper,PPT 六、教学过程: A. Warm up and play a game   T:Good morning, boys and girls. We have learnt Unit 8. In this unit, Su Hai and Anna wrote emails to each other. What are their emails about?  S: Plan    T: Yes. What are their plans? What is Su Hai going to do? What is Anna going to do?     Let’s play a game Good Memory. T: Now, we have two big groups. You are Su Hai group. (右手边的半个班) You are Anna group.(左手边的半个班) If you see your plan on the screen, stand up and speak it loudly. Then, you can get a lantern. Let’s have a PK. The group which gets more lanterns is the winner.  T: Ready? Ss: Go. Rules:    当看到自己组的春节活动计划时,请迅速起立并大声说: Su Hai/ Anna is going to …     获得灯笼多的一组获胜 T: Both of Anna group and Su Hai group are winners. Well done!  B  Read and conclude 1. Let’s read and find T: Now, we know well about Anna’s and Su Hai’s plans. Look, Mike is also writing an email about his plan.  T: Today our topic is An email about my plan. (板书:An email about my plan.) Let’s have a look.  T: Who is the email to? S: It’s to Liu Tao. T: Right. And it’s a plan for… S: Christmas holiday. T: OK. What is Mike’s plan? Now read the email in four. Try to find the main activities. 中文提示:四人一组,读一读Mike的计划。找出Mike计划中的主要活动。 Ss read in four.  范文: To: Liu Tao
Subject: My Christmas holiday Dear Liu Tao,
How are you? I arrived in London yesterday. I will spend my Christmas holiday with my grandparents. Christmas is the most important holiday in the UK. Do you remember the teapot I made at that pottery class? I am going to give it to my
grandpa as a Christmas present, because he likes drinking tea. I really hope he will like it.
I plan to join an Art Club because I love drawing. Maybe I can learn digital art. How exciting! Then I also plan to meet some old friends and play football together. After that, we will have a big dinner. What a wonderful day! When I’m back, I will give you a big surprise! What is your plan for the winter holiday? Looking forward to seeing you soon. Best wishes, Mike T: What is Mike’s plan? S1: He will spend his Christmas holiday with his grandparents. S2: He plans to join an Art Club. S3: He also plans to meet some old friends.  T: OK. First, Mike will spend his Christmas holiday with his grandparents. What is Mike going to do at Christmas? S: He is going to give a teapot to his grandpa as a Christmas present. T: Why does he have this plan? S: Because his grandpa likes drinking tea. T: Right. So Mike made it at a pottery class. And he wrote “I hope he will like it”. Do you think his grandpa will like it? S: Of course. (板书:Because… 和I hope…) T: Mike plans to join an Art Club. Why?  S: Because he likes drawing and he can learn digital art. T: Yes, it means he can learn how to draw on computers. How about his feeling? S: How exciting! (板书: How …!) T: Then, he would like to meet his old friends? What will they do? S: They will play football and have a big dinner.  T: How does he feel? S: He feels happy.  T: What a wonderful day! (板书: What …!) T: So in Mike’s email, the first part is about …? Christmas, it’s about festival. The second part, he wrote about … learning, he wants to learn digital art.  What else does he want to do? Meet friends, play football and have a big dinner together. We call it enjoyment. (同时板书:Festival, Learning, Enjoyment) T: He also wrote some details about these aspects. (板书:Details)  (用手指)reasons and feelings. T: Boys and girls, to make our plan clear and specific, we can talk about our plans in details about different aspects.
(PPT: Writing tip:从不同方面描述计划的细节,说明理由、表达感受 2. Let’s read and find T: In Mike’s email, he also used some different sentences to talk about his plan. What sentences did Mike use to talk about his plan? Let’s find.   (板书:I am going to…I will …I plan to…) T: Besides these patterns, what else can we use? Ss: I want to …/ I’d like to… (板书) T: Boys and girls, when we talk about our plans, we can use these sentence patterns to enrich our expression. (板书: Patterns) Writing Tip: 可以用不同的句式丰富我们的语言。 C Think and talk 1. Let’s predict T: Mike wrote an email to Liu Tao. And he wanted to know about Liu Tao’s plan for winter holiday. Now, Liu Tao is going to write an email to Mike. What is the email about? S: His winter holiday. T: Boys and girls, when is winter holiday? S: It’s in January and February.  T: Yes. We will have a three-week holiday after a month. In the holiday, there is an important festival. What is it?  S: Spring Festival./ Chinese New Year. T: Are you excited? T: What is Liu Tao’s plan for winter holiday? Let’s predict.   Work in pairs. Try to focus on all these aspects: Festival, Learning, Enjoyment etc. And try to use different patterns. (中文提示:四人一组,从不同的方面、用不同的句式预测Liu Tao的寒假计划。) Ss work in pairs.  (请两对汇报) 2. Let’s talk T: You did good jobs. What’s Liu Tao’s plan? Let’s have a look.    (PPT呈现: Read English Picture books(图为《跟上兔子》), Have a big dinner with his family(图为Liu Tao和家人吃饭), play basketball (图为篮球) ,…) T: Look at the pictures. If you are Liu Tao, what are you going to do? Why do you have this plan? How do you feel? Now, work in pairs. First, please talk about all these pictures. Then, talk about some details and try to use different expressions. (请一组汇报) D Write and check 1. Think and write T: Now, let’s help Liu Tao write the email.  When you write, first please write about all the pictures. We should write about the plan for festival, learning, Enjoyment and some other plan. This is very important.  Then, you can talk about the details and try to use different sentence patterns.  Finally, try your best to spell correctly.    (板书:Spelling)
Ss write. 2. Read and check T: Let’s read the email together.  a. T: Does he/ she write about all the pictures? (用荧光笔划出main activity)   如果学生完成得好      T: Well done. (给Contents 一栏画上笑脸)      如果学生完成得不好      T: We should write about all the pictures. Who can help him/ her?      S: … T: You should write about these pictures later, and then you can get the happy face.  b. T: Does he /she write about his feelings or details? 教师用笔画出 完成得好给笑脸,完成得不好引导其他同学给出建议 c. T: What sentence patterns does he/she use to talk about plan?(教师用笔画出不同句式)        T: Does he/ she use different sentence patterns?       完成得好给笑脸,完成得不好引导其他同学给出建议 d. T: Does he/she have good spelling?  完成得好给笑脸,完成得不好引导其他同学拼写出正确的单词 T: Now, read your email in pairs. Check and polish up your writing. E Summarize  T: All of you wrote Liu Tao’s plan very well. In Today’s writing lesson, what did we do? S: … T: We reviewed Anna’s and Su Hai’s plan. We read Mike’s plan. We helped Liu Tao write about his plan. We know about making plans.  教师手指向黑板,提示学生。 T: When we plan for holiday, we should arrange it from different aspects: Like Festival, Learning, enjoyment and even travelling…We can also talk about our plans in detail, such as feelings and reasons. We can use different sentence patterns to enrich our expressions. T: A good plan can help our holiday interesting and meaningful. Winter holiday is coming. After class, write an email about your plan for winter holiday. Don’t forget to write Dear… at the beginning and Love and your name at the end. You can send it to your friends or to me. This is my email address. I will be very happy to review your emails.  Class is over. Thank you, boys and girls. Wish you have a good winter holiday.  Homework 写一写自己的寒假计划并通过电子邮件和好友分享  Blackboard writing                           A plan for winter holiday  Contents          Details                Patterns                    Spelling  Festival How…!                 I am going to …             Learning      What …!                I want to…                 Enjoyment    Because…                I will…                             …          I hope…                  I plan to…

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